














CDirDialog dlg;    


if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)    


  CString Path = dlg.GetPathname();      

      CString  m_selectdir = Path;      



BOOL FolderExist(CString& strPath)   //strPath 文件夹路径


    CString sCheckPath = strPath;

    if(sCheckPath.Right() != L"/")    


           sCheckPath += L"/";  


   sCheckPath += L"*.*";

    WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd;   

    BOOL rValue = FALSE;

    HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(sCheckPath, &wfd);

    if ((hFind!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) &&     (wfd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ||(wfd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE))         



       rValue = TRUE;    



    return rValue;



在命令行窗口输入: Package.exe  文件名 版本号

__argc = 3;





CFile::Remove(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, CAtlTransactionManager* pTM) 删除单个文件,但在实际过程中需要删除当前目录以及目录下的所有文件。

bool MyDeleteFile(CString &Path)



  FileOp.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO | //允许放回回收站       

  FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; //不出现确认对话框    

  FileOp.pFrom = Path;    

  FileOp.pTo = NULL; //一定要是NULL    

  FileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE; //删除操作    

  return SHFileOperation(&FileOp) == ;



CopyFile(LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName,LPCTSTR lpNewFileName,BOOL bFailIfExists) bFailIfExists=false时,如果文件已经存在则覆盖文件。


bool CreateDir(CString strPath)
char* temp=strPath.GetBuffer(strPath.GetLength()); std::string Directoryname = temp; if (Directoryname[Directoryname.length() - ] != '\\')
Directoryname.append(, '\\');
std::vector< std::string> vpath;
std::string strtemp;
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
for (int i = ; i < Directoryname.length(); i++)
if ( Directoryname[i] != '\\')
strtemp.append(, '\\');
std::vector<std::string>:: const_iterator vIter;
for (vIter = vpath.begin();vIter != vpath.end(); vIter++)
bSuccess = CreateDirectory(vIter->c_str(), NULL) ? TRUE :FALSE;
} return true; }


bool GetResourceFromLocal(CString &DesPath)
{ //从本地应用获得资源文件.zip
CString tempPathPro = DesPath + "/" + "Resource.zip"; //输出路径
if(hrSrc == NULL)
return false;
} HGLOBAL hGlobal = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrSrc);
if(hGlobal == NULL)
return false;
LPVOID lpExe = LockResource(hGlobal);
if(lpExe == NULL)
return false;
CFile file;
if(!file.Open(tempPathPro, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite))
return false;
file.Write(lpExe, (UINT)SizeofResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrSrc));
} return true;


