binutil 工具-----C分析工工具

 binutils-- a tools set

* ld - the GNU linker.

* as - the GNU assembler.

* addr2line - Converts addresses intofilenames and line numbers.

* ar - A utility for creating, modifyingand extracting from archives.

* c+filt - Filter to demangle encoded C+symbols.

* gprof - Displays profiling information.

* nlmconv - Converts object code into anNLM.

* nm - Lists symbols from object files.

* objcopy - Copys and translates objectfiles.

* objdump - Displays information fromobject files.

* ranlib - Generates an index to thecontents of an archive.

* readelf - Displays information from anyELF format object file.

* size - Lists the section sizes of anobject or archive file.

* strings - Lists printable strings fromfiles.

* strip - Discards symbols.

* windres - A compiler for Windows resourcefiles.

ldd -print shared library dependencies,* - dynamic linker/loader

下一篇:Js 面向对象之封装,继承,原型,原型链