Ubuntu 16.04 不能用inittab 设置 运行等级 runlevel

Ubuntu 用 systemd 了,所以就没有 runlevel 了。

对应的,是一个systemd targets.

   Mapping between runlevels and systemd targets
│Runlevel │ Target │
│0 │ poweroff.target │
│1 │ rescue.target │
│2, 3, 4 │ multi-user.target │
│5 │ graphical.target │
│6 │ reboot.target │

Now, to just change the "runlevels" in 16.04, you can use for eg:

sudo systemctl isolate multi-user.target

To make this the default "runlevel", you can use:

sudo systemctl enable multi-user.target
sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target


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