ASP.NET Core 中的 ORM 之 Dapper

Dapper 简介




  • 轻量,只有一个文件
  • 性能高,Dapper的速度接近与IDataReader,取列表的数据超过了DataTable。
  • 支持多种数据库。Dapper可以在所有 Providers下工作,包括sqlite, sqlce, firebird, oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server
  • 使用Dapper可以自动进行对象映射,通过Emit反射IDataReader的序列队列,来快速的得到和产生对象

使用 Dapper

下面简单创建一个Web API应用并通过Dapper访问MySQL数据。

  1. 创建MySQL测试数据

    CREATE SCHEMA `ormdemo` ;
    CREATE TABLE `ormdemo`.`category` (
    `name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)); CREATE TABLE `ormdemo`.`product` (
    `Name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
    `Price` DECIMAL(19,2) NULL,
    `Quantity` INT NULL,
    `CategoryId` INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Id`),
    INDEX `fk_product_category_idx` (`CategoryId` ASC),
    CONSTRAINT `fk_product_category`
    FOREIGN KEY (`CategoryId`)
    REFERENCES `ormdemo`.`category` (`Id`)
    ON UPDATE NO ACTION); INSERT INTO `ormdemo`.`category` (`Name`) VALUES("Phones");
    INSERT INTO `ormdemo`.`category` (`Name`) VALUES("Computers"); INSERT INTO `ormdemo`.`product` (`Name`,`Price`,`Quantity`,`CategoryId`) VALUES("iPhone8",4999.99,10,1);
    INSERT INTO `ormdemo`.`product` (`Name`,`Price`,`Quantity`,`CategoryId`) VALUES("iPhone7",2999.99,10,1);
    INSERT INTO `ormdemo`.`product` (`Name`,`Price`,`Quantity`,`CategoryId`) VALUES("HP750",6000.00,5,2);
    INSERT INTO `ormdemo`.`product` (`Name`,`Price`,`Quantity`,`CategoryId`) VALUES("HP5000",12000.00,10,2);
  2. 创建Web API应用并添加NuGet引用

    Install-Package MySql.Data
    Install-Package Dapper
  3. 新建一个Product类

    public class Category
    public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }
    } public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int Quantity { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } public int CategoryId { get; set; } public virtual Category Category { get; set; }
  4. 新建一个DBConfig类用于创建并返回数据库连接

    using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Configuration; public class DBConfig
    private static string DefaultSqlConnectionString = @"server=;database=ormdemo;uid=root;pwd=Open0001;SslMode=none;"; public static IDbConnection GetSqlConnection(string sqlConnectionString = null)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlConnectionString))
    sqlConnectionString = DefaultSqlConnectionString;
    IDbConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(sqlConnectionString);
    return conn;
  5. 创建简单的仓储接口和类

    public interface IProductRepository
    Task<bool> AddAsync(Product prod);
    Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetAllAsync();
    Task<Product> GetByIDAsync(int id);
    Task<bool> DeleteAsync(int id);
    Task<bool> UpdateAsync(Product prod);
    public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
    public async Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetAllAsync()
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    return await conn.QueryAsync<Product>(@"SELECT Id
    FROM Product");
    } public async Task<Product> GetByIDAsync(int id)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    string sql = @"SELECT Id
    FROM Product
    WHERE Id = @Id";
    return await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<Product>(sql, new { Id = id });
    } public async Task<bool> AddAsync(Product prod)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    string sql = @"INSERT INTO Product
    return await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, prod) > 0;
    } public async Task<bool> UpdateAsync(Product prod)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    string sql = @"UPDATE Product SET
    Name = @Name
    ,Quantity = @Quantity
    ,Price= @Price
    ,CategoryId= @CategoryId
    WHERE Id = @Id";
    return await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, prod) > 0;
    } public async Task<bool> DeleteAsync(int id)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    string sql = @"DELETE FROM Product
    WHERE Id = @Id";
    return await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, new { Id = id }) > 0;

    在Startup ConfigureServices方法里面配置依赖注入

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IProductRepository, ProductRepository>(); services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1);
  6. 在Controller里面调用仓储方法

    public class ProductController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository;
    public ProductController(IProductRepository productRepository)
    _productRepository = productRepository;
    } [HttpGet]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
    var data = await _productRepository.GetAllAsync();
    return Ok(data);
    } [HttpGet("{id}")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id)
    var data = await _productRepository.GetByIDAsync(id);
    return Ok(data);
    } [HttpPost]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] Product prod)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    return BadRequest(ModelState);
    } await _productRepository.AddAsync(prod);
    return NoContent();
    } [HttpPut("{id}")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Put(int id, [FromBody] Product prod)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    return BadRequest(ModelState);
    } var model = await _productRepository.GetByIDAsync(id);
    model.Name = prod.Name;
    model.Quantity = prod.Quantity;
    model.Price = prod.Price;
    await _productRepository.UpdateAsync(model); return NoContent();
    } [HttpDelete("{id}")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
    await _productRepository.DeleteAsync(id);
    return NoContent();
  7. 测试API是否可以正常工作

