


  1. $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/Forrest-Z/teleop_twist_keyboard.git
  3. $ git clone https://github.com/Forrest-Z/serial.git
  4. $ catkin_make


  1. $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
  2. $ catkin_create_pkg ros_car_pkg roscpp rospy std_msgs

4.新建 base_controller 文件:

  1. $ cd catkin_ws/src/base_controller
  2. $ mkdir src
  3. $ vim src/base_controller.cpp


  1. #include "ros/ros.h"
  2. #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
  3. #include <string>
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #include <cstdio>
  6. #include <unistd.h>
  7. #include <math.h>
  8. #include "serial/serial.h"
  9. using std::ios;
  10. using std::string;
  11. using std::exception;
  12. using std::cout;
  13. using std::cerr;
  14. using std::endl;
  15. using std::vector;
  16. float ratio = 1000.0f ;   //转速转换比例,执行速度调整比例
  17. float D = 0.2680859f ;    //两轮间距,单位是m
  18. float linear_temp=0,angular_temp=0;//暂存的线速度和角速度
  19. unsigned char data_terminal=0x0a;  //“/n"字符
  20. unsigned char speed_data[9]={0};   //要发给串口的数据
  21. union floatData         //union的作用将较大的对象分解成组成这个对象的各个字节
  22. {
  23. float d;
  24. unsigned char data[4];
  25. }right_speed_data,left_speed_data;
  26. /************************************************************/
  27. void callback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_input)//订阅/cmd_vel主题回调函数
  28. {
  29. string port("/dev/ttyUSB0");    //小车串口号
  30. unsigned long baud = 115200;    //小车串口波特率
  31. serial::Serial my_serial(port, baud, serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(1000)); //配置串口
  32. angular_temp = cmd_input.angular.z ;//获取/cmd_vel的角速度,rad/s
  33. linear_temp = cmd_input.linear.x ;//获取/cmd_vel的线速度.m/s
  34. //将转换好的小车速度分量为左右轮速度
  35. left_speed_data.d = linear_temp- 0.5f*angular_temp*D ;
  36. right_speed_data.d = linear_temp+ 0.5f*angular_temp*D ;
  37. //存入数据到要发布的左右轮速度消息
  38. left_speed_data.d*=ratio;   //放大1000倍,mm/s
  39. right_speed_data.d*=ratio;//放大1000倍,mm/s
  40. cout<<"angular_temp = "<< angular_temp << endl;
  41. cout<<"linear_temp = "<< linear_temp<<endl;
  42. cout<<"left_speed_data.d = "<< left_speed_data.d<<endl;
  43. cout<<"right_speed_data.d = "<< right_speed_data.d << endl;
  44. for(int i=0;i<4;i++)    //将左右轮速度存入数组中发送给串口
  45. {
  46. speed_data[i]=right_speed_data.data[i];
  47. speed_data[i+4]=left_speed_data.data[i];
  48. }
  49. //在写入串口的左右轮速度数据后加入”/n“
  50. speed_data[8]=data_terminal;
  51. //speed_data[9]=data_terminal1;
  52. //写入数据到串口
  53. for(int i=0;i<9;i++){
  54. cout.setf(ios::hex,ios::basefield);//设置十六进制显示数值
  55. cout.setf(ios::showbase|ios::uppercase);//设置0x头和大写
  56. cout<<"s_i = "<<(int)speed_data[i]<<endl;
  57. }
  58. my_serial.write(speed_data,10);
  59. }
  60. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  61. {
  62. ros::init(argc, argv, "base_controller");
  63. ros::NodeHandle n;
  64. ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("cmd_vel", 20, callback); //订阅cmd_vel主题
  65. ros::spin();//周期执行
  66. return 0;
  67. }


  1. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
  2. project(ros_car_pkg)
  3. find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
  4. message_generation
  5. roscpp
  6. rospy
  7. std_msgs
  8. serial
  9. tf
  10. nav_msgs
  11. )
  12. include_directories(
  13. # include
  14. ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}
  15. ${serial_INCLUDE_DIRS}
  16. )
  17. add_message_files(FILES MsgCar.msg)
  18. generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs)
  19. add_executable(base_controller src/base_controller.cpp)
  20. target_link_libraries(base_controller ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
  21. add_dependencies(base_controller ros_car_pkg_generate_messages_cpp)
  22. catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy std_msgs)


  1. $ catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES='ros_car_pkg'


  • 当我们按下键盘时,teleop_twist_keyboard 包会发布 /cmd_vel 发布速度主题
  • 在 base_controller 节点订阅这个话题,接收速度数据,转换成字节数据,然后写入串口
  • 通过USB转串口线,连接到板子的UART串口,在beaglebone中读取串口数据
  • 将串口数据转换成pwm信号,并加载设备树,控制电机运转,从而实现键盘控制小车的移动


    实验室的usb转串口线为:蓝色对应数据接受端,接RXD;白色对应发送数据端,接TXD,      黑色和红色一定要悬空!!!

