心智与认知(1): 反馈循环(Feedback loop)


** 0x01 反馈循环(Feedback loop) | How to see System in everyday life

** 0x02 如何像视频游戏一样剖析你的人生?| 打怪升级这么简单?

** 0x03 个性的可塑性 | The Big Five of personality traits

** 0x04 强迫症AB面 | Inconsistency-Avoidance Tendency

** 0x05 为什么对成人来说时间越来越快?| 交互式体验

** 0x06 刻板印象(stereotypes) | AI偏见(AI Bias)

0x00 心智和认知




0x01 反馈循环(Feedback loop) | How to see System in everyday life


// 意译:

地球、海滩、人。 什么不是一个系统(Non-System)?
一个螺丝钉,一粒沙,一个原子。 但是一个螺丝钉是有一堆原子构成的一个系统。
所以是否是一个系统,取决于你观察的粒度。 系统里最重要的是什么?
反馈循环(Feedback loops)。
如果A导致了B,B也会导致A(反馈, feedback)。 反馈系统可以用来解释马太效应,也就是赢者通吃(Winner take all effect)。
最后,反馈循环会让竞争者退出市场,你获得了100%的用户。 反馈循环(Feedback loops)的基本原理是:
>If A causes B, it becomes possible that B causes A too. 如果B是一个正反馈,就形成了正反馈系统。
于是,你可以配比不同类型的B,保持你的反馈系统的平衡(balancing loop)。 例如Facebook使用一个更好的信息流算法,给你呈现的东西是你喜欢的,你就会向朋友介绍Facebook,于是Fackbook获得了更多用户,更多用户可以带来更多收益,形成了正反馈系统。更多收益带来股东的更多信心,股价上升,重塑了(reinforcing loop)另一个反馈系统。更好的股价,吸引了更多投资和技术投入。这是一个正反馈。 但是,反馈循环在正负两方面都工作。算法中的一个失误/销售隐私数据给第三方,人们开始喷Facebook,Facebook的股价应声下跌,要求创始人离开Facebook,减低了收益,股东失去信心,股价下跌,开始裁员。如果这样,这是一个负反馈。 有相似反馈循环的系统,有相似的动态行为([1]):
>Systems with similar feedback structure produce similar dynamic behaviors 每天,不同方向的不同目标,让我们卷入到不同的反馈循环里。
推动整个系统向目标走的反馈循环是主导循环(dominant loop).
时间向前,主导循环在变(shifting dominance). 实际的生活中,反馈会发生延迟,系统的反馈循环会抖动,这就是真实的系统。


  1. 不擅长
  2. 没兴趣


  1. 先辅助他从简单的开始擅长
  2. 通过故事/游戏性/有队友一起做/..., 增加趣味性


  1. 能力变强,逐渐擅长
  2. 由于能力变强,做起来有成就感,从低级趣味转化为自我驱动的成就感驱动


  1. 不擅长,不擅长做起来没成就,更不可能感兴趣
  2. 没兴趣,没兴趣花的时间就少,更不可能擅长


  1. 擅长,擅长做的有成就感,更有兴趣
  2. 兴趣,兴趣花的时间有保证,更能擅长


此外,反馈循环与心智模型([2])有很大关系。我们从现实世界获得信息,根据信息反馈以及心智模型的决策规则来做出决策,那么这就形成了一次单循环学习(Single-loop learning)。如果我们从现实世界获得的信息反馈,不仅仅用来和决策机制共同起作用来做出决策,还能用来修正心智模型,使得心智模型的决策规则本身能发生改变,那么就形成了一次双循环学习(Double-loop learning)。下面的图直观的给出了这两种反馈循环。

心智与认知(1): 反馈循环(Feedback loop)

[1] Thinking in Systems

[2] wiki: Mental model

0x02 如何像视频游戏一样剖析你的人生?| 打怪升级这么简单?


