[AWS - DA] S3


  • Object values are the content of body:
    • Max Object Size 5TB (5000GB)
    • If uploading more than 5GB, must use "multi-part upload"
  • Metadata (list of text key /value pairs)
  • Tags (to to 10)
  • Version ID



  • It is enabled at bucket level
  • Same key overwrite willincrement the version : 1,2,3...
  • It is best practice to version your buckets
  • Any file that is not versioned prior to enabling versioning will have version "null"
  • Suspending versioning does not delete the previous versions


[AWS - DA] S3

[AWS - DA] S3

[AWS - DA] S3

  • HTTPS is mandatory for SSE-C

[AWS - DA] S3




  • User based
    • IAM polices - which API calls should be allowed for a specific user from IAM console
  • Resource based
    • Bucket Policies - bucket wide rules from the S3 console - allows cross account
    • Object Access Control (ACL) - finer grain
    • Bucket Access Control List (ACL) - less common
  • The user IAM permissions allow it OR the resource policy ALLOWS it
  • AND there's no explicit DENY
  • Networking
    • Supports VPC Endpoints (for instances in VPC without www internet)
  • Logging and Audit
    • S3 Access Logs can be stored in other s3 bucket
    • API calls can be logged in AWS CloudTrail
  • User security
    • MFA Delete: MFA can be required in versioned bucekts to delete objects
    • Pre-singed URLs: URLs that are valid only for a limited time

Replication (CRR & SRR)

  • Must enable versioning in source and destination
  • Cross Region Replication (CRR)
  • Same Region. Replication (SRR)
  • Buckets can be in different accounts
  • Copying is asynchronous
  • Must give proper IAM permissions to S3
  • CRR - Use case: compliance, lower latency access, replication across acounts
  • SRR - Use case: log aggregation, live replication between production and test accounts
  • After activating, only new objects are replicated
  • For DELETE operations:
    • Can Replicate delete markers from source to target (optional setting)
    • Deletions with a version ID are not replicated (to avoid mailcious deletes)
  • There is no "chaining" of replication
    • If bucket 1 has replication into bucket 2, which has replication into bucket 3
    • Then objects create in bucket 1 are not replicated to bucket 3

Consistency Model

  • Strong consistency as 12th 2020
  • After a:
    • successful write of a new object (new PUT)
    • or an overwrite or delete of an existing object (overwrite PUT or DELETE)
  • ...any:
    • subsequent read request immediately receives the latest version of the object
    • subsequent list request immediately reflects changes
  • Available at no additional cost, without any performance impact



  • MFA forces user to gerate a code on a device before doing important operations on S3
  • To use MFA-DELETE, enable Versioning on the S3 bucket
  • Only the bucket onwer (root account) can enable/disable MFA-DELETE
  • MFA-DELETE currently can only be enabled using CLI
  • You will need MFA to
    • permantly delete an object version
    • suspend versioning on the bucket
  • You won't need MFA for
    • enabling versioning
    • listing deleted version

 [AWS - DA] S3

  • Glacier min storage duration: 90 days
  • Deep Archive: 180 days

Amazon Glacier - 3 retrieval options

  • Expedited (1 to 5 mins)
  • Standard (3 to 5 hours)
  • Bulk (to to 12 hours)
  • Minimum storage duration of 90 days

Amazon Glacier Deep Archive - for long term storage - cheaper:

  • Standard (12 hours)
  • Bulk (48 hours)

[AWS - DA] S3

[AWS - DA] S3


上一篇:VEEAM replication配置步骤

下一篇:整理k8s————k8s prod相关[三]