
sprint是Scrum方法的核心,代表一个冲刺期,通常为一个月或者更短的时间,把庞大的开发周期划分为合适的冲刺期加快效率,本次任务将包括3个sprint。 user story cards用户故事卡,是用户需求功能的文字描述,包含三要素:角色(谁要使用此功能)、功能(需要完成什么样的功能)、价值(这个功能会带来什么价值)。 burn-down chart任务燃烧图,监控单个sprint冲刺期内任务进度并指导调节sprint的任务量
应用情景: 快递公司需要一个网络界面,通过分析预订、驾驶员表现和客户的使用情况来指导快递收寄工作的预订。系统将自动把快递任务分配给当天距离最近的司机,统计任务信息。 客户可以在网站上注册和登录,预订快递、检查当前快递状态、查看历史快递信息。系统自动给用户推送月度工作表。 司机(快递员)可以通过智能手机登录app,app通知司机发送地理位置以便系统派遣工作。司机可以查看快递订单详细信息,更新订单状态。 驱动程序在司机下班后注销应用程序,这样就不会给司机分配新的工作。应用程序定期发送司机GPS位置给系统,此外订单状态变化或程序登录和退出时也会发送。 公司管理人员可以查看整体的快递订单交付状态统计报告,也可以单独查看驱动程序和客户的报告。当发生特殊情况时,由管理人员重新分配工作。 思路: 1、根据场景提取总结产品功能需求 2、筛选需求,分配优先级,形成product backlo*品需求列表 3、预估完成各个需求所需时间,分配到3个Sprint冲刺期内 4、把每个需求具体化,形成story cards用户故事 5、每个sprint开始时开会制定sprint backlogs冲刺期需求列表,每天举行站立会议回答三个问题:昨天做了什么、今天打算做什么、遇到什么困难,完成burn-down chart,并回顾已完成工作并评估 6、准备产品和工作展示

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School of Science
ISYS 1106/08
Software Engineering Project Management
Group Assignment
Assessment Type:In a group of 4-5 (no individual submissions will be accepted).
Assignment:Submit online viaCanvas → Assignments → Group Assignment.Clarifications/updates may be made via
announcements/relevant discussion forums.
Contributions Form:Submit online viaCanvas → Assignments → Contributions Form. Each student will a receive final
mark based on a final mark for the project and theirindividualcontribution.
Due date for theAssignmentsubmission:5:00pm, 11 October2019 (Friday of Week 11).
As this is a major assignment in which you demonstrate your understanding, a university standard late penalty of 10% per
each working dayapplies for up to 5 working days late, unless special consideration has been granted.
Presentation:During Week 12, i.e., 14- 18 October 2019. No presentation = no marks.
Due date for the Contributions Formsubmission:5:00pm, 18 October 2019 (Friday of Week 12).
Weighting:25 marks(worth 25% of the total score)

For this assignment, assume that you are a Scrum team working on a software development project.
The scenario presented below covers a large system. Not all of its features are required to be implemented within the assignment,
but they all have to be covered in Project Charter and Product Backlog as that will determine the timeline of the project, if it were to
happen in real life.
You will be writing code to create the software along with the important project management documents. Some specific details on
the software/product are not known at the start, these will emerge during the project. This is very close to real life projects.
You must register your group using the Google Forms (Guidelines will be provided in Canvas → Announcements).
The deadline for registration is Sunday 28 July 2019. No registration == No submission.
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Consider a parcel delivery company that has drivers who perform same day pickup and delivery (P&D) of parcels in metropolitan
The company wants a easy-to-use web interface to book P&D jobs and to analyse statistics on the bookings, driver performance,
customers’ usage, etc. Jobs should be automatically dispatched by the system to the closest driver on the day. The company also
wants easy-to-use Android and iOS apps for drivers: Drivers should receive job details, report back to the central system the job
status, as well as see own statistics on the completed bookings, performance, etc.
Customers can sign-up (once) and login (regularly) via a web site, and from there they can book P&D jobs, check the status of
individual jobs, and view the history of all jobs they have booked. The system sends monthly invoices for the jobs completed during
the previous month. Jobs are charged based on number of kilometres between the pick-up and delivery addresses.
Drivers can login to the app on their smartphone (usually at the start of the day) which will inform the centralised system of their
location, so that their jobs can be dispatched. Drivers can view the details of the jobs allocated to them, as well as update the details
of a job when they pick up the parcel, and again when they deliver the parcel.
Drivers logout of their apps at the end of their day to inform the system not to send them any further jobs. The app will periodically
(no less than every 2 minutes, if the vehicle is moving) send the drivers GPS location coordinates back to the central system, and will
also do so when a job status changes or a driver logs in or out of the system.
Managers can view reports of delivery statistics overall, as well as by driver and by customer. Managers can also reassign jobs from
one driver to another if an exceptional issue occurs (e.g., vehicle breakdown).
Managers reconcile customer payments against invoices, and can issue late payment penalties each fortnight that the invoice is late
in being paid. After two late penalties the third time the unpaid invoice is handed over to a debt collector, and the customer account
is suspended.
When you are working on the assignment:

