RobotFramework - 在Window7系统中安装本地RobotFrmamework自动化测试环境

RIDE Installation

安装顺序:Python ---> setuptools & pip ---> Robot Framewok ---> wxPython(v2.8.12.1) ---> RIDE

To set environment variable for Python, open environment variables setting, new a system variable named PYTHONPATH, set its value to the Python installation path and append PYTHONPATH to path.


  1. robotframework

    根据需要搜索并下载对应源码的压缩包(.tar.gz或.zip),解压后,切换到对应目录,运行:python install即可安装.
  2. wxPython

  3. robotframework-ride

SSH Access Library Installation

  1. PyCrypto
  2. ecdsa
  3. paramiko
  4. robotframework-sshlibrary

Oracle Access Library Installation

  1. Oracle Instant Client

    Oracle Instant Client provides Oracle access and allows you to run your applications without installing the standard Oracle client.

    Since Oracle Instant Client is composed of basic instant client and the sdk instant client, thus two of them should be installed.
  2. cx_Oracle

    cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle databases and conforms to the Python database API specification.
  3. SQLAlchemy

    SQLAlchemy is Python library that allows database connections directly from Python code, helps in handling results and also allows using Python's/SQLAlchemys's own exception handling.

    It could be compared in JAVA's jdbc library.

Selenium Library Installation

SeleniumLibrary is a Robot Framework test library that uses the popular Selenium web testing tool internally.

It provides a powerful combination of simple test data syntax and support for different browsers. Web testing TA cases requires SeleniumLibrary.

  1. decorator
  2. Selenium
  3. robotframework-selenium2library
  4. IEDriverServer - (optional, for IE explorer)



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