SpringBoot 在线协同办公小程序开发 全栈式项目实战
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `student`; CREATE TABLE `student` ( `sid` int NOT NULL, `sName` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `sPassword` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sid`) ); INSERT INTO student VALUES (1, 'student1', '123456'); INSERT INTO student VALUES (2, 'student2', '123456'); INSERT INTO student VALUES (3, 'student3', '123456'); INSERT INTO student VALUES (4, 'student4', '123456'); INSERT INTO student VALUES (5, 'student15', '123456'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `studentHomework`; CREATE TABLE `studentHomework` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `sid` int NOT NULL, `hid` int NOT NULL, `homework_content` varchar(300), `create_time` BIGINT, `update_time` BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); INSERT INTO studentHomework VALUES (1, 1, 1,'This is the first homework!',1592198021,1592198021); INSERT INTO studentHomework VALUES (2, 2, 1,'This is the first homework!',1592198021,1592198021); INSERT INTO studentHomework VALUES (3, 1, 2,'This is the second homework!',1592198021,1592198021); INSERT INTO studentHomework VALUES (4, 3, 1,'This is the first homework!',1592198021,1592198021); INSERT INTO studentHomework VALUES (5, 4, 1,'This is the first homework!',1592198021,1592370821); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `homework`; CREATE TABLE `homework` ( `hid` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tid` int NOT NULL, `htitle` varchar(300) NOT NULL, `hcontent` varchar(300) NOT NULL, `start_time` BIGINT NOT NULL, `end_time` BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`hid`) ); INSERT INTO homework VALUES (1,1001,'homework1','Please submit the first homework!',1592198021,1592630021); INSERT INTO homework VALUES (2,1001,'homework2','Please submit the second homework!',1592198021,1592630021); INSERT INTO homework VALUES (3,1002,'homework3','Please submit the third homework!',1592198021,1592630021); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `teacher`; CREATE TABLE `teacher` ( `tid` int NOT NULL, `tName` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `tPassword` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`tid`) ); INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (1001, 'teacher1', '111111'); INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (1002, 'teacher2', '222222'); INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (1003, 'teacher3', '333333'); INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (1004, 'teacher4', '444444'); INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (1005, 'teacher5', '555555');