* File: SEFileInfo.cpp
* Version: 1.0
* Author: James Spibey
* Date: 04/08/1999
* E-mail: spib@bigfoot.com
* Implementation of the CSEFileInfo class
* You are free to use, distribute or modify this code
* as long as this header is not removed or modified.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SEFileInfo.h" #ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#endif /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSEFileInfo::CSEFileInfo
* Description:
* Default Constructor
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSEFileInfo::~CSEFileInfo
* Description:
* Destructor
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSEFileInfo::SetData
* Description:
*Set the data members for the class
* Parameters:
* CString Filename: Filename of file to gather data about
* Return:
* BOOL : Success or Failure
BOOL CSEFileInfo::SetData(CString Filename)
CFile f; //Open the file
if(!f.Open(Filename, CFile::modeRead))
return FALSE; //Get the length in bytes
m_nSize = f.GetLength();
f.Close(); m_strPathname = Filename;
m_strFilename = Filename.Mid(Filename.ReverseFind('/') + );
return TRUE;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSEFileInfo::Reset
* Description:
* Reset the class data members
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
void CSEFileInfo::Reset()
m_nSize = ;
m_strPathname = "";
m_strFilename = "";
* File: SelfExtracter.cpp
* Version: 1.0
* Author: James Spibey
* Date: 04/08/1999
* E-mail: spib@bigfoot.com
* Implementation of the CSelfExtracter class
* You are free to use, distribute or modify this code
* as long as this header is not removed or modified.
*************************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "SelfExtractor.h" #ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#endif /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::CSelfExtractor
* Description:
* Default Constructor
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
m_nFiles = ;
m_nTOCSize = ;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::~CSelfExtractor
* Description:
* Destructor
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
{ }
bool CSelfExtractor::GetResource(UINT resource, CString &Filename )
if(m_nFiles < )
return false; //Load the extractor from resources
HRSRC hrSrc = FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(resource), "AFX_EXE");
if(hrSrc == NULL)
return false; HGLOBAL hGlobal = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrSrc);
if(hGlobal == NULL)
return false; LPVOID lpExe = LockResource(hGlobal);
if(lpExe == NULL)
return false; //Create the new archive from the extractor in the resources
CFile file;
if(!file.Open(Filename, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite))
return false;
//Write the extractor exe
file.Write(lpExe, (UINT)SizeofResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrSrc));
* Function: CSelfExtractor::Create
* Description:
* Creates the Self-extracting executable
* Parameters:
* CString ExtractorPath: Path to the Extractor Executable
* CString Filename: Filename of the Self Extracting Archive to create
* funcPtr pFn: Pointer to a user defined callback function
* void* UserData: User defined data to pass to the callback function
* Return:
* int: Error Code
* NOTHING_TO_DO - No files have been selected to be archived
* COPY_FAILED - Failed to copy the extractor
* OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to open the copied file for appending
* INPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to open an input file
int CSelfExtractor::Create(CString ExtractorPath, CString Filename, funcPtr pFn /* = NULL */, void* userData /*=NULL*/)
//Make sure we have some files to add
if(m_nFiles < )
return NOTHING_TO_DO; //Copy the extractor to the new archive
CShellFileOp shOp;
shOp.AddFile(SH_SRC_FILE, ExtractorPath);
shOp.AddFile(SH_DEST_FILE, Filename);
if(shOp.CopyFiles() != )
return COPY_FAILED; //Open the archive
CFile file;
if(!file.Open(Filename, CFile::modeWrite))
//Start at the end of the archive
CreateArchive(&file, pFn, userData); //Close the archive
return SUCCESS;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::Create
* Description:
* Creates the Self-extracting executable from an extractor in resources.
* Simply import the exe into your resources, making sure you specify the type
* as "SFX_EXE". Then just past the resource ID as the first parameter
* Parameters:
* UINT resource: Resource ID (eg IDR_SFX_EXE)
* CString Filename: Filename of the Self Extracting Archive to create
* funcPtr pFn: Pointer to a user defined callback function
* void* UserData: User defined data to pass to the callback function
* Return:
* int: Error Code
* NOTHING_TO_DO - No files have been selected to be archived
* COPY_FAILED - Failed to copy the extractor
* OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to open the copied file for appending
* INPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to open an input file
int CSelfExtractor::Create(UINT resource, CString Filename, funcPtr pFn /* = NULL */, void* userData /*=NULL*/)
//Make sure we have some files to add
/*if(m_nFiles < 1)
return NOTHING_TO_DO; //Load the extractor from resources
HRSRC hrSrc = FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(resource), "AFX_EXE");
if(hrSrc == NULL)
return RESOURCE_ERROR; HGLOBAL hGlobal = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrSrc);
if(hGlobal == NULL)
return RESOURCE_ERROR; LPVOID lpExe = LockResource(hGlobal);
if(lpExe == NULL)
//Create the new archive from the extractor in the resources
CFile file;
if(!file.Open(Filename, CFile::modeWrite))
//Write the extractor exe
//file.Write(lpExe, (UINT)SizeofResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrSrc)); //Do the rest
CreateArchive(&file, pFn, userData); //Close the archive
file.Close(); }
return SUCCESS;
} int CSelfExtractor::CreateArchive(CFile* pFile, funcPtr pFn, void* userData)
DWORD dwRead = ; //Total Data read from input file
DWORD dw = ; //Last amount read from input file
char buffer[]; //Buffer for data
CFile data; //Input file try
//Copy all the inout files into the archive
for(int i = ; i < m_nFiles; i++)
//Open the input file
if(data.Open(m_InfoArray[i].GetPathname(), CFile::modeRead))
dwRead = ; m_InfoArray[i].SetOffset(pFile->GetPosition()); //Read data in and write it out until the end of file
while(static_cast<int>(dwRead) < m_InfoArray[i].GetFileSize())
dw = data.Read(buffer, );
pFile->Write(buffer, dw);
dwRead += dw;
} //Close this input file
//Call the user defined CallBack
if(pFn != NULL)
pFn(static_cast<void*>(&m_InfoArray[i]), userData);
} //Now Write the TOC
for(int j = ; j < m_nFiles; j++)
//Write the File Size
int Offset = m_InfoArray[j].GetFileOffset();
pFile->Write(&Offset, sizeof(int)); //Write the File Size
int len = m_InfoArray[j].GetFileSize();
pFile->Write(&len, sizeof(int)); //Write the filename
len = m_InfoArray[j].GetFilename().GetLength();
strncpy(buffer, m_InfoArray[j].GetFilename(), len);
pFile->Write(buffer, len); //Write the length of the filename
pFile->Write(&len, sizeof(int)); } //Write the total number of files
pFile->Write((void*)&m_nFiles, sizeof(int)); //Write the SIG
strcpy(buffer, SIGNATURE);
pFile->Write(buffer, strlen(SIGNATURE));
catch(CFileException* e)
//Got sick of seeing 'unreferenced local variable'
* Function: CSelfExtractor::ExtractAll
* Description:
* Extract the current archive to the specified directory
* Parameters:
* CString Dir: Destination Directory
* funcPtr pFn: Pointer to a user defined callback function
* void* UserData: User defined data to pass to the callback function
* Return:
* int: Error Code
* INPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to open the input file
* OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to create an output file
int CSelfExtractor::ExtractAll(CString Dir, funcPtr pFn /*= NULL*/, void * userData /*= NULL*/)
//Make sure the directory name has a trailing backslash
EnsureTrailingBackSlash(Dir); CFile Thisfile; //Archive (Usually itself) //Read the Table of Contents
int res = ReadTOC(GetThisFileName());
if(res != SUCCESS)
return res; //Open the archive
if(!Thisfile.Open(GetThisFileName(), CFile::modeRead))
{ //Get the files out in reverse order so we can work out the offsets
//Subtract 1 from the filecount as we are zero-based
for(int i = (m_nFiles - ); i >= ; i--)
ExtractOne(&Thisfile, i, Dir); //Do the callback
if(pFn != NULL)
pFn(static_cast<void*>(&m_InfoArray[i]), userData);
} //Close the archive
return SUCCESS;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::Extract
* Description:
* Extract a single file from the current archive to the specified directory
* Parameters:
* int index: index in array of file
* CString Dir: Destination Directory
* Return:
* int: Error Code
* INPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to open the input file
* OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR - Failed to create an output file
int CSelfExtractor::Extract(int index, CString Dir)
//Make sure the directory name has a trailing backslash
EnsureTrailingBackSlash(Dir); CFile Thisfile; //Archive (Usually itself) //Read the Table of Contents
int res = ReadTOC(GetThisFileName());
if(res != SUCCESS)
return res; //Open the archive
if(!Thisfile.Open(GetThisFileName(), CFile::modeRead))
ExtractOne(&Thisfile, index, Dir); //Close the archive
return SUCCESS;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::ExtractOne
* Description:
* Actual Data Extraction. Seeks to required offset in archive
* and writes new file
* Parameters:
* CFile* file: Pointer to the archive
* int index: Index of file in array
* CString Dir: Destination Dir
* Return:
* int: Error Code
