

Be inseparable form 离不开
Mobile app 手机应用程序
Rely too much on 过度依赖
In addition 此外
Social interaction 社交
In fact 事实上
Communication network 通信网络
Smartphone 智能手机
Steady growth 稳步增长
As a result;
therefore ;
thus; consequently;
accordingly ; [因此]
Enable sb.do sth 使某人做某事
Instead of代替…, 而不是…, 而不用…
Take place 发生 v. happen 发生
Society 社会 n. appearance 出现
Social adj. 社会的;社交的;
Especially adv. 尤其;特别
As far as l am concerned 就我而言
Take measure 采取措施
Overcome 克服;accent 口音
Custom 习俗; slang 俚语
不成文规定:unwritten rules
Cultural misunderstanding 文化误解
Adapt to 适应; globalization全球化
Broaden one’s horizon拓宽视野
With the development of…;随着……[n.]的发展[n.]
First of all;secondly;thirdly;首先,第二,第三
As long as …we can…只要…我们可以…;
Unfavorably 不占优势地;不利地;
For one thing…;for another;一方面,对于另一方面,besides 另外;
As an old saying goes,…俗话说的好(去)
Chinese families attach importance to/pay great attention to education of children
Attach great importance to/pay great attention to 十分重视

许多父母认为(谁)应该努力工作,(表目的 用to 做什么是为了什么 )确保孩子(谁的孩子)受到良好的教育。
A number of parents think they should work hard to make sure their children can receive batter education
make sure 确保
can receive 受到
A number of parents think they should work hard to make sure their children can get better/receive education
Be willing to 非常情愿
Would to 非常情愿
Spend time (in) doing 花时间做某事
Urging 督促
They are not only would invest for the education of their children ,but also spend a lot of time urging them study.

They are not only willing to invest for the education of their children ,but also spend a lot of time urging them learning.

Most 大多数
Famous/key universities 名牌大学

Most of parents hope their children can study at key/famous universities

more and more…+名词复数
An increasing number of +名词复数
A growing number of +名词复数
Increasingly 越来越多地
Send sb to 送某人去…
由于 as;thanks to;with ; due to 只接坏的原因
To do 非谓语,不定式
拓宽 broaden
由于改革开放,越来越多的家长送孩子到国外学习或参加国际交流项目,(目的用 to )让其拓宽视野。
With reforming and opening up ,an increasing number of parents are able to send their children to study aboard or join in/take part in International communication programs/items to broaden/ open their horizon/improve their ability/learn more .

通过 :by; through ;
so that 如此…以致于…,以便
通过这些努力,他们期望(他们的)孩子健康(地)成长,(目的是to )为国家的发展和繁荣(谁做)做出贡献。
By these efforts,they expect their children to grow up healthily so that they can make contribution to development and prosperity of the country .

cept =take /hold 拿;抓住;握住;
Concept 观念;概念。n.
Tradition 传统 n.
Be related to 与…有关
In China concept of family is related to its cultural tradition .

culture文化 n.
Be done 被动语态
Harmonious big family was envied a lot.

Generation n. 一代人;代人;一批;产生
adj. 第…代的
Common adj. 常见的;共有的;共同的;普通的;平凡的;
In the past,four generations living in the same house was not uncommon.

由于 duo to 接坏原因

Duo to this tradition,a number of youngsters continue to live with their parents after marriage .

Today,this tradition is changing.

With the improvement of the house /living condition,an increasing number of couples choose to live without their parents .

密切 close 密切的;亲密的;
However,connections between them are still close.

A lot of old people still help to look after their grandchildren
年轻夫妇 也抽时间探望 父母,特别是在春节和中秋节等重要节日。
Young couples spend time to visit their parents,especially on spring festivals,mid-autumns and other important festivals

春节 Spring Festival
中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
夏天 summer 元宵节the * Festival
冬天 winter 劳动节 labor day
秋天autumn 国庆节 National Day
端午节 the Dragon(龙) Boat(船) Festival
清明节Qingming Festival
重阳节Double Ninth(第九) Festival 9月9
母亲节 Mother’s Day
父亲节 Father’s Day
Consist of 由…组成;后缀:sist=stand 站立
姓 family name
名 first name
Full name of Chinese Han people consists of family name and first name.

The feature (特征;特点)of Chinese name is that family name is always in the front ,followed by first name.
The feature of Chinese name is family name in front of first name.

(pass v. 使经过;通过;超过;转交;转变;)
For thousands(数千) of years ,names of fathers have been being passed (被相传)form generation to generation (代代相传).

However ,nowadays,children using their mother’s name is not uncommon.
动词:v + v =v +to+ v=ving+v=v+ving


Ing 主动形式
Ed 被动形式

Generally speaking,there are usually one or two Chinese characters (字符)in the first name ,carrying the wish of their parents to the children.(非谓语,表示伴随)

从孩子的名字 (谁)可以推断父母希望孩子成为什么样的人,或者(谁)期望他们过什么样的生活。
一般重点记忆:介词+n.+of +n.,是一个单独的一句话.
From the names of children ,we can infer(推断;推理) that what kinds of people parents wish them to be (成为)or what kinds of life parents expect them to live.


Parents attach great importance to their children’s name,for names usually will follow their children for the time.

With 有
有:have there be, with
Paper cutting is a unique/special form Chinese folk(民间) arts,with a history of more than 2000 years.
Paper cutting probably started in Han generation,after the invention of paper.
n. +of +n.前一个一般要加the
A OF B=the B of A

从此,它 在中国的许多地方得到了(被)普及。
Since then,it is popularized in many other places of china.

Materials and tools of paper cutting are simple :paper and scissors.


