模板方法模式(Template Method Pattern)的意图:
模板方法模式是在超类中定义了一个算法的框架, 允许子类在不修改结构的情况下重写算法的特定步骤。
使用场景: 1、有多个子类共有的方法,且逻辑相同。 2、重要的、复杂的方法,可以考虑作为模板方法。
注意事项:为防止恶意操作,一般模板方法都加上 final 关键词。
/** * 抽象模版 */ public abstract class CoffeineBeverageWithHook { final void prepareRecipe() { boilWater(); brew(); pourInCup(); if (customerWantsCondiments()) { addCondiments(); } } void boilWater() { System.out.println("Boiling water"); } void pourInCup() { System.out.println("Pouring into cup"); } abstract void brew(); abstract void addCondiments(); protected boolean customerWantsCondiments() { return true; } } /** * 继承实现抽象模板,并针对hook添加相应逻辑 */ public class CoffeeWithHook extends CoffeineBeverageWithHook { @Override void brew() { System.out.println("this is coffee's brew"); } @Override void addCondiments() { System.out.println("this is coffee's addCondiments"); } @Override protected boolean customerWantsCondiments() { String answer = getUserInput(); if (answer.toLowerCase().startsWith("y")) { return true; } else { return false; } } private String getUserInput() { String answer = null; System.out.println("Would you like milk and sugar with your coffee (y/n)? "); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); try { answer = in.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO error trying to read your answer"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (answer == null) { return "no"; } return answer; } } /** * 测试 */ public class CoffeineBevergeUseMain { public static void main(String[] args) { CoffeineBeverageWithHook coffeineHook = new CoffeeWithHook(); coffeineHook.prepareRecipe(); } }