$ ssh root@
        $ cd /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/
        $ echo BB-UART4 > slots    
        $ cat slots
        $ cd /dev    
        $ ls tty*
        $ sudo screen /dev/ttyO4 115200

        $ cd /dev    
        $ ls tty*
        $ sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0 
        $ echo "Hello HFUT" > /dev/ttyUSB0




  1. $ roscore
  2. $ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
  3. $ rosrun ros_car_pkg base_controller


  1. #include<stdio.h>
  2. #include<fcntl.h>
  3. #include<unistd.h>
  4. #include<termios.h>
  5. #define SLOTS   "/sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots"
  6. int main()
  7. {
  8. int fd, count_r,count_t,i;
  9. unsigned char buff[100];  // the reading & writing buffer
  10. struct termios opt;       //uart  confige structure
  11. //加载设备树
  12. if ((fd = open(SLOTS, O_WRONLY)) < 0)
  13. {
  14. perror("SLOTS: Failed to open the file. \n");
  15. return -1;
  16. }
  17. if ((count_t = write(fd, "BB-UART4",8))<0) //8ge zi fu
  18. {
  19. perror("SLOTS:Failed to write to the file\nFailed to mount the UART4");
  20. return -1;
  21. }
  22. close(fd);
  23. //设置串口
  24. if ((fd = open("/dev/ttyO4", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY )) < 0)
  25. {
  26. perror("UART: Failed to open the UART device:ttyO4.\n");
  27. return -1;
  28. }
  29. tcgetattr(fd, &opt); // get the configuration of the UART
  30. opt.c_cflag = B115200| CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL;
  31. // 115200 baud, 8-bit, enable receiver, no modem control lines
  32. opt.c_iflag = IGNPAR | ICRNL;
  33. // ignore partity errors, CR -> newline
  34. opt.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY);
  35. //turn off software stream control
  36. opt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG);
  37. tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH);        // 清理输入输出缓冲区
  38. tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &opt); // changes occur immmediately
  39. //读串口
  40. while(1)
  41. {
  42. if ((count_r = read(fd,(void*)buff,100))<0){
  43. perror("ERR:No data is ready to be read\n");
  44. return -1;
  45. }
  46. if (count_r == 0){
  47. printf("ERR:No data is ready to be read\n");
  48. }
  49. else
  50. {
  51. printf("The following was read in [%d]:%X\n",count_r,buff); //具体格式是字节
  52. }
  53. //发送PWM
  54. if (buff != NULL)
  55. {
  56. if ((fd = open(SLOTS, O_WRONLY)) < 0)
  57. {
  58. perror("SLOTS: Failed to open the file. \n");
  59. return -1;
  60. }
  61. if ((count_t = write(fd, "bone_pwm_P9_22",14))<0) //8ge zi fu
  62. {
  63. perror("SLOTS:Failed to write to the file\nFailed to mount the bone_pwm_P9_22");
  64. return -1;
  65. }
  66. if ((count_t = write(fd, "bone_pwm_P9_16",14))<0) //8ge zi fu
  67. {
  68. perror("SLOTS:Failed to write to the file\nFailed to mount the bone_pwm_P9_16");
  69. return -1;
  70. }
  71. if ((count_t = write(fd, "am33xx_pwm",10))<0) //8ge zi fu
  72. {
  73. perror("SLOTS:Failed to write to the file\nFailed to mount the PWM");
  74. return -1;
  75. }
  76. close(fd);
  77. if ((fd = open(p922,O_WRONLY))<0)
  78. {
  79. perror("p922: Failed to open the file. \n");
  80. return -1;
  81. }
  82. if((count_t= write(fd,"1",1))<0) //8ge zi fu
  83. {
  84. perror("p922run:Failed to write to the file\nFailed to mount the p9223");
  85. return -1;
  86. }
  87. close(fd);
  88. if ((fd = open(p916,O_WRONLY))<0)
  89. {
  90. perror("p916: Failed to open the file. \n");
  91. return -1;
  92. }
  93. if((count_t= write(fd,"1",1))<0) //8ge zi fu
  94. {
  95. perror("p916run:Failed to write to the file\nFailed to mount the p9223");
  96. return -1;
  97. }
  98. close(fd);
  99. usleep(50000000);
  100. }
  101. return 0;
  102. }

下一篇:Too many connections