
1、Incur a heavy loss蒙受巨大损失
3、Ameliorate oneself完善自我
4、retrieve挽回,回复,回忆,补偿retrieve information检索信息
5、Vanish from the face of the earth消失的无影无踪
6、Uphold the revolutionary tradition继承革命传统
7、Demonstrate …spirit发挥…精神
8、Practice the virtues of work and thrift践行劳动和节俭的美德(frugal节俭的,朴素的)
9、认为Imaintain/hold/assume/deem/believe/think/insist/assert(语言程度更深)/argue/propose/suppose/contend/determine/acknowledge/set forth;Pledge to提出
10、缓解压力:moderate the effects of psychological stress/diffuse your stress释放压力
11、approach接近,靠近approach the process of making decisions作出决定的过程
12、采取乐观的世界观adopt an optimistic outlook/view of the world
13、从过去借鉴经验draw on our experience from the past
14、err犯错(v.)Err on the side of caution宁愿过于谨慎也不要冒险犯错
15、Envelop v.覆盖,包裹,笼罩 n.信封Mountains peaks enveloped in mist笼罩在薄雾里的群峰
16、对待treat~take acautious attitude towards
17、trim削减、整理Employers aim to trim costs and boost productivity.雇主们为了控制成本和提高生产力
18、scrap废弃、使解体、拆毁The state scrapped the proposal.州*否定了这个提案
19、A is passed B。 A获得了B
20、Suspect+句子=believe;I suspect that Aman is a bad boy.
Doubt+句子=not believe;I doubt that Aman is a bad boy.
Suspect+名词=doubt+名词=not believe;I suspect/doubt the honest of Aman.
21、Pave the way for=lay a foundation for为…铺路,为…打下基础
22、Joining the dots了解…将本来不想关的人和事联系起来进而了解事情的真相
23、streamline使…成流线型,使…合理化,使…效率更高,简化Streamline the process 精简流程
24、grasp the cultural implication 文化内涵cultural implication-cultural connotation
27、Be knitted with…与…交织在一起
29、Issue paper money发行纸币
30、Keep lips sealed紧闭嘴巴seal密封,盖章

