mysql连接的空闲时间超过8小时后 MySQL自动断开该连接解决方案

在连接字符串中  添加设置节点 ConnectionLifeTime(计量单位为 秒)。超过设定的连接会话 会被杀死!

Connection Lifetime, ConnectionLifeTime


When a connection is returned to the pool, its creation time is compared with the current time, and the connection is destroyed if that time span (in seconds) exceeds the value specified by Connection Lifetime. This is useful in clustered configurations to force load balancing between a running server and a server just brought online. A value of zero (0) causes pooled connections to have the maximum connection timeout.

    public bool ConnectionLifetimeExpired()
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(creationTime);
if (Settings.ConnectionLifeTime != &&
ts.TotalSeconds > Settings.ConnectionLifeTime)
return true;
return false;

MySQL 的默认设置下,当一个连接的空闲时间超过8小时后,MySQL 就会断开该连接,而 c3p0 连接池则以为该被断开的连接依然有效。在这种情况下,如果客户端代码向 c3p0 连接池请求连接的话,连接池就会把已经失效的连接返回给客户端,客户端在使用该失效连接的时候即抛出异常


1. 增加 MySQL 的 wait_timeout 属性的值。

修改 /etc/mysql/my.cnf文件,在 [mysqld] 节中设置:

# Set a connection to wait 8hours in idle status.
wait_timeout =86400
mysql> show variables like '%timeout%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| connect_timeout | 5 |
| delayed_insert_timeout | 300 |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 |
| interactive_timeout | 28800 |
| net_read_timeout | 30 |
| net_write_timeout | 60 |
| slave_net_timeout | 3600 |
| wait_timeout | 28800 |

set interactive_timeout=604800;
set wait_timeout=604800;

2. 减少连接池内连接的生存周期,使之小于上一项中所设置的 wait_timeout 的值。
修改 c3p0 的配置文件,设置:

# How long to keep unused connections around(in seconds)
# Note: MySQL times out idle connections after 8hours(28,800seconds)
# so ensure this value is below MySQL idle timeout
在 Spring 的配置文件中:

复制代码 代码如下:
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="maxIdleTime"value="${cpool.maxIdleTime}"/>
<!--other properties -->

3. 定期使用连接池内的连接,使得它们不会因为闲置超时而被 MySQL 断开。
修改 c3p0 的配置文件,设置:

# Prevent MySQL raise exception after a long idle timecpool.preferredTestQuery='SELECT 1'cpool.idleConnectionTestPeriod=18000cpool.testConnectionOnCheckout=true
修改 Spring 的配置文件:

复制代码 代码如下:
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource">
<property name="preferredTestQuery" value="${cpool.preferredTestQuery}"/>
<property name="idleConnectionTestPeriod" value="${cpool.idleConnectionTestPeriod}"/>
<property name="testConnectionOnCheckout" value="${cpool.testConnectionOnCheckout}"/>
<!--other properties --></bean> 
上一篇:Lru cache不会写?看看Mybatis