int CSelfExtractor::ExtractOne(CFile* file, int index, CString Dir)
char buffer[]; //Buffer to read and write with
CFile NewFile; //Extracted File //Get the file size (in bytes)
int FileSize = m_InfoArray[index].GetFileSize(); //Create the new file
if(!NewFile.Open(Dir + m_InfoArray[index].GetFilename() , CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite))
return OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR; //Seek to the correct Offset
file->Seek(m_InfoArray[index].GetFileOffset(), CFile::begin); //Loop the data out from the archive
DWORD dwWritten = ;
DWORD dwRead = ;
int AmountToRead = ; while(TRUE)
//Read out 1000 bytes at a time or the remainder if
//there is less than 1000 left. Exit if there is none left
AmountToRead = FileSize - dwWritten;
if(AmountToRead > )
AmountToRead = ;
else if(AmountToRead == )
break; dwRead = file->Read(buffer, AmountToRead);
NewFile.Write(buffer, dwRead);
dwWritten += dwRead;
//Close the output file
NewFile.Close(); return SUCCESS;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::ReadTOC
* Description:
* Read the archive's Table of Contents
* Parameters:
* CString Filename: Filename of the archive (full path)
* Return:
* int: Error Code
int CSelfExtractor::ReadTOC(CString Filename)
CFile Thisfile; //Archive file
char buffer[]; //Buffer to read and write with //Clear the CSEFileInfo class array
Reset(); //Open the archive
if(!Thisfile.Open(Filename, CFile::modeRead))
return NO_SOURCE;
//Read in the signature
Thisfile.Seek(- static_cast<int>(strlen(SIGNATURE)), CFile::end);
Thisfile.Read(buffer, strlen(SIGNATURE)); //Check that it matches
if(strncmp(buffer, SIGNATURE, strlen(SIGNATURE)) != )
//Read Number of files
int LastOffset = strlen(SIGNATURE) + static_cast<int>(sizeof(int));
Thisfile.Seek(-LastOffset, CFile::end);
Thisfile.Read(&m_nFiles, sizeof(int)); //If there are no files in the archive, there is nothing to extract
if(m_nFiles == )
return NOTHING_TO_DO; //Read the TOC in. The array is filled in reverse to ensure that it
//corresponds to the data segment
for(int i = (m_nFiles - ); i >= ; i--)
int nSize = ;
int nOffset = ;
int len = ;
LastOffset += sizeof(int); //Get Length of Pathname
Thisfile.Seek(-LastOffset, CFile::end);
Thisfile.Read(&len, sizeof(int));
LastOffset += len; //Get Path Name
Thisfile.Seek(-LastOffset, CFile::end);
Thisfile.Read(buffer, len);
LastOffset += sizeof(int); //Get File Size
Thisfile.Seek(-LastOffset, CFile::end);
Thisfile.Read(&nSize, sizeof(int));
LastOffset += sizeof(int); //Get File Offset
Thisfile.Seek(-LastOffset, CFile::end);
Thisfile.Read(&nOffset, sizeof(int)); //Set the data in the array
CString Temp(buffer);
} //Record the total size of the TOC for use
//when extracting the data segment
m_nTOCSize = LastOffset;
//Close the archive
Thisfile.Close(); return SUCCESS;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::AddFile
* Description:
* Add a file to the archive
* Parameters:
* CString File: Input File path
* Return:
* BOOL: Success or Failure
BOOL CSelfExtractor::AddFile(CString File)
if(m_nFiles == MAX_FILES)
return FALSE; if(m_InfoArray[m_nFiles].SetData(File))
return TRUE;
} return FALSE;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::Reset
* Description:
* Reset the CSEFileInfo Array
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
void CSelfExtractor::Reset()
for(int i = ; i < MAX_FILES; i++)
m_InfoArray[i].Reset(); m_nFiles = ;
m_nTOCSize = ;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::EnsureTrailingBackSlash
* Description:
* Ensure that the string has a trailing backslash
* Parameters:
* CString &string: Pathname
* Return:
* CString: Pathname
CString CSelfExtractor::EnsureTrailingBackSlash(CString &string)
int len = string.GetLength();
if(string[len - ] != '\\')
string += "\\";
return string;
} /*******************************************************************************
* Function: CSelfExtractor::GetThisFileName
* Description:
* Get this executable's file path
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* CString: Full Path for this executable
CString CSelfExtractor::GetThisFileName()
char FullName[MAX_PATH+];
return CString(FullName);
// ShellFileOp.cpp: implementation of the CShellFileOp class.
// Tim Johnson timj@progsoc.uts.edu.au
// Written : July 1998
// Copyright 1998
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h"
#include "ShellFileOp.h" #ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Construction/Destruction
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
// CShellFileOp ()
// Basic constructor
m_lMaxSrcCount = ;
m_lMaxDestCount = ;
m_lCurSrcCount = ;
m_lCurDestCount = ;
m_pSrc = NULL;
m_pDest = NULL;
m_pTo = NULL;
m_pFrom = NULL;
m_pTitle = NULL; m_FileOp.hwnd = NULL;
m_FileOp.wFunc = ;
m_FileOp.pFrom = NULL;
m_FileOp.pTo = NULL;
m_FileOp.fFlags = ;