  1. If you have questions on the assignment tasks and/or the corresponding course material, you might
    • bring these questions to weekly consultation sessions held by lecturer, or
    • post them in the discussion board Assignment folder, or
    • come to the Assignment feedback sessions – these will be held during week(s) 6, 8, 10 and 11. In the meantime please
    bring questions to weekly consultation sessions held by lecturer or post in the discussion board Assignment folder.
    Please prepare your questions for the session properly, as this is planed not as pre-check of your work before you
    submit, but as opportunity to answer your questions on the material and to clarify your doubts.
  2. Your team must perform 3 sprints to complete the software development. Here is what needs to be done:
    • Each sprint must start with a sprint planning meeting. This is where your team will get together and decide which
    features are to be completed in the sprint. The subsequent sprint planning meetings will also need to focus on carry
    over from the previous sprints.
    • At the end of each sprint you are to produce potentially shippable product and sprint retrospective notes.
    • You have to use Trello for all planning notes.
    • Sprint 1: Weeks 6+7, Sprint 2: Weeks 8+9, Sprint 3: Weeks 10+11
  3. Each of the sprint you will require to have:
    • Sprint planning notes
    • Sprint backlog
    • Sprint retro notes
    • Potentially shippable product
    The first two items are easy to produce as they will be Word or pdf documents however the proof of potentially shippable
    product is a bit tricky: Whatever you produce at the end of the sprint, keep those files separate in a directory and when you
    start the new sprint, make a copy of those files and work on the new set of copied files, i.e., DO NOT overwrite the set of
    files from the earlier sprint. If you do, there will be no proof of what you produced at the end of the sprint.
  4. It is best that you work in an incremental manner and not in all in one go as during lab tests, you will be asked to show the
    proof (details will be announced in Canvas → Assignments).
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Assessment Criteria
This assessment will determine your ability to:

Follow Scrum methodology to manage a software development project, also using project management tools.
Write relevant documentation by recalling concepts taught in class, understanding and applying concepts relevant to
solution, analysing components of the problem, evaluating different approaches.

Ability to provide references where due.
Meeting deadlines.
Seeking clarification from your “supervisor” (instructor) when needed via discussion forums.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment is relevant to the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
• CLO 1: Illustrate a working knowledge of how to plan, execute and close projects to required standards
• CLO 2: Use a range of proprietary and non-proprietary project management tools to carry out and report on your team
• CLO 3: Use project management frameworks that ensure successful outcomes
• CLO 4: Analyse and apply critical project management concepts, such as: Why Projects Fail; Project Governance and
Methodologies; Software Development Life Cycles – From Waterfall to Agile; Software Engineering Fundamentals; Software
Requirements Engineering as basis for Project Management; Hybrid methodologies; Planning and Scheduling; Risk and
Issues Management; Quality Assurance; Change Management; Release Management; Service Delivery and Support; The
Team Dynamic; Collaboration and Communication skills; Organisations, People and Culture
• CLO 5: Apply critical analysis, problem solving, and team facilitation skills to software engineering project management
processes using real-world scenarios.

