OFBIZ文章2023-08-26 10:13:520. OFBIZ Tutorials 1. A Tour of OFBiz 2. Entities and Services - Data Models and Business Logic in OFBiz 3. Hello World 1 | 2 | 3 4. OFBiz初学者的开发指南 | 实体引擎指南 5. Apache OFBiz (Open For Business) Wiki 6. OFBiz Tutorial - A Beginners Development Guide 7. Apache OFBiz Getting Started 8. OFBiz Tutorials 9. ofbiz权限判断语法整理上一篇:BZOJ3531-[Sdoi2014]旅行(树剖+线段树动态开点)下一篇:php常见问题以及解决方法