m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
m_FileOp.hNameMappings = NULL;
m_FileOp.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
} //
// CShellFileOp
// Complex constructor - performs the operation straight away
CShellFileOp::CShellFileOp( const HWND phWnd,
const UINT wFunc,
const CString sFrom,
const CString sTo,
const FILEOP_FLAGS fFlags,
const CString sProgressTitle)
m_lMaxSrcCount = ;
m_lMaxDestCount = ;
m_lCurSrcCount = ;
m_lCurDestCount = ;
m_pSrc = NULL;
m_pDest = NULL;
m_pTo = NULL;
m_pFrom = NULL;
m_pTitle = NULL; m_FileOp.hwnd = NULL;
m_FileOp.wFunc = ;
m_FileOp.pFrom = NULL;
m_FileOp.pTo = NULL;
m_FileOp.fFlags = ;
m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
m_FileOp.hNameMappings = NULL;
m_FileOp.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; SetParent(phWnd);
AddFile(SH_SRC_FILE, sFrom);
AddFile(SH_DEST_FILE, sTo);
SetTitle(sProgressTitle); switch (wFunc)
case FO_COPY:
case FO_MOVE:
} //
// ~CShellFileOp()
// deconstructor - kill all memory before object destruction
//free all malloc'd blocks
if (m_pTo)
free ((void *)m_pTo );
if (m_pFrom)
free ((void *)m_pFrom);
if (m_pTitle)
free ((void *)m_pTitle);
} //
// long CopyFiles ( )
// Function to perform copy operation
long CShellFileOp::CopyFiles()
m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
m_FileOp.wFunc = FO_COPY;
return SHFileOperation(&m_FileOp);
} //
// long DeleteFiles ( )
// Function to perform delete operation
long CShellFileOp::DeleteFiles()
m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
m_FileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
return SHFileOperation(&m_FileOp);
} //
// long MoveFiles ( )
// Function to perform move operation
long CShellFileOp::MoveFiles()
m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
m_FileOp.wFunc = FO_MOVE;
return SHFileOperation(&m_FileOp);
} //
// long RenameFiles ( )
// Function to perform rename operation
long CShellFileOp::RenameFiles()
m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
m_FileOp.wFunc = FO_RENAME;
return SHFileOperation(&m_FileOp);
} //
// void ClearFiles ( const int iSrcDest )
// Clears a list of files
void CShellFileOp::ClearFiles(const int iSrcDest)
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE)
if (m_pFrom)
free ((void *)m_pFrom);
m_pFrom = NULL;
m_FileOp.pFrom = m_pFrom;
m_lMaxSrcCount = ;
m_lCurSrcCount = ;
if (m_pTo)
free ((void *)m_pTo );
m_pTo = NULL;
m_FileOp.pTo = m_pTo;
m_lMaxDestCount = ;
m_lCurDestCount = ;
} //
// void AddFile ( const int iSrcDest, CString sFile )
// Adds another filename to the end of the current string
void CShellFileOp::AddFile(const int iSrcDest, const CString sFile)
int iLength = sFile.GetLength() + ; //+1 for the null if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE)
//check enough allocated space...
if ((m_lCurSrcCount + iLength + )> m_lMaxSrcCount) //+1 for the double null termination...
//have to get more mem.
GrabMem(iSrcDest, (m_lCurSrcCount + iLength + ));
//now theres enough memory! yay.
//now copy the filename in
strcpy(m_pSrc, (LPCTSTR)sFile); //go to end of this files null term.
m_pSrc += iLength;
m_lCurSrcCount += iLength; //always keep it double null terminated, but don't
// increment past it incase we want to add more files
m_pSrc[] = ;
//check enough allocated space...
if ((m_lCurDestCount + iLength + )> m_lMaxDestCount) //+1 for the double null termination...
//have to get more mem.
GrabMem(iSrcDest, (m_lCurDestCount + iLength + ));
//now theres enough memory! yay.
//now copy the filename in
strcpy(m_pDest, (LPCTSTR)sFile); //go to end of this files null term.
m_pDest += iLength;
m_lCurDestCount += iLength;
//always keep it double null terminated, but don't
// increment past it incase we want to add more files
m_pDest[] = ;
} //
// SetMaxCount( const int iSrcDest, long lMax )
// Function to pre-allocate string memory to prevent
// lots of re-allocations
void CShellFileOp::SetMaxCount(const int iSrcDest, const long lMax)
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE)
m_lMaxSrcCount = lMax + ; //+1 for double null term.
GrabMem(iSrcDest, m_lMaxSrcCount);
} else {
m_lMaxDestCount = lMax + ; //+1 for double null term.
GrabMem(iSrcDest, m_lMaxDestCount);
} //
// SetTitle ( CString sTitle )
// Function to set the dialog title from a string
void CShellFileOp::SetTitle(CString sTitle)
int iLength;
char * pBuf; //free mem of current title
if (m_pTitle)
free ((void *)m_pTitle);
m_pTitle = NULL;
m_FileOp.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
} iLength = sTitle.GetLength()+; if (iLength > )
//grab more mem
m_pTitle = (char *)malloc(iLength);
//copy the title
pBuf = sTitle.GetBuffer(iLength);
strcpy(m_pTitle, pBuf);
//now point the struct to the title
m_FileOp.lpszProgressTitle = m_pTitle;
} //
// SetTitle ( const int nTitle )
// Function to set the dialog title from a resource identifier
