Keras 中的多变量时间预测-LSTMs





使用ARIMA进行时间序列预测 Prophet



如何用 LSTMs做预测?博士带你学LSTM


LSTM model arch for rare event time series forecasting


TS event forecasting with NN at Uber

Deep and Confident Prediction for TS at Uber

Engineering Extreme Event Forecasting at Uber with RNN

Forecasting at Uber: an intro

Short term traffic forecasting: where we are and where we're going

deep learning for short-term traffic flow prediction 


Using GANs for generation of realistic city-scale ride sharing/hailing data sets


Forecasting Taxi Demand with FCN and Temporal Guided Embedding 


Two-stream Multi-Channel CNN for Multi-Lane Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Traffic Volume Impact


gated residual recurrent GNN for traffic prediction 


Modeling ST Dynamics for traffic prediction 


Structure-aware CNN


semi-supervised cls with GCN





如何优雅地使用 Jupyter?


Hive 学习内置条件和字符串函数

Hive 学习之内置聚合函数





Python Cooper 


Tableau:Christopher Stolte 


Multiscale Visualization Using Data Cubes



Graph Neural Network Review by 吴天龙  


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下一篇:与容器服务 ACK 发行版的深度对话第二弹:如何借助 hybridnet 构建混合云统一网络平面