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<title>The blah</title>
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<h2>The Beach</h2> <!--使用h2标签实现标题样式-->
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<li><img src="data:images/0003.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Pic2"></li>
<li><img src="data:images/0004.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Pic3"></li>
<p> <!--p标签实现一段文字的效果-->
stretching from Solta to Mljet, and this unique cycling trip captures the highlights with an ideal
balance of activity, culture and relaxation. Experience the beautiful island of Korcula with its picturesque old town,
the untouched beauty of Vis, and trendy Hvar with its Venetian architecture. In the company of a cycling guide,
this stimulating journey explores towns and landscapes, many of which are on UNESCO's world heritage list.
Aboard the comfortably appointed wooden motor yacht,
there is ample time between cycles to swim in the azure waters and soak up the ambience of seaside towns.
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<p>&copy; Mugglecoding</p> <!--&copy;是©的固定写法-->


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