  8. Dapper对存储过程和事务的支持


    using (var connection = My.ConnectionFactory())
    connection.Open(); var affectedRows = connection.Execute(sql,
    new {Kind = InvoiceKind.WebInvoice, Code = "Single_Insert_1"},
    commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); My.Result.Show(affectedRows);


    using (var connection = My.ConnectionFactory())
    connection.Open(); using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
    var affectedRows = connection.Execute(sql, new {CustomerName = "Mark"}, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit();
  9. Dapper对多表映射的支持

    var selectAllProductWithCategorySQL = @"select * from product p
    inner join category c on c.Id = p.CategoryId
    Order by p.Id";
    var allProductWithCategory = connection.Query<Product, Category, Product>(selectAllProductWithCategorySQL, (prod, cg) => { prod.Category = cg; return prod; });

使用 Dapper Contrib 或其他扩展

Dapper Contrib扩展Dapper提供了CRUD的方法

  • Get
  • GetAll
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • DeleteAll
  1. 添加NuGet引用Dapper.Contrib

    Install-Package Dapper.Contrib
  2. 为Product类添加数据注解

    public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int Quantity { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } public int CategoryId { get; set; } public virtual Category Category { get; set; }
  3. 增加一个新的仓储类继承

    public class ContribProductRepository : IProductRepository
    public async Task<bool> AddAsync(Product prod)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    return await conn.InsertAsync(prod) > 0;
    } public async Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetAllAsync()
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    return await conn.GetAllAsync<Product>();
    } public async Task<Product> GetByIDAsync(int id)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    return await conn.GetAsync<Product>(id);
    } public async Task<bool> DeleteAsync(int id)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    var entity = await conn.GetAsync<Product>(id);
    return await conn.DeleteAsync(entity);
    } public async Task<bool> UpdateAsync(Product prod)
    using (IDbConnection conn = DBConfig.GetSqlConnection())
    return await conn.UpdateAsync(prod);

    修改Startup ConfigureServices方法里面配置依赖注入

    services.AddTransient<IProductRepository, ContribProductRepository>();


  4. 其他一些开源的Dapper扩展

    类库 提供的方法
    Dapper.SimpleCRUD Get GetList GetListPaged Insert Update Delete DeleteList RecordCount
    Dapper Plus Bulk Insert Bulk Delete Bulk Update Bulk Merge Bulk Action Async Bulk Also Action Bulk Then Action
    Dapper.FastCRUD Get Find Insert Update BulkUpdate Delete BulkDelete Count
    Dapper.Mapper Multi-mapping

引入工作单元 Unit of Work



  • Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns in an ASP.NET MVC Application


    public class UnitOfWork : IDisposable
    private SchoolContext context = new SchoolContext();
    private GenericRepository<Department> departmentRepository;
    private GenericRepository<Course> courseRepository; public GenericRepository<Department> DepartmentRepository
    { if (this.departmentRepository == null)
    this.departmentRepository = new GenericRepository<Department>(context);
    return departmentRepository;
    } public GenericRepository<Course> CourseRepository
    { if (this.courseRepository == null)
    this.courseRepository = new GenericRepository<Course>(context);
    return courseRepository;
    } public void Save()
    } private bool disposed = false; protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (!this.disposed)
    if (disposing)
    this.disposed = true;
    } public void Dispose()
  • DDD 领域驱动设计-谈谈 Repository、IUnitOfWork 和 IDbContext 的实践



