android – 可以在iOS设备上强制HTML5视频预加载吗?

我发现有很多网站和参考资料证实,在Android和iOS移动设备上,HTML5视频preload =’auto’标签被故意忽略,浏览器等待用户手动按下播放按钮.




或者,我已经在页面上进行了JavaScript和jQuery.是否有任何调用可以说服浏览器预加载视频,即使preload =’auto’没有?


User Control of Downloads Over Cellular Networks
但他们称之为“用户控制下载”这一事实意味着这是用户可以选择改变的.但是,我看不到任何证据.可能吗?用户或iPad可以“选择加入”以允许preload =’auto’正常工作吗?


video.addEventListener('canplay', function() {
    this.currentTime = 5;

New Policies for iOS文章表明:

By default, WebKit will have the following policies:

  • elements will now honor the autoplay attribute, for elements which meet the following conditions:
    • elements will be allowed to autoplay without a user gesture if their source media contains no audio tracks.
    • elements will also be allowed to autoplay without a user gesture.
    • If a element gains an audio track or becomes un-muted without a user gesture, playback will pause.
    • elements will only begin playing when visible on-screen such as when they are scrolled into the viewport, made
      visible through CSS, and inserted into the DOM.
    • elements will pause if they become non-visible, such as by being scrolled out of the viewport.
  • elements will now honor the play() method, for elements which meet the following conditions:
    • elements will be allowed to play() without a user gesture if their source media contains no audio tracks, or if their muted
      property is set to true.
    • If a element gains an audio track or becomes un-muted without a user gesture, playback will pause. elements will be
      allowed to play() when not visible on-screen or when out of the
    • will return a Promise, which will be rejected if any of these conditions are not met.
    • On iPhone, elements will now be allowed to play inline, and will not automatically enter fullscreen mode when
      playback begins.
    • elements without playsinline attributes will continue to require fullscreen mode for playback on iPhone.
    • When exiting fullscreen with a pinch gesture, elements without playsinline will continue to play inline.
