海量数据挖掘Mining Massive Datasets(MMDs) -Jure Leskovec courses学习笔记之Nearest-Neighbor Learning,KNN最近邻学习
{The module is about large scale machine learning.}
Supervised Learning监督学习
Note: y有多种不同的形式,对应不同的问题。如为实数时,属于回归问题。
how do we efficiently train?Or build a model based on the based on the data?
So in a sense the main question is how do I find this function f.That takes the input features and predicts the class variable.
Instance based learning基于实例的学习
最近邻分类器Nearest nerghbor
Note: 最后一个要考虑的问题就是:How to take all these nearest neighbors and combine their values into a single point that I can use as prediction.
1-Nearest Nerghbor
1-Nearest nerghbor的重大缺陷:预测值附近变化大,用一个值来预测不准确。the method is suffering from It is making lots of very spiky, or sharp decisions, because we are only looking at the one nearest neighbor.
K-Nearest Nerghbor
Note: f(x) is much smoother than what is was before.
Kernel Regression核回归
solution would require a linear pass over the data, so it would take linear time.
using locality sensitive hashing, we could find, nearest neighbors in near constant time.So that would be a good way how to really make nearest neighbor classifiers scale to large scale data.
ref:论文:GPU上的K近邻并行暴力搜索Brute-Force k-Nearest Neighbors Search on the GPU