void CShellFileOp::SetTitle( const int nTitle )
CString sTitle;
} //
// SetParent ( const HWND phWnd )
// Function to set the parent dialog
void CShellFileOp::SetParent(const HWND phWnd)
m_FileOp.hwnd = phWnd;
} //
// BOOL AnyOperationsAborted ( ) const
// Function to get Abort flag
BOOL CShellFileOp::AnyOperationsAborted() const
return m_FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted;
} //
// FILEOP_FLAGS GetFlags() const
// Function to return the operation flags
FILEOP_FLAGS CShellFileOp::GetFlags() const
return m_FileOp.fFlags;
} //
// SetFlags ( const FILEOP_FLAGS fNewFlags )
// Function to set the operation flags
void CShellFileOp::SetFlags(const FILEOP_FLAGS fNewFlags)
m_FileOp.fFlags = fNewFlags;
} //
// GrabMem( const int iSrcDest, const long lNum )
// function to grab some string space memory
void CShellFileOp::GrabMem(const int iSrcDest, const long lNum)
char * pMem;
long lOffset; //get current ptr
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE) {
pMem = m_pFrom;
} else {
pMem = m_pTo;
} if (pMem) //some mem is already allocated!
//have to make sure our offset ptrs dont get screwed up...
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE) {
lOffset = (m_pSrc - pMem);
} else {
lOffset = (m_pDest - pMem);
} //get more!
pMem = (char *)realloc((void *)pMem, lNum); //reassign offset ptr, and max counts
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE) {
m_pSrc = pMem + lOffset;
m_lMaxSrcCount = lNum;
} else {
m_pDest = pMem + lOffset;
m_lMaxDestCount = lNum;
//get first block
pMem = (char *)malloc(lNum); //assign offset ptr to start of block, and max counts
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE) {
m_pSrc = pMem;
m_lMaxSrcCount = lNum;
} else {
m_pDest = pMem;
m_lMaxDestCount = lNum;
pMem[] = ; //ensure null terminated
//assign ptrs in sh structure.
if (iSrcDest == SH_SRC_FILE) {
m_pFrom = pMem;
m_FileOp.pFrom = m_pFrom; } else {
m_pTo = pMem;
m_FileOp.pTo = m_pTo;
} }
* File: SEFileInfo.h
* Version: 1.0
* Author: James Spibey
* Date: 04/08/1999
* E-mail: spib@bigfoot.com
* Specification of the CSEFileInfo class
* You are free to use, distribute or modify this code
* as long as this header is not removed or modified.
* This class holds data regarding each file in an archive
*************************************************************************************/ #if !defined(AFX_SEFILEINFO_H__5C3D775E_497B_11D3_A8BC_0050043A01C0__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SEFILEINFO_H__5C3D775E_497B_11D3_A8BC_0050043A01C0__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 class CSEFileInfo
void Serialize(CArchive &ar); BOOL SetData(CString File);
void SetFilename(CString file){m_strFilename = file;}
void SetSize(int size){m_nSize = size;}
void SetOffset(int offset){m_nOffset = offset;} CString GetPathname(){return m_strPathname;}
CString GetFilename(){return m_strFilename;}
int GetFileSize(){return m_nSize;}
int GetFileOffset(){return m_nOffset;} void Reset(); protected:
CString m_strFilename; //Name of file
CString m_strPathname; //Path to file to add
int m_nSize; //Size of file
int m_nOffset; //Start Offset
}; #endif // !defined(AFX_SEFILEINFO_H__5C3D775E_497B_11D3_A8BC_0050043A01C0__INCLUDED_)
* File: SelfExtracter.h
* Version: 1.0
* Author: James Spibey
* E-mail: spib@bigfoot.com
* Specification of the CSelfExtracter class
* This code was based on suggestions from :-
* Levente Farkas, Roger Allen, G黱ter (surname unknown)
* You are free to use, distribute or modify this code
* as long as this header is not removed or modified.
* Self Extractor (SFX) File Format
* ---------------------------------
* Starting from the end of the archive and working backwards :-
* Header Info
* 10 bytes Signature - Identifier for SFX archive
* 4 bytes Number of files in archive
* Table of Contents
* Contains one record in the following format for each file
* 4 bytes Length of filename
* variable Filename
* 4 bytes Length of File
* 4 bytes Offset in archive to data
* Data Segment
* Each file is written (uncompressed) here in the order of the TOC
* After this is the extractor executable.
#if !defined(AFX_SELFEXTRACTOR_H__849C04B2_4988_11D3_A8BC_0050043A01C0__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SELFEXTRACTOR_H__849C04B2_4988_11D3_A8BC_0050043A01C0__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 #include "SEFileInfo.h"
#include "ShellFileOp.h" #define NO_SOURCE 1000
#define INVALID_SIG 1001
#define SUCCESS 1002
#define COPY_FAILED 1003
#define NOTHING_TO_DO 1004
#define OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR 1005
#define INPUT_FILE_ERROR 1006
#define RESOURCE_ERROR 1007 #define MAX_FILES 256
#define SIGNATURE "!LYME_SFX!" typedef void (* funcPtr)(void *, void*); class CSelfExtractor
virtual ~CSelfExtractor(); //Creation
int Create(CString ExtractorPath, CString FilePath, funcPtr function = NULL, void * userData = NULL);
