Creates a non-query record group with the given name. The new record group has no columns and no rows until you explicitly add them using the ADD_GROUP_COLUMN, the ADD_GROUP_ROW, and the POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY Built-ins.
(recordgroup_name VARCHAR2,
scope NUMBER,
array_fetch_size NUMBER);
Built-in Type unrestricted function
Returns RecordGroup
Enter Query Mode yes
The string you defined as the name of the record group at design time. When Oracle Forms creates the record group object it also assigns the object a unique ID of type RecordGroup. You can call the record group by name or by ID in later calls to record group or record group column built-in subprograms.
Specifies whether tlhe record group can be used only within the current form or within every form in a multi-form application. Takes the following constants as arguments:
FORM_SCOPE Indicates that the record group can by used only within the current form. This is the default value.
GLOBAL_SCOPE Indicates that the record group is global, and that it can be used within all forms in the application. Once created, a global record group persists for the remainder of the runtime session.
Specifies the array fetch size. The default array size is 0.
/*** Built-in: CREATE_GROUP ** Example: Creates a record group and populates its values ** from a query. */
rg_name VARCHAR2(40) := 'Salary_Range';
rg_id RecordGroup;
gc_id GroupColumn;
errcode NUMBER;
/* ** Make sure the record group does not already exist.*/
rg_id := Find_Group(rg_name); /* ** If it does not exist, create it and add the two ** necessary columns to it. */
IF Id_Null(rg_id) THEN
rg_id := Create_Group(rg_name); /* Add two number columns to the record group */
gc_id := Add_Group_Column(rg_id, 'Base_Sal_Range', NUMBER_COLUMN);
gc_id := Add_Group_Column(rg_id, 'Emps_In_Range', NUMBER_COLUMN);
END IF; /* ** Populate group with a query */
errcode := Populate_Group_With_Query(rg_id,
'FROM EMP ' ||
'GROUP BY SAL-MOD(SAL,1000) ' ||
'ORDER BY 1');