
Java语言规范定义了section 17.5中最终字段的语义:

The usage model for final fields is a simple one. Set the final fields for an object in that object’s constructor. Do not write a reference to the object being constructed in a place where another thread can see it before the object’s constructor is finished. If this is followed, then when the object is seen by another thread, that thread will always see the correctly constructed version of that object’s final fields. It will also see versions of any object or array referenced by those final fields that are at least as up-to-date as the final fields are.

我的问题是 – ‘最新’保证是否扩展到嵌套数组和嵌套对象的内容?



> Thread A构造一个ArrayLists的HashMap,然后将HashMap分配给类’MyClass’实例中的final字段’myFinal’




>我对Java 1.5及更高版本的语义感兴趣,即通过JSR 133引入更新的Java内存模型.此更新中引入了最终字段的“最新”保证.


In this scenario, are the members of
the ArrayList as seen by Thread B
guaranteed to be at least as up to
date as they were when MyClass’s
constructor completed?







以下是article中描述JSR 133的一段感兴趣的内容

Initialization safety

The new JMM also seeks to provide a
new guarantee of initialization safety
— that as long as an object is properly constructed (meaning that a
reference to the object is not
published before the constructor has
completed), then all threads will see
the values for its final fields that
were set in its constructor,
regardless of whether or not
synchronization is used to pass the
reference from one thread to another.
Further, any variables that can be
reached through a final field of a
properly constructed object, such as
fields of an object referenced by a
final field, are also guaranteed to be
visible to other threads as well. This
means that if a final field contains a
reference to, say, a LinkedList, in
addition to the correct value of the
reference being visible to other
threads, also the contents of that
LinkedList at construction time would
be visible to other threads without
synchronization. The result is a
significant strengthening of the
meaning of final — that final fields
can be safely accessed without
synchronization, and that compilers
can assume that final fields will not
change and can therefore optimize away
multiple fetches.


下一篇:SQL Server和MySQL同步