- 前言
- 解决思路
- 首先防止雪崩效应,避免雪球越滚越大,网络波动是我们避免不了的,我们也不能因为这个原因,去加大k8s检查间隙时间或者关闭k8s的健康检查,不能因为丢了西瓜去捡芝麻,所以更合适的解决办法是,springboot去做健康检查的时候,关闭掉对redis的检查,不要因为redis的问题,导致java服务雪崩。
2.redis cpu激增检查,cpu飙高,我们要分情况来选择合适的方法排查,如果是一直很高,直接查看信息,可能线程死锁了等,如果是一会儿高,一会儿降低,火焰图更适合。
- 先检查redis的慢日志,slowlog get 5,如果有慢日志,使用keys和keys*的去匹配,我们要进行改正代码。推荐使用scan来代替keys
latency doctor
- Deleting, expiring or evicting (because of maxmemory policy) large objects is a blocking operation. If you have very large objects that ar
e often deleted, expired, or evicted, try to fragment those objects into multiple smaller objects. - I detected a non zero amount of anonymous huge pages used by your process. This creates very serious latency events in different condition
s, especially when Redis is persisting on disk. To disable THP support use the command ‘echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/ena
bled’, make sure to also add it into /etc/rc.local so that the command will be executed again after a reboot. Note that even if you have alr
eady disabled THP, you still need to restart the Redis process to get rid of the huge pages already created.
- redis monitor redis官方提供monitor命令,可以监控在redis执行的所有命令,但是此命令会消耗redis的性能,所有要排除业务的高峰期使用
monitor > redis-monitor.txt
- 火焰图
使用 perf 采样
perf record -g --pid $(grep redis-server) -F 999 -- sleep 60
设置最小调用图包含阈值为 0.5%
perf report -g "graph,0.5,caller"
git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git
perf script > redis.perf.stacks
stackcollapse-perf.pl redis.perf.stacks > redis.folded.stacks
flamegraph.pl redis.folded.stacks > redis.svg