hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )



hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )


hive > delete from terminal where 1=1 ; 



FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10297]: Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an AcidOutputFormat or is not bucketed




vim hive-site.xml






hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )











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hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )







上一篇:构建ASP.NET MVC4+EF5+EasyUI+Unity2.x注入的后台管理系统(11)-系统日志和异常的处理①
