select column_name, column_type, b.fieldchinesename
from information_schema.columns a
left join table_struct b on a.column_name = b.fieldname where a.table_name = '表名'
and table_schema='数据库名' and tableid in (select tableid from table_basicinfo tbi where sql_tablename ='表名') order by column_name
sql server
select COLUMN_NAME,b.fieldChineseName,b.fieldType
from information_schema.COLUMNS a
left join Table_Struct b on a.COLUMN_NAME = b.fieldName
where table_name = 'HuiYuan_Jsgc_ZJZheng'
and tableid in (select tableid from Table_BasicInfo tbi where SQL_TableName ='HuiYuan_Jsgc_ZJZheng') order by COLUMN_NAME