int Create(UINT Resource, CString FilePath, funcPtr function = NULL, void * userData = NULL);
bool GetResource(UINT Resource,CString &Filename );
BOOL AddFile(CString Filename); //Extraction
int Extract(int index, CString Dir);
int ExtractAll(CString dir, funcPtr function = NULL, void * userData = NULL);
int ReadTOC(CString Filename); //Data retrieval
inline int GetFileSize(int index){return m_InfoArray[index].GetFileSize();}
inline int GetFileCount(){return m_nFiles;}
CSEFileInfo GetItem(int item){return m_InfoArray[item];} //Helpers
void Reset(); protected:
CString GetThisFileName();
CString EnsureTrailingBackSlash(CString &string); int CreateArchive(CFile* fp, funcPtr function, void* userData); int ExtractOne(CFile* fp, int index, CString Dir); //Data
CString m_strWorkingDir;
CSEFileInfo m_InfoArray[MAX_FILES]; //Array of file information
int m_nFiles; //No of files in archive
int m_nTOCSize; //Size of Table of contents
}; #endif // !defined(AFX_SELFEXTRACTOR_H__849C04B2_4988_11D3_A8BC_0050043A01C0__INCLUDED_)
// ShellFileOp.h: interface for the CShellFileOp class.
// Tim Johnson timj@progsoc.uts.edu.au
// Written : July 1998
// Copyright 1998
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_SHELLFILEOP_H__DA3A3661_1EF3_11D2_9E56_444553540000__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SHELLFILEOP_H__DA3A3661_1EF3_11D2_9E56_444553540000__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 //constats for use in iSrcDest arguements
const int SH_SRC_FILE = ;
const int SH_DEST_FILE = ; class CShellFileOp
public: //
//simple constructor
CShellFileOp(); //
//complex constructor - performs the operation straight away
CShellFileOp( const HWND phWnd,
const UINT wFunc,
const CString sFrom,
const CString sTo,
const FILEOP_FLAGS fFlags,
const CString sProgressTitle); //
virtual ~CShellFileOp(); public: //operations //
// Function to perform copy operation
long CopyFiles(); //
// Function to perform delete operation
long DeleteFiles(); //
// Function to perform move operation
long MoveFiles(); //
// Function to perform rename operation
long RenameFiles(); //
// Adds another filename to the end of the current string
void AddFile(const int iSrcDest, const CString sFile); //
// Clears a list of files
void ClearFiles(const int iSrcDest); //
// Function to pre-allocate string memory to prevent
// lots of re-allocations
void SetMaxCount(const int iSrcDest, const long lMax); //
// Function to set the dialog title
// sTitle is a string to be used
// nTitle is a resource ID to get the string from
void SetTitle(CString sTitle);
void SetTitle(const int nTitle); //
// Function to set the parent HWND of the dialog
void SetParent(const HWND phWnd); //
// Function to get Abort flag
BOOL AnyOperationsAborted() const; //
// Functions to get/set the operation flags
// Flags that control the file operation. This member can be a combination of the
// following values:
// FOF_ALLOWUNDO Preserves undo information, if possible.
// FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE Not implemented.
// FOF_FILESONLY Performs the operation only on files if a wildcard
// filename (*.*) is specified.
// FOF_MULTIDESTFILES Indicates that the pTo member specifies multiple destination
// files (one for each source file) rather than one directory
// where all source files are to be deposited.
// FOF_NOCONFIRMATION Responds with "yes to all" for any dialog box that is
// displayed.
// FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR Does not confirm the creation of a new directory if the
// operation requires one to be created.
// FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION Gives the file being operated on a new name (such as
// "Copy #1 of...") in a move, copy, or rename operation if a
// file of the target name already exists.
// FOF_SILENT Does not display a progress dialog box.
// FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS Displays a progress dialog box, but does not show the
// filenames.
FILEOP_FLAGS GetFlags() const;
void SetFlags(const FILEOP_FLAGS fNewFlags); private: //operations // function to grab some string space memory
void GrabMem(const int iSrcDest, const long lNum); private: //attributes //max no. char in source string
long m_lMaxSrcCount; //max no. char in dest string
long m_lMaxDestCount; //current no. char in source string
long m_lCurSrcCount; //current no. char in dest string
long m_lCurDestCount; //structure for shell call
SHFILEOPSTRUCT m_FileOp; //pointer to start of source string
char * m_pTo; //pointer to start of dest string
char * m_pFrom; //current pointer in source string
char * m_pSrc; //current pointer in dest string
char * m_pDest; //title to be used on dialog
char * m_pTitle;
}; #endif // !defined(AFX_SHELLFILEOP_H__DA3A3661_1EF3_11D2_9E56_444553540000__INCLUDED_)