  • 定义DapperDBContext

    public interface IContext : IDisposable
    bool IsTransactionStarted { get; } void BeginTransaction(); void Commit(); void Rollback();
    } public abstract class DapperDBContext : IContext
    private IDbConnection _connection;
    private IDbTransaction _transaction;
    private int? _commandTimeout = null;
    private readonly DapperDBContextOptions _options; public bool IsTransactionStarted { get; private set; } protected abstract IDbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString); protected DapperDBContext(IOptions<DapperDBContextOptions> optionsAccessor)
    _options = optionsAccessor.Value; _connection = CreateConnection(_options.Configuration);
    _connection.Open(); DebugPrint("Connection started.");
    } #region Transaction public void BeginTransaction()
    if (IsTransactionStarted)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Transaction is already started."); _transaction = _connection.BeginTransaction();
    IsTransactionStarted = true; DebugPrint("Transaction started.");
    } public void Commit()
    if (!IsTransactionStarted)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("No transaction started."); _transaction.Commit();
    _transaction = null; IsTransactionStarted = false; DebugPrint("Transaction committed.");
    } public void Rollback()
    if (!IsTransactionStarted)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("No transaction started."); _transaction.Rollback();
    _transaction = null; IsTransactionStarted = false; DebugPrint("Transaction rollbacked and disposed.");
    } #endregion Transaction #region Dapper Execute & Query public async Task<int> ExecuteAsync(string sql, object param = null, CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text)
    return await _connection.ExecuteAsync(sql, param, _transaction, _commandTimeout, commandType);
    } public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryAsync<T>(string sql, object param = null, CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text)
    return await _connection.QueryAsync<T>(sql, param, _transaction, _commandTimeout, commandType);
    } public async Task<T> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(string sql, object param = null, CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text)
    return await _connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(sql, param, _transaction, _commandTimeout, commandType);
    } public async Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn> map, object param = null, string splitOn = "Id", CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text)
    return await _connection.QueryAsync(sql, map, param, _transaction, true, splitOn, _commandTimeout, commandType);
    } #endregion Dapper Execute & Query public void Dispose()
    if (IsTransactionStarted)
    Rollback(); _connection.Close();
    _connection = null; DebugPrint("Connection closed and disposed.");
    } private void DebugPrint(string message)
    #if DEBUG
    Debug.Print(">>> UnitOfWorkWithDapper - Thread {0}: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, message);
  • 定义UnitOfWork

    public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
    void SaveChanges();
    } public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    private readonly IContext _context; public UnitOfWork(IContext context)
    _context = context;
    } public void SaveChanges()
    if (!_context.IsTransactionStarted)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Transaction have already been commited or disposed."); _context.Commit();
    } public void Dispose()
    if (_context.IsTransactionStarted)
  • 定义UnitOfWorkFactory

    public interface IUnitOfWorkFactory
    IUnitOfWork Create();
    } public class DapperUnitOfWorkFactory : IUnitOfWorkFactory
    private readonly DapperDBContext _context; public DapperUnitOfWorkFactory(DapperDBContext context)
    _context = context;
    } public IUnitOfWork Create()
    return new UnitOfWork(_context);
  • 定义服务扩展

    public class DapperDBContextOptions : IOptions<DapperDBContextOptions>
    public string Configuration { get; set; } DapperDBContextOptions IOptions<DapperDBContextOptions>.Value
    get { return this; }
    } public static class DapperDBContextServiceCollectionExtensions
    public static IServiceCollection AddDapperDBContext<T>(this IServiceCollection services, Action<DapperDBContextOptions> setupAction) where T : DapperDBContext
    if (services == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services));
    } if (setupAction == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(setupAction));
    } services.AddOptions();
    services.AddScoped<DapperDBContext, T>();
    services.AddScoped<IUnitOfWorkFactory, DapperUnitOfWorkFactory>(); return services;
  • 怎么使用

    1. 创建一个自己的Context并继承DapperDBContext。下面测试的TestDBContext是采用MySQL数据库并返回MySqlConnection。

      public class TestDBContext : DapperDBContext
      public TestDBContext(IOptions<DapperDBContextOptions> optionsAccessor) : base(optionsAccessor)
      } protected override IDbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString)
      IDbConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
      return conn;
    2. 仓储类里面添加DapperDBContext引用

      public class UowProductRepository : IProductRepository
      private readonly DapperDBContext _context;
      public UowProductRepository(DapperDBContext context)
      _context = context;
      } public async Task<Product> GetByIDAsync(int id)
      string sql = @"SELECT Id
      FROM Product
      WHERE Id = @Id";
      return await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<Product>(sql, new { Id = id });
      } public async Task<bool> AddAsync(Product prod)
      string sql = @"INSERT INTO Product
      return await _context.ExecuteAsync(sql, prod) > 0;
    3. Startup里面注册服务

      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
      services.AddDapperDBContext<TestDBContext>(options => {
      options.Configuration = @"server=;database=ormdemo;uid=root;pwd=password;SslMode=none;";
      }); services.AddTransient<IProductRepository, UowProductRepository>();
      services.AddTransient<ICategoryRepository, UowCategoryRepository>(); services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1);
    4. Controller调用

      public class ProductController : ControllerBase
      private readonly IUnitOfWorkFactory _uowFactory;
      private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository;
      private readonly ICategoryRepository _categoryRepository; public ProductController(IUnitOfWorkFactory uowFactory, IProductRepository productRepository, ICategoryRepository categoryRepository)
      _uowFactory = uowFactory;
      _productRepository = productRepository;
      _categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
      } [HttpGet("{id}")]
      public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id)
      var data = await _productRepository.GetByIDAsync(id);
      return Ok(data);
      } [HttpPost]
      public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] Product prod)
      if (!ModelState.IsValid)
      return BadRequest(ModelState);
      } //await _productRepository.AddAsync(prod); using (var uow = _uowFactory.Create())
      await _productRepository.AddAsync(prod); uow.SaveChanges();
      } return NoContent();




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