c# – 如果抛出异常,“固定”是否可以正确清理?

我假设fixed的实现类似于using / try..finally,因为如果块提前终止(通过返回或抛出异常),指针会被正确清理(“不固定”以便GC可以完成其工作再次).

但是,我没有在fixed documentation中看到这样的保证,所以我想知道某处是否存在某种形式的官方保证,或者我是否应该在每个固定区块中引入try..catch.

unsafe void FooUnsafe()
    var str = "Foo";
        fixed (char* pStr = str)
            Console.WriteLine("First Char: " + (*pStr));
            throw new Exception("Test");
    catch (Exception ex) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Exception when working with {str}: {ex.Message}");      



Pointer cannot live longer than the resource that it points to because
C# protects it from happening because of Dangling Pointer. So if you
point to a local variable, then it will definitely be disposed once
the variable goes out of scope. In this situation, once the FooUnsafe


fixed Statement (C# Reference)

After the code in the statement is executed, any pinned variables are
unpinned and subject to garbage collection.


private static unsafe void Main()
   Console.WriteLine($"Total Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory(false)}");

   var arr = new int[100000];

   Console.WriteLine($"Total Memory after new : {GC.GetTotalMemory(false)}");


      fixed (int* p = arr)
         *p = 1;
         throw new Exception("rah");


   Console.WriteLine($"Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(arr)}, Total Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory(false)}");

   arr = null;
   Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(false));


Total Memory: 29948
Total Memory after new: 438172
Generation: 2, Total Memory: 438172
Total Memory: 29824



   // [23 14 - 23 26]
   IL_0043: ldloc.0      // arr
   IL_0044: dup          
   IL_0045: stloc.2      // V_2
   IL_0046: brfalse.s    IL_004d
   IL_0048: ldloc.2      // V_2
   IL_0049: ldlen        
   IL_004a: conv.i4      
   IL_004b: brtrue.s     IL_0052
   IL_004d: ldc.i4.0     
   IL_004e: conv.u       
   IL_004f: stloc.1      // p
   IL_0050: br.s         IL_005b
   IL_0052: ldloc.2      // V_2
   IL_0053: ldc.i4.0     
   IL_0054: ldelema      [mscorlib]System.Int32
   IL_0059: conv.u       
   IL_005a: stloc.1      // p


} // end of .try

   IL_006a: ldnull       
   IL_006b: stloc.2      // V_2
   IL_006c: endfinally   
} // end of finally



// In principle, the cleanup code (i.e. nulling out the pinned variables) is always
// in a finally block.  However, we can optimize finally away (keeping the cleanup
// code) in cases where both of the following are true:
//   1) there are no branches out of the fixed statement; and
//   2) the fixed statement is not in a try block (syntactic or synthesized).
if (IsInTryBlock(node) || HasGotoOut(rewrittenBody))


private static unsafe void test(int[] arr)
   fixed (int* p = arr)
      *p = 1;


.method private hidebysig static void 
   int32[] arr
   ) cil managed 
   .maxstack 2
   .locals init (
   [0] int32* p,
   [1] int32[] pinned V_1


   IL_001e: ldnull       
   IL_001f: stloc.1      // V_1

   // [54 7 - 54 8]
   IL_0020: ret          

} // end of method MyGCCollectClass::test


Standard ECMA-335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

II.7.1.2 pinned The signature encoding for pinned shall appear only in
signatures that describe local variables (§II. While a
method with a pinned local variable is executing, the VES shall not
relocate the object to which the local refers. That is, if the
implementation of the CLI uses a garbage collector that moves objects,
the collector shall not move objects that are referenced by an active
pinned local variable.

[Rationale: If unmanaged pointers are used to dereference managed
objects, these objects shall be pinned. This happens, for example,
when a managed object is passed to a method designed to operate with
unmanaged data. end rationale]

VES = Virtual Execution System CLI = Common Language Infrastructure
CTS = Common Type System


In effect the GC has to get out of the way and leave the pinned local
variable alone for the life-time of the method. Normally the GC is
concerned about which objects are live or dead so that it knows what
it has to clean up. But with pinned objects it has to go one step
further, not only must it not clean up the object, but it must not
move it around. Generally the GC likes to relocate objects around
during the Compact Phase to make memory allocations cheap, but pinning
prevents that as the object is being accessed via a pointer and
therefore its memory address has to remain the same.


c# – 如果抛出异常,“固定”是否可以正确清理?


Note : I am not a reputable source, and i could find no Official Confirmation however i thought these snippets of information i found
might be of interest all the same

上一篇:c# – Marshal.SizeOf和sizeof之间的区别,我只是不明白
