
Ammunition (informally ammo) is the material fired, scattered, dropped or detonated [引爆] from any weapon. Ammunition is both expendable [not needed enough to be kept or saved] weapons (e.g., bombs, missiles, grenades, land mines) and the component parts of other weapons that create the effect on a target (e.g., bullets and warheads). Nearly all mechanical weapons require some form of ammunition to operate.

The most iconic example of ammunition is the firearm cartridge, which includes all components required to deliver the weapon effect in a single package.

Ammunition and munitions are often used interchangeably, although munition now usually refers to the actual weapons system with the ammunition required to operate it.

Ammunition comes in a great range of sizes and types and is often designed to work only in specific weapons systems. Ammunition is commonly colored in a specific manner to assist in the identification and to prevent the wrong ammunition types from being used accidentally.

A cartridge or a round is a type of pre-assembled firearm ammunition packaging a projectile (bullet, shot or slug), a propellant substance (usually either smokeless powder or black powder) and an ignition device (primer) within a metallic, paper or plastic case that is precisely made to fit within the barrel chamber of a breechloading gun, for the practical purpose of convenient transportation and handling during shooting.

A shell is a form of ammunition that is fired by a large caliber [大口径] cannon or artillery piece.

A shot refers to a single release of a weapons system. This may involve firing just one round or piece of ammunition (e.g., from a semi-automatic firearm), but can also refer to ammunition types that release a large number of projectiles at the same time (e.g., cluster munitions or shotgun shells).

A dud refers to loaded ammunition that fails to function as intended, typically failing to detonate on landing. However, it can also refer to ammunition that fails to fire inside the weapon, known as a misfire, or when the ammunition only partially functions, known as a hang fire.

A bomb, or more specifically a guided or unguided bomb (also called an aircraft bomb or aerial bomb), is typically an airdropped, unpowered explosive weapon. Mines and the warheads used in guided missiles and rockets are also referred to as bomb-type ammunition.

六级/考研单词: ammunition, scatter, expense, missile, component, bullet, parcel, seldom, shot, propel, powder, ignite, chamber, cannon, artillery, cluster, aerial, explode, rocket