Works of paper cutting are usually made of red paper,for red is related to happiness in Chinese traditional culture.
文化 culture
文化的 cultural
Be related to 与…相连,与…相关;


Therefore,in the happy occasions ,like weddings and spring festivals,red paper cutting works is the first choice of doors and windows decoration.

In the past few years,market of Mobile Payment has been booming(激增;猛涨) in china.

With the appearance of mobile internet,shopping on the phone has become trend gradually.

由…构成/组成 consisted of
Aged adj. …岁的;年迈的
Youngsters aged from 18 to 30 have consisted of biggest group of people for the market of mobile payment.

宁愿…而不愿would rather … rather than…
由于现在 用移动付款很容易(的),许多消费者在购物时宁愿用手机付款,而不是用现金或者信用卡。

Since the great easiness of mobile payment currently, many consumers would rather pay with mobile phone rather than cash or credit card when they are shopping.

A。。的。。B 一般用of
。。。。。的 修饰过长,且是v.+的 用定语从句
Count 计数
Discount 打折,折扣

To encourage people to consume more,many stores offer discounts to customers ,who use mobile payment.

专家预测,中国移动支付的市场未来 仍有很大发展潜力。
Experts have inferred that there still are great potentials of development in the market of Chinese mobile payment in future.

Lion dance has a history of more than 2000 years as traditional folk performance in china.


Two performers wear the same dress of lion in the Lion Dance performance ,with (有)one dancing the head,the other dancing the body and tail.

They cooperate expertly to imitate all kinds of actions of lion.


Lion is also the king of animals,symbolizing happiness and good luck .therefore ,people often perform Lion Dance during the Spring Festivals and other festivals.

Lion dancing may also appear in other important occasions ,such as the opening ceremony of a store and weddings,usually attracting many people to appreciate/view.

在中国,火锅已有2000多年的历史. 最早adv流行于在寒冷的地区,然后在很多地区流行,出现了具有很多地方特色的种类。
有:there be; have;with.
In china,there are over 2000 years’ history of the Hot Pot.
it was first popularized in the coldest area and then it became popular in many other places.
therefore,with many types of local features appeared.

吃火锅时,家人 和朋友围坐在桌子边,桌子中间放着热腾腾的火锅。
When you are eating hotpot,families and friends sit around the table,with boiling hotpot put in the center.


According to 根据
We can cook by themselves and add meat,seafood,vegetable and other materials according to our taste.

While we are enjoying the fine food ,we are able to chat freely and absolutely to each other.

adv修饰adv initially mainly
Be used for 用来做…
Be used to 用来做…
*s originating form East Han dynasty,were initially mainly used for lighting.

In the Tang Dynasty, red *s were used to celebrate the steady life.

主系表*s have become popular
Form that time on,*s have become popular in many places of China.

灯笼通常用色彩鲜艳的 薄纸制作,形状和尺寸各异。
鲜艳的bright ;vivid;fresh
Be made of 用…制作
A *s is usually made of thin paper of bright colors,with different shapes and sizes.

在中国传统文化中,红灯笼 象征生活美满和生意兴隆,通常在春节、元宵节和国庆等节日期间悬挂。

Red *s ,usually hung up during the festivals such as the Spring Festival,the
* Festival and National Day, it symbolize
a lovely life and prosperous business in Chinese traditional culture.
被动 be done
Nowadays, Red *s can also be seen in many other places around world.

曾是:were;used to be
Means 方法,手段
get around出行
Buses used to be the main means of transportation for Chinese people to get around.

越来越糟糕 worse and worse
In recent years,duo to the increasing number of private cars,the traffic problem in the city are getting more and more serious.

Many cities have been trying to improve the quality of bus service to encourage more people to get around by bus.
With the continuous updating of vehicle facilities , the speed of vehicle
has been increased a lot.
However ,the ticket price of buses still remained very low.
Nowadays,in most cities ,many local old people all can take bus for free.

鱼是春节前夕餐桌上不可或缺的一道菜。因为 汉语中“鱼”的发音与“余”的发音相同。
一道菜:n. 盘,碟;餐具;一道菜;
Fish is an indispensable dish on the table on the eve of Spring Festival. Because the pronunciation of “fish” in Chinese is the same pronunciation of “Yu” in Chinese.

Thanks to its symbolic meaning.
Fish are also given as gifts to relatives and friends during the Spring Festival.
The symbolic meaning of fish is said originate from Chinese traditional culture.

The more the more 越。。。越。。
Chinese people have a tradition of saving, and they think the more they save, the safer they feel.

今天,尽管人们愈来愈富裕了,但是他们任然认为 节约是一种值得弘扬的美德。
Today, although people are getting richer, they still think that saving is a virtue worth learning.

If you travel to Beijing, you must do two things: one is to climb the Great Wall, another one is to eat Beijing roast duck.

be confined to;be restricted to;be limited to 仅限于
闻名遐迩的北京烤鸭 曾(是)仅限于宫廷,而现在北京数百家餐厅均有供应。
The famous Beijing roast duck was once limited to court/palace,and now hundreds of refectories in Beijing are available. (主系表)

…朝代=…大写+代 (如唐朝 Tang dynasty)
…年前=…+years ago
Beijing roast duck originated in the Ming Dynasty 600 years ago.

Chef from across country were selected to Beijing to cook for emperor.

人们认为在皇宫做饭 是一种莫大的荣誉,只有厨艺出众者(=优秀的厨师)才能获得这份荣誉。
People think cooking in the palace is a great honor, which only the outstanding cook can get the honor.

In fact, it is these court chefs who have perfected cooking art of Beijing roast duck.

Thank you for watching,goodbye

