#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
int main( int argc , char *argv[ ] ) {
if ( argc != 2 ) {
std::cerr << "Error! Syntax: moditime <filename>!\n" ;
return 1 ;
boost::filesystem::path p( argv[ 1 ] ) ;
if ( boost::filesystem::exists( p ) ) {
std::time_t t = boost::filesystem::last_write_time( p ) ;
std::cout << "On " << std::ctime( &t ) << " the file " << argv[ 1 ]
<< " was modified the last time!\n" ;
std::cout << "Setting the modification time to now:\n" ;
std::time_t n = std::time( 0 ) ;
boost::filesystem::last_write_time( p , n ) ;
t = boost::filesystem::last_write_time( p ) ;
std::cout << "Now the modification time is " << std::ctime( &t ) << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
} else {
std::cout << "Could not find file " << argv[ 1 ] << '\n' ;
return 2 ;