public class cmdAddType : IExternalCommand
void AddType(FamilyManager familyMgr, string name, double w, double d)
FamilyType type1 = familyMgr.NewType(name);
FamilyParameter paramW = familyMgr.get_Parameter("Width");
double valW = Util.mmToFeet(w);
if (paramW != null)
familyMgr.Set(paramW, valW);
FamilyParameter paramD = familyMgr.get_Parameter("Depth");
double valD = Util.mmToFeet(d);
if (paramD != null)
familyMgr.Set(paramD, valD);
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string messages, ElementSet elements)
UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document; Transaction ts = new Transaction(doc, "AddType");
ts.Start(); //添加参数
FamilyManager m_familyMgr = doc.FamilyManager; //添加类型Type
AddType(m_familyMgr, "600x900", 600.0, 900.0);
AddType(m_familyMgr, "600x600", 600.0, 600.0); ts.Commit(); return Result.Succeeded;
public class Util
public static double mmToFeet(double val) { return val / 304.8; }
public static double feetToMm(double val) { return val * 304.8; }
public static Element findElement(Document _rvtDoc, Type targetType, string targetName)
// get the elements of the given type
FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(_rvtDoc);
collector.WherePasses(new ElementClassFilter(targetType)); // parse the collection for the given name
// using LINQ query here.
var targetElems = from element in collector where element.Name.Equals(targetName) select element;
List<Element> elems = targetElems.ToList<Element>(); if (elems.Count > )
{ // we should have only one with the given name.
return elems[];
} // cannot find it.
return null;
#region Formatting and message handlers
public const string Caption = "Revit Family API Labs"; /// <summary>
/// MessageBox wrapper for informational message.
/// </summary>
public static void InfoMsg(string msg)
{ System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(msg);
WinForm.MessageBox.Show(msg, Caption, WinForm.MessageBoxButtons.OK, WinForm.MessageBoxIcon.Information);
} /// <summary>
/// MessageBox wrapper for error message.
/// </summary>
public static void ErrorMsg(string msg)
WinForm.MessageBox.Show(msg, Caption, WinForm.MessageBoxButtons.OK, WinForm.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
#endregion // Formatting and message handlers