  • The first question: Do you get immediate feedback? 快速及时获得过程性反馈。
  • The second question: What do you do to level up? 通过打怪升级。
  • The third question: How do you track performance? 管理衡量效能的指标。


0x03 个性的可塑性 | The Big Five of personality traits

原文1:Have you become who you want to be

原文2: The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16 PF )


  1. 好奇心,Openness to experience → (curious vs. cautious)
  2. 责任心,Conscientiousness → (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless)
  3. 外向性,Extraversion → (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
  4. 亲和性,Agreeableness → (friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/detached)
  5. 敏感性,Neuroticism → (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident)

心智与认知(1): 反馈循环(Feedback loop)

最早的人格类型分析,来自于卡尔·荣格的《心理类型学》(Psychological types or the psychology of individuation)里提出的8型人格,其中主要是下面3个维度的复合

  • 外向(E, Extroverts)/内向(I, Introverts)
  • 实感(S, Sensing)/直觉(N, Intuition)
  • 理性(T, Thinking)/情感(F, Feeling)

后面,Katharine Cook Briggs和Isabel Briggs Myers母女发展了荣格的8型人格学说,增加了下面两个维度,就构成了16型人格测试Mbti:

  • 判断型(J, Judging)
  • 感知型(P, Perceiving)

其中,据说“MBTI的一个子类型INTJ在软件工程师中所占的比例远远大于在普通人群中所占的比率”(see, [7]):

  • 心理偏于内向, Introvert
  • 认识世界的方法偏于直觉,INtuition
  • 做决定的方式偏于理性, Thinking
  • 处事态度偏于有序, Judging

[1] wiki:卡尔·荣格

[2] wiki:Carl Gustav Jung

[3] wiki:Katharine Cook Briggs

[4] wiki:Isabel Briggs Myers

[5] wiki:Myers Briggs Type Indicator(Mbti)

[6] wiki:迈尔斯-布里格斯性格分类法

[7] 构建之法 第三版 17 章 部分草稿

0x04 强迫症AB面 | Inconsistency-Avoidance Tendency



  • It facilitated faster decisions when speed of decision was an important contribution to the survival on nonhuman ancestors that were prey.
  • It facilitate the survival advantage that our ancestors gained by cooperating in groups, which would have been more difficult to do if everyone was always changing responses.
  • It was the best form of solution that evolution could get to in the limited number of generations between the start of literacy and today’s complex modern life.

0x05 为什么对成人来说时间越来越快?| 交互式体验


心智与认知(1): 反馈循环(Feedback loop)


  • Have you ever noticed how older people keep mentioning that time keeps moving faster and faster?
  • It's because we perceive time relative to the 'absolute' time we can compare it to...
  • When you are 4 weeks old, a week is a quarter of your life.
  • By the end of your first year, a week is just a fiftieth of your life.
  • By the time you turn 50, a whole year will be a fiftieth of your life.
  • This theory was first put forward by Paul Janet in 1897.
  • He then was 21.
  • Like many things, this will require some patience to get through.
  • But in the end it'll be over faster than you thought or hoped it would be.
  • Albert Einstein said about the perception of time, that 'an hour spent in the company of pretty girls passes more quickly than an hour spent in a dentist chair'.
  • He died at 76.
  • Waiting 24 days for Christmas at age 5 feels like waiting a year at age 76.
  • According to this theory, assuming you'll become 100 years old, half of your perceived life is over at age 7.
  • If you factor in that you don&#8217t remember much of the first three years, then half your perceived life is over by the time you turn 18.
  • Did you notice how much faster the 10th year scrolled by than the first?
  • Your summer vacation in your first year in college will feel as long as your whole 76th year.
  • Thanks for taking the time to scroll through all of this by the way.
  • After 30 the acceleration slows, each year from then on will be under 3% of your life and similarly short.
  • See how fast years rush by in your Thirties!
  • There are also interesting parallels between time and money.
  • Money and time are both saved and spent. Some say that time equals money.
  • The more money is in the market, the less it becomes worth.
  • Similarly, the more time you've lived, the shorter each year feels.
  • Time is subject to inflation! Who knew?

0x06 刻板印象(stereotypes) | AI偏见(AI Bias)

原文1: stereotypes

原文2: AI bias will explode. But only the unbiased AI will survive.



  • 簿记模式(Bookkeeping model):通过逐渐获得的新的相反的信息和证据,渐进地改变对一个群体的刻板印象。
  • 转变模式(Conversion model):在得到显著的相反的证据之后,抛弃了原来的印象,形成了新的印象,新的印象形成了新的stereotypes。
  • 子刻板印象(Subtyping model): 对一个群体形成刻板印象,对其中对一个小群体的直接接触和了解后,形成了小群体相对于大群体的子刻板印象。例如对“美国人”的刻板印象,在访问纽约之后形成了“纽约人是不同的”这个子刻板印象。


Within five years, the number of biased AI systems and algorithms will increase. But we will deal with them accordingly – coming up with new solutions to control bias in AI and champion AI systems free of it.


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