// 文件名: <ZipImplement.h>
// 创建者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-09-27 下午 04:51:46
// 说明:压缩解压缩地图文件夹
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma once #include "zip.h"
#include "unzip.h" class CZipImplement
~CZipImplement(void); private:
HZIP hz; //Zip文件句柄
ZRESULT zr; //操作返回值
ZIPENTRY ze; //Zip文件入口 CString m_FolderPath; //folder路径
CString m_FolderName; //folder将要被压缩的文件夹名 private:
void BrowseFile(CString &strFile); //获取相对路径
void GetRelativePath(CString& pFullPath, CString& pSubString); //创建路径
BOOL CreatedMultipleDirectory(char* direct);
//* 函数: TransCStringToTCHAR
//* 描述:将CString 转换为 TCHAR*
//TCHAR* CString2TCHAR(CString &str)
// int iLen = str.GetLength();
// TCHAR* szRs = new TCHAR[iLen];
// lstrcpy(szRs, str.GetBuffer(iLen));
// str.ReleaseBuffer();
// return szRs;
//} public:
BOOL Zip_PackFiles(CString& pFilePath, CString& mZipFileFullPath); //解压缩文件夹接口
BOOL Zip_UnPackFiles(CString &mZipFileFullPath, CString& mUnPackPath); public:
static BOOL FolderExist(CString& strPath);
// 文件名: <ZipImplement.cpp>
// 创建者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-09-27 下午 04:51:46
// 说明:压缩解压缩地图文件夹
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "StdAfx.h"
#include "zipimplement.h"
#include <direct.h>
#include <vector>
#include <xstring> CZipImplement::CZipImplement(void)
} CZipImplement::~CZipImplement(void)
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 函数说明: 实现压缩文件夹操作
// 参数说明: [in]: pFilePath 要被压缩的文件夹
// mZipFileFullPath 压缩后的文件名和路径
// 返回值: 参数有误的情况下返回FALSE,压缩成功后返回TRUE
// 函数作者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-09-27 下午 04:58:52
BOOL CZipImplement::Zip_PackFiles(CString& pFilePath, CString& mZipFileFullPath)
if ((pFilePath == L"") || (mZipFileFullPath == L""))
return FALSE ;
} if(!CZipImplement::FolderExist(pFilePath))
return FALSE ;
} CString tZipFilePath = mZipFileFullPath.Left(mZipFileFullPath.ReverseFind('/') + );
char* temp=tZipFilePath.GetBuffer(tZipFilePath.GetLength());
if (FALSE == CreatedMultipleDirectory(temp))
return FALSE;
} //获得文件夹的名字
if(pFilePath.Right() == L"/")
this->m_FolderPath = pFilePath.Left(pFilePath.GetLength() - );
m_FolderName = m_FolderPath.Right(m_FolderPath.GetLength() - m_FolderPath.ReverseFind('/') - );
this->m_FolderPath = pFilePath;
m_FolderName = pFilePath.Right(pFilePath.GetLength() - pFilePath.ReverseFind('/') - );
} /************************************************************************/ //创建ZIP文件
if(hz == )
return FALSE;
} //递归文件夹,将获取的问价加入ZIP文件
CloseZip(hz); /************************************************************************/ CFileFind tFFind;
if (!tFFind.FindFile(mZipFileFullPath))
return FALSE;
} return TRUE;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 函数说明: 解压缩文件夹
// 参数说明: [in]: mUnPackPath 解压后文件存放的路径
// mZipFileFullPath ZIP文件的路径
// 返回值:
// 函数作者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-09-27 上午 11:04:28
BOOL CZipImplement::Zip_UnPackFiles(CString &mZipFileFullPath, CString& mUnPackPath)
if ((mUnPackPath == L"") || (mZipFileFullPath == L""))
return FALSE ;
} CFileFind tFFind;
if (!tFFind.FindFile(mZipFileFullPath))
return FALSE;
} //如果解压缩的路径不存在 试图创建它
CString tZipFilePath = mUnPackPath;
//解压后存放的文件夹不存在 创建它
char* temp=tZipFilePath.GetBuffer(tZipFilePath.GetLength());
if (FALSE == CreatedMultipleDirectory(temp))
return FALSE;
if(hz == )
return FALSE;
} zr=SetUnzipBaseDir(hz,mUnPackPath);
if(zr != ZR_OK)
return FALSE;
} zr=GetZipItem(hz,-,&ze);
if(zr != ZR_OK)
return FALSE;
} int numitems=ze.index;
for (int i=; i<numitems; i++)
zr=UnzipItem(hz,i,ze.name); if(zr != ZR_OK)
return FALSE;
} CloseZip(hz);
return TRUE;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 函数说明: 检查指定的文件夹是否存在
// 参数说明: [in]:strPath 检查的文件夹 (此方法会主动向路径末尾添加*.*)
// 返回值:BOOL类型,存在返回TRUE,否则为FALSE
// 函数作者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-09-27 下午 02:16:36
BOOL CZipImplement::FolderExist(CString& strPath)
CString sCheckPath = strPath; if(sCheckPath.Right() != L"\\")
sCheckPath += L"\\";
sCheckPath += L"*.*"; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd;
BOOL rValue = FALSE; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(sCheckPath, &wfd); if ((hFind!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) &&
(wfd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || (wfd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE))
rValue = TRUE;
} FindClose(hFind);
return rValue;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 函数说明: 遍历文件夹
// 参数说明: [in]:strFile 遍历的文件夹(此方法会主动向路径末尾添加*.*)
// 返回值:BOOL类型,存在返回TRUE,否则为FALSE
// 函数作者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-09-27 下午 02:16:36
void CZipImplement::BrowseFile(CString &strFile)
CFileFind ff;
CString szDir = strFile; if(szDir.Right() != L"\\")
szDir += L"\\"; szDir += L"*.*"; BOOL res = ff.FindFile(szDir);
res = ff.FindNextFile();
if(ff.IsDirectory() && !ff.IsDots())
CString strPath = ff.GetFilePath(); CString subPath;
else if(!ff.IsDirectory() && !ff.IsDots())
CString strPath = ff.GetFilePath();
CString subPath; GetRelativePath(strPath,subPath);
} //关闭
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 函数说明: 获取相对路径
// 参数说明: [in]:pFullPath 当前文件的完整路径 [out] : 解析后的相对路径
// 函数作者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-9-28 上午 11:17:21
void CZipImplement::GetRelativePath(CString& pFullPath,CString& pSubString)
pSubString = pFullPath.Right(pFullPath.GetLength() - this->m_FolderPath.GetLength() + this->m_FolderName.GetLength());
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 函数说明: 创建多级目录
// 参数说明: [in]: 路径字符串
// 返回值: BOOL 成功True 失败False
// 函数作者: <hwfly>
// 创建日期: 2009-9-28 下午 04:53:20
BOOL CZipImplement::CreatedMultipleDirectory(char* direct)
std::string Directoryname = direct; if (Directoryname[Directoryname.length() - ] != '\\')
Directoryname.append(, '\\');
std::vector< std::string> vpath;
std::string strtemp;
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
for (int i = ; i < Directoryname.length(); i++)
if ( Directoryname[i] != '\\')
strtemp.append(, '\\');
std::vector<std::string>:: const_iterator vIter;
for (vIter = vpath.begin();vIter != vpath.end(); vIter++)
bSuccess = CreateDirectory(vIter->c_str(), NULL) ? TRUE :FALSE;
} return bSuccess;

以添加Resource.zip 为例

2、在资源视图中右键-》添加资源 -》自定义-》资源类型-》导入 资源

上一篇:CentOS 6.4 安装 rar软件(tar.gz 包)并注册成功
