6.00.1x Introduction to computation

6.00 Introduction to Computer Science

                 and  Programming

• Goal:

–Become skillful at making a computer do what

you want it to do

– Learn computational modes of thinking

– Master the art of computational problem solving

What  does  a  computer  do?

• Fundamentally  a  computer:

– Performs  calculations

– Remembers  the  results

• What  calculations?

– Built  in  primitives

– Creating  our  own  methods  of  calculating



Computational  problem  solving

• What is computation?

– What is knowledge?

– Declarative knowledge(陈述性知识)

• Statements of fact

– Imperative knowledge(程序性知识)

• “how to” methods or recipes

Declarative  knowledge

• “The square root of a number x is a number y such that y*y = x”

•Can you use this to find the square root of a particular instance of x?


Imperative knowledge

• Here is a “recipe” for deducing a square root Of a number x – attributed to Heron of

Alexandria in the first century AD

• Start with a guess, called g?

• If g*g is close enough to x, stop and say that g is the answer

• Otherwise make a new guess, by averaging g and x/g ?

• Using this new guess, repeat the process until we get close enough


How do we transform a recipe in a mechanical  process?

• Build a machine to compute square roots

  –Fixed Program Computers(固定程序计算机)

• Calculator

• Atanasoff and Berry’s (1941) computer for systems of linear equations

•Alan Turing’s (1940’s) bombe – decode Enigma codes

• Use a machine that stores and manipulates Instructions(能存储和操作命令)

 – Stored Program Computer

Stored  program  computer

• Sequence of instructions (program) stored inside computer

– Built from predefined set of primitive  instructions

• Arithmetic  and  logic

• Simple  tests

• Moving  data

• Special program (interpreter) executes(执行) eachinstruction in order

A  basic  machine  architecture

6.00.1x Introduction to computation



(Turing showed 6种原语就能计算任何计算,还能写一些代码序列创造新的原语,然后加入原语集*整个系统使用。原语集是预先设定好的,在ALU中让计算机工作的组件)

Where  can  things  go  wrong?

• Syntactic errors(句法的错误)

– Common but easily caught by computer

• Static semantic errors(静态语义错误)

– Some languages check carefully before running,

others check while interpreting the program

– If not caught, behavior of program unpredictable

• Programs don’t have  semantic errors, but meaning may not be what was intended(意思   不明确)

– stops  running

– Runs  forever

– Produces an answer, but not programmer’s  intent(意图)

Our  goal

• Learn the syntax and semantics of a programming language

• Learn how to use those elements to translate “recipes” for solving a problem into a           form that the computer can use to do the work for us

• Computational modes of thought enable us to use a suite of methods to solve problems

Options for programming languages

•低级语言指令与control unit指令相似,能做到:

– Move data from one location to another

– Execute a simple ALU operation

– Jump to new point in sequence based on compare

• Checker confirms syntax static semantics correct

• Interpreter只能按序执行instruction



–解释型语言中有一种程序能将源代码转化成中间数据然后执行,不需要解释器,但每次只能对一条指     令进行转化和执行。

–编译型语言因为提前编译完成所有指令所以跑起来更快,但得在编译后的指令里去寻找实际指令中的     错误,十分困难。而解释型语言速度会慢点,但在准确知道错误发生时在代码的什么地方。

Iterative  code

• Branching structures (conditionals) let us jump to different pieces of code based on a       test

– Programs are constant time

• Looping structures (e.g., while) let us repeat pieces of code until a condition is satisfied

– Programs now take time that depends on values of variables, as well as length of            program

Loop characteristics(特征)

• Need a loop variable

– it is Initialized outside loop

– it Changes within loop

– Test for termination(结束) depends on variable

• Useful to think:











•black box:找到一系列输入样本分类和预期输出

•white box:




•驱动测试:Exp print二分法检索发现变量和他们的值


•只考虑程序本身行为Everything is an object with type











What do computer scientists do?

• They think computationally – Abstractions, algorithms, automated execution 他们运用抽    象将问题分解成许多片段,然后封装起来不用担心里面细节,只需考虑抽象的契约就可以了,给值得到    反回值;他们运用算法,通过一系列按顺序排列的步骤生成问题答案;把实际运行这一系列步骤的工    作交给自动执行的机器—求值器(处理问题的方式跟物理学家、生物学家、化学家,经济学家一样、    但和人文学家处理问题的方式却不同)

• Computational thinking will be a fundamental skill used by everyone

• Just like the three r’s: reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic at last century  and  Now帮你对付   任何问题

Computational Thinking: the Process

• determine or invent useful abstractions – Suppressing details, formulating interfaces

给定一个问题要讲清楚,要找出问题的关键元素,以特殊方法确定它们—抽象表示我要描述的一个组    件,组件内部我或他人会构建细节来执行组件应该做的事。但抽象表示我可以通过压缩细节掩盖信息    表示我知道这个东西怎么工作.

这个步骤可能运行好几次,第一次解决问题时,我可能构建一个抽象集合,但应用时发现没有写对,    我可能要么添加另一个抽象,要么重写某个特定抽象的接口.

• Formulate solution to a problem and make a computational experiment(计算实验)

• Design and construct a sufficiently efficient implementation of experiment


• Validate experimental setup (i.e., debug it)


• Run experiment

• Evaluate(评估) results of experiment保证得到的结果有意义

• Repeat as needed通过测试可能暴露出那些与我预期相驳论的地方,可能需要循环好几次才能重新    定义或设计计算试验中要实际应用什么

The three A’ s of computational thinking

• Abstraction

– 用好方法来设计抽象,这就要理解问题中的边界是什么,它将哪些东西分开了

– 操作可能涉及多层抽象

– clear the relationships the between layers(抽象)

• Automation

– Think in mechanizing our abstractions

– Mechanization is possible

• Because we have precise and exacting notations and models我们有精确严格的标记和模型

• There is some “machine” that can interpret our notations (in the computer)

• Algorithms

– A Language for describing automated processes

– 也可以用来构造抽象细节

Where have you been?

• Four major topics (and a language)

1. Learning a language for expressing computations – Python

2. Learning about the process of writing and debugging a program – Be systematic

3. Learning to estimate computational complexity

4. Learning about the process of moving from a problem statement to a computational          formulation of a method for solving the problem – Use abstraction

5. Learning a basic set of recipes – Algorithms

Why Python?

• Relatively easy to learn and use – Simple syntax

– Interpretive, which makes debugging easier

– Don’t have to worry about managing memory

• Modern

– Supports currently stylish mode of programming, object-oriented

• Increasingly popular

– Used in an increasing number of subjects at MIT and elsewhere

– Increasing use in industry

– Large and ever growing set of libraries


Where are you headed?

• There are other CS courses for which you are now prepared – Second part of 6.00

– optimization, modeling, simulation

– Introductory algorithms and data structures

– Introduction to artificial intelligence

– Software engineering

– Computer architecture


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