在linux平台下编译比windows平台简单的多,必须要用g++ 3.x来编译ICE的开发包,否则会报错。在 中下载Ice-3.0.1.tar.gz和ThirdParty-Sources-3.0.1.tar.gz,先编译ThirdParty-Sources-3.0.1.tar.gz:
1、mkdir ThirdParty
2、cp ThirdParty-Sources-3.0.1.tar.gz ThirdParty
3、tar –xzvf ThirdParty-Sources-3.0.1.tar.gz
4、tar –xzvf openssl-0.9.8a.tar.gz
5、cd openssl-0.9.8a
6、./ Configure;make;make install
7、cd ..
8、tar –xzvf expat-1.95.8.tar.gz
9、cd expat-1.95.8
10、./ configure;make;make install
11、cd ..
12、tar –xzvf db-4.3.29.NC.tar.gz
13、cd db-4.3.29.NC
14、cd build_unix
15、../dist/configure;make;make install
16、cd ../..
17、tar –xzvf Ice-3.0.1.tar.gz
18、cd Ice-3.0.1
#STLPORT_HOME ?= /opt/STLport
# If libbzip2 is not installed in a standard location where the compiler
# can find it, set BZIP2_HOME to the bzip2 installation directory.
#BZIP2_HOME ?= /opt/bzip2
# If Berkeley DB is not installed in a standard location where the
# compiler can find it, set DB_HOME to the Berkeley DB installation
# directory.
#DB_HOME = /root2/opt/db
# If OpenSSL is not installed in a standard location where the
# compiler can find it, set OPENSSL_HOME to the OpenSSL installation
# directory.
OPENSSL_HOME = /root2/opt/openssl
# Define if your OpenSSL requires Kerberos, and if Kerberos is not
# installed in a standard location.
KERBEROS_HOME ?= /usr/kerberos
# If expat is not installed in a standard location where the
# compiler can find it, set EXPAT_HOME to the expat
# installation directory.
EXPAT_HOME = /root2/opt/expat
# If readline is not installed in a standard location where the
# compiler can find it, AND you want to use readline,
# set READLINE_HOME to the readline installation directory.
#READLINE_HOME ?= /opt/readline
21、make;make install
这样ICE就可以编译过去了,可以用make test来测试编译得是否正确。
在编译console类型的程序时,要将Porject->setting->c/c++->code gereration中的Use run-time library中的Debug Multithreaded DLL选上,实现多线程,因为ICE本身天生就是多线程的。
在任何情况下编译ICE程序,都要将Porject->setting->C++ Language中的Enable Run-Time Type Information (RTTI)选中,否则STL_port会报Access violation - no RTTI data In Visual Studio (Visual C++)错误。