Unreal Math: FVector(1)

struct FVector 

	/** Vector's X component. */
	float X;

	/** Vector's Y component. */
	float Y;

	/** Vector's Z component. */
	float Z;



	/** A zero vector (0,0,0) */
	static CORE_API const FVector ZeroVector;

	/** One vector (1,1,1) */
	static CORE_API const FVector OneVector;

	/** Unreal up vector (0,0,1) */
	static CORE_API const FVector UpVector;

	/** Unreal down vector (0,0,-1) */
	static CORE_API const FVector DownVector;

	/** Unreal forward vector (1,0,0) */
	static CORE_API const FVector ForwardVector;

	/** Unreal backward vector (-1,0,0) */
	static CORE_API const FVector BackwardVector;

	/** Unreal right vector (0,1,0) */
	static CORE_API const FVector RightVector;

	/** Unreal left vector (0,-1,0) */
	static CORE_API const FVector LeftVector;


 * Calculate the cross product of two vectors.
 * @param A The first vector.
 * @param B The second vector.
 * @return The cross product.
FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator^(const FVector& V) const
	return FVector
		Y * V.Z - Z * V.Y,
		Z * V.X - X * V.Z,
		X * V.Y - Y * V.X

向量叉乘,[latex]\begin{bmatrix} x1\\y1\\ z1 \end{bmatrix}\times \begin{bmatrix} x2 \\ y2 \\ z2 \end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} y1z2-z1y2 \\ z1x2-x1z2 \\ x1y2-y1x2 \end{bmatrix}[/latex]


FVector v1(2, 4, 6), v2(-1, -2, -3);
float dotProduct = v1 | v2;//-28
FVector crossProduct = v1 ^ v2;// (0,0,0)
FVector componentDivide = v1 / v2;//(-2,-2,-2)
FVector componentProduct = v1 * v2;//(-2,-8,-18)



	 * Calculates normalized version of vector without checking for zero length.
	 * @return Normalized version of vector.
	 * @see GetSafeNormal()
	FORCEINLINE FVector GetUnsafeNormal() const;

	 * Gets a normalized copy of the vector, checking it is safe to do so based on the length.
	 * Returns zero vector if vector length is too small to safely normalize.
	 * @param Tolerance Minimum squared vector length.
	 * @return A normalized copy if safe, (0,0,0) otherwise.
	FVector GetSafeNormal(float Tolerance=SMALL_NUMBER) const;


void ToDirectionAndLength(FVector &OutDir, float &OutLength) const;




	 * Projects 2D components of vector based on Z.
	 * @return Projected version of vector based on Z.
	FVector Projection() const;

FVector GridSnap(const float& GridSz) const;


/** Snaps a value to the nearest grid multiple */
static FORCEINLINE float GridSnap( float Location, float Grid )
	if( Grid==0.f )	return Location;
		return FloorToFloat((Location + 0.5*Grid)/Grid)*Grid;

关键函数是FloorToFloat((Location + 0.5Grid)/Grid)*Grid;


FVector BoundToBox(const FVector& Min, const FVector Max) const;

Unreal Math: FVector(1)


 * Get a copy of this vector, clamped inside of a cube.
 * @param Radius Half size of the cube.
 * @return A copy of this vector, bound by cube.
FVector BoundToCube(float Radius) const;

/** Get a copy of this vector, clamped inside of a cube. */
FVector BoundToBox(const FVector& Min, const FVector Max) const;

/** Create a copy of this vector, with its magnitude clamped between Min and Max. */
FVector GetClampedToSize(float Min, float Max) const;

/** Create a copy of this vector, with the 2D magnitude clamped between Min and Max. Z is unchanged. */
FVector GetClampedToSize2D(float Min, float Max) const;

/** Create a copy of this vector, with its maximum magnitude clamped to MaxSize. */
FVector GetClampedToMaxSize(float MaxSize) const;

/** Create a copy of this vector, with the maximum 2D magnitude clamped to MaxSize. Z is unchanged. */
FVector GetClampedToMaxSize2D(float MaxSize) const;

 * Add a vector to this and clamp the result in a cube.
 * @param V Vector to add.
 * @param Radius Half size of the cube.
void AddBounded(const FVector& V, float Radius=MAX_int16);

FVector Reciprocal() const;



FVector MirrorByVector(const FVector& MirrorNormal) const;


推算过程:OB在单位向量mirror上的投影OD=mirror*|OB|*cosα = mirror*|OB|*OB●mirror/|OB|/|mirror|=mirror*(OB ● mirror),然后BD=OD-OB,BC=2BD,OC=OB+BC, 化简后为OC = -OB + 2mirror(OB ● mirror)

FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::MirrorByVector(const FVector& MirrorNormal) const
	return *this - MirrorNormal * (2.f * (*this | MirrorNormal));
Unreal Math: FVector(1)

FVector MirrorByPlane(const FPlane& Plane) const;


inline FVector FVector::MirrorByPlane( const FPlane& Plane ) const
	return *this - Plane * (2.f * Plane.PlaneDot(*this) );


 * Rotates around Axis (assumes Axis.Size() == 1).
 * @param Angle Angle to rotate (in degrees).
 * @param Axis Axis to rotate around.
 * @return Rotated Vector.
FVector RotateAngleAxis(const float AngleDeg, const FVector& Axis) const;



 * Gets a copy of this vector projected onto the input vector.
 * @param A	Vector to project onto, does not assume it is normalized.
 * @return Projected vector.
FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ProjectOnTo(const FVector& A) const 
	return (A * ((*this | A) / (A | A))); 

 * Gets a copy of this vector projected onto the input vector, which is assumed to be unit length.
 * @param  Normal Vector to project onto (assumed to be unit length).
 * @return Projected vector.
FORCEINLINE FVector ProjectOnToNormal(const FVector& Normal) const;

计算一个向量在另外一个向量上面的投影。比如要将b投影到a,投影向量 c = a / |a| * |b| * cos α = a / |a| * |b| * (ab/|a||b|) = a * (ab) / (|a| * |a|)。如果是单位向量,则结果是 a * (ab)

Unreal Math: FVector(1)


下一篇:Unreal Math: 坐标系