Design a HashSet without using any built-in hash table libraries.
To be specific, your design should include these functions:
: Insert a value into the HashSet. -
: Return whether the value exists in the HashSet or not. -
: Remove a value in the HashSet. If the value does not exist in the HashSet, do nothing.
MyHashSet hashSet = new MyHashSet(); hashSet.add(1); hashSet.add(2); hashSet.contains(1); // returns true hashSet.contains(3); // returns false (not found) hashSet.add(2); hashSet.contains(2); // returns true hashSet.remove(2); hashSet.contains(2); // returns false (already removed)
- All values will be in the range of
[0, 1000000]
. - The number of operations will be in the range of
[1, 10000]
. - Please do not use the built-in HashSet library.
class MyHashSet { List<Integer> list; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ public MyHashSet() { list = new ArrayList(); } public void add(int key) { if(list.indexOf(key) < 0) list.add((Integer) key); } public void remove(int key) { if(list.indexOf(key) >= 0) list.remove((Integer) key); } /** Returns true if this set contains the specified element */ public boolean contains(int key) { return list.indexOf((Integer) key) >= 0; } }
1. 相当于bruteforce了
class MyHashSet { boolean[] arr = new boolean[100];// start with 100 elements for fast initialization /** Initialize your data structure here. */ public MyHashSet() { } public void add(int key) { if(key>=arr.length) // if array is too small to accomodate key, extend it. extend(key); arr[key]=true; } public void remove(int key) { if(key>=arr.length) // if array is too small to accomodate key, extend it. return; arr[key]=false; } /** Returns true if this set contains the specified element */ public boolean contains(int key) { if(key>=arr.length) // key cannot be in array if array's length < key return false; return arr[key]==true; } public void extend(int key){ arr= Arrays.copyOf(arr, key+1); // extend array to one more item than necessary, we need "key" items. // we give "key+1" items to reduce collisions. } }