git flow sequence md

link: git branching model


master->master branch: use default branch
Note right of master branch: lock for merging
master branch->develop branch: create then lock
Note right of develop branch: lock for merging
develop branch->feature branch: build feature-*
Note right of develop branch: START version xxx
developer-->feature branch: push a commit
feature branch->develop branch: finish (merge) feature
develop branch->release branch: build release
Note right of develop branch: build release
Note right of release branch: start testing
release branch->master branch: finish (merge) release
Note right of master branch: pre-publish testing
Note right of master branch: publish online
Note right of master branch: make a tag release-*
release branch->develop branch: finish (merge) release
Note right of develop branch: END version xxx
Note right of develop branch: start next feature... until some bugs coming
master branch->hotfix branch: build hotfix
developer-->hotfix branch: push commits to fix bugs
hotfix branch->master branch: finish (merge) hotfix
Note right of master branch: publish online
hotfix branch->develop branch: finish (merge) hotfix

下一篇:document.write 向文档中写内容,包括文本、脚本、元素之类的,但是它在什么时候执行不会覆盖当前页面内容尼?