Assessment details
Note: Please ensure that you have read sections 1-3 of this document before going further.
Marking guide (please also check the corresponding rubrics):
Presentation content and product 6 marks
Charter 3 marks
Product Backlog 3 marks
Sprint Backlogs 3 marks
Sprint planning and retro notes 3 marks
User story cards 4 marks
Burn-down chart 3 marks
TOTAL: 25 marks
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Your group must submit ONE zipped file. The following directory structure must be used to create file system for submission:
• Charter (you have been provided with a template)
• Product Backlog (you have been provided with a template)
• Burn-down chart
• User Story cards (a directory containing 8 detailed user story cards)
• Sprint 1
• SprintPlanningNotes (you have been provided with a template)
• SprintBacklog (a directory containing Trello screeshots of your sprint backlog)
• SprintRetroNotes (you have been provided with a template)
• Product (a directory containing potentially shippable product at the end of the print)
• Test cases and results of testing (a spread sheet containing all test cases to test the Product developed within Sprint 1
and the corresponding test results)
• Sprint 2
• SprintPlanningNotes
• SprintBacklog
• SprintRetroNotes
• Product
• Test cases and results of testing
• Sprint 3
• SprintPlanningNotes
• SprintBacklog
• SprintRetroNotes
• Product
• Test cases and results of testing
Note: Each of the above document will also be marked for its professional presentation and writing standards.
Your group must attend a presentation during Week 12 to demo the assignment.
NO PRESENTATION == NO MARKS for this assignment.
At the presentation you will be required not only to present the developed product, but also to cover the following questions:
• How would you justify the priorities you have in your backlog?
• Why it was better to have the select task allocation for Sprints 1-3?
• What other possible solutions would be reasonable?
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Note, that even when the assignment will be marked as a whole, the marks will be provided individually:
Each student will a receive final mark based on a final mark for the project and their contribution.
Students will need to agree on contribution fractions – each group will be required to submit the corresponding form by 5pm,
18 October 2019 (Friday of Week 12), see Canvas → Assignments → Contributions Form.
This will be moderated if necessary.
Here are some examples:

An excellent project, assessed at 25/25. Five students in the group, all students contributed equally, all students
get a mark of 25.

A good project, assessed as 20/25. Five students in the group. Contributions were not equal:
students A and B contributed each 20%,
students C and D contributed each 15%,
student D contributed 30% of the overall work.
There are 100 marks to be distributed: 205 = 100.
Students A and B will receive for this assignment 20 marks each: min(100
0.2, 25) = min (20, 25) = 20.
Students C and D will receive for this assignment 25 marks each:
min(1000.15, 25) = min (15, 25) = 15,
Student D will receive 25 marks:
0.3, 25) = min (30, 25) = 25.

A good project, assessed as 18/25. Five students in the group. Contributions were not equal:
students A and B contributed each 25%,
students C and D contributed each 20%,
student D contributed 10% of the overall work.
There are 90 marks to be distributed: 185 = 90.
Students A and B will receive for this assignment 22.5 marks each: min(90
0.25, 25) = min (22.5, 25) = 22.5.
Students C and D will receive for this assignment 18 marks each:
min(900.2, 25) = min (18, 25) = 18.
Student D will receive 9 marks:
0.1, 25) = min (9, 25) = 9.
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Referencing guidelines
What: This is a group assignment and all submitted contents must be your own. If you have used sources of information other than
the contents directly under Canvas→Modules, you must give acknowledge the sources and give references using IEEE referencing
Where: Add a code comment near the work to be referenced and include the reference in the IEEE style.
How: To generate a valid IEEE style reference, please use the citethisforme tool if unfamiliar with this style. Add the detailed
reference before any relevant code (within code comments).

Submission format
Submit one .zip file online via Canvas → Assignments → Group Assignment.
It is the responsibility of the student to correctly submit their files. Please verify that your submission is correctly submitted by
downloading what you have submitted to see if the files include the correct contents.

Academic integrity and plagiarism (standard warning)

上一篇:ASE Alpha Sprint - backend scrum 6
