
def kpi(cntxt, data, param):
    def _achi(k, v):
        k = float(k)
        v = float(v)
        if v == 0:
            return 0
            return k / v

    def achieving_rate(ar):
        if ar < 0.8:
            return 0
        elif 0.8 <= ar < 1:
            return 0.6 + (ar - 0.8) * 2
        elif 1 <= ar < 1.2:
            return 1 + (ar - 1) * 1
        elif ar >= 1.2:
            return 1.2

    # 汇总KPI不合格人员名单
    kpi_unqualified = {}
    for c in data["Compliance-KPI-汇总表"]:
        post = c["HR编码"]
        if post not in kpi_unqualified:
            kpi_unqualified[post] = {
                "产品组": c["产品组"],
                "9大类别": c["9大类别"],
                "备注": c["备注"],
                "HR编码": c["HR编码"],
                "HR姓名": c["HR姓名"]

    # 汇总2020KPI基数+奖金封顶值
    ceiling_bonuses_kpi = {}
    for b in data["KPI基数和奖金封顶值"]:
        bouns = b["员工编号"]
        ceiling_bonuses_kpi[bouns] = {
            "员工编号": b["员工编号"],
            "员工姓名": b["员工姓名"],
            "职务(中文)": b["职务(中文)"],
            "负责产品": b["负责产品"],
            "奖金封顶值": b["2020 Q3 Sales Incentive保留两位小数"],
            "行为合规奖金基数": b["2020 Q3  Compliance Bonus保留两位小数"]

    dai_entry = {}
    # 在岗员工异动/假期天数
    entry = {}
    # 汇总工作日历信息
    working_calendar = {}
    for w in data["工作日历"]:
        wc = w["日期"]
        if wc not in working_calendar:
            working_calendar[wc] = {
                "日期": w["日期"],
                "是否工作日": w["是否工作日"],
                "星期": w["星期"],
                "工作时间-正": w["工作时间-正"],
                "工作时间-反": w["工作时间-反"]
    # 汇总休假信息产假
    maternity_leave = {}
    for m in data["休假信息产假"]:
        # if m["First Day"] in working_calendar or m["Estimated Last Day"] in working_calendar or m["Actual Last Day"] in working_calendar:
        p = m["Employee ID"]
        if p not in maternity_leave:
            maternity_leave[p] = {
                "HR编码": m["Employee ID"],
                "姓名": m["CF_Chinese Full Name_CN"],
                "休假类型(含家庭假期)": m["Leave Type (Including Family)"],
                "最后一天工作时间": m["Last Day of Work"],
                "第一天假期时间": m["First Day"],
                "估计最后一天假期时间": m["Estimated Last Day"],
                "真正最后一天假期时间": m["Actual Last Day"],
                "Q3休假天数": m["Q3休假天数"],
                "休假天数": m["Total Days"],
                "备注": m["备注"]
    for m in maternity_leave:
        if m not in entry:
            entry[m] = {
                "HR编码": maternity_leave[m]["HR编码"],
                "休假工作日总天数": float(maternity_leave[m]["Q3休假天数"])

    # 汇总休假信息不含产假(病假)
    holiday = {}
    for l in data["休假信息不含产假"]:
        if l["Time Off Date"] in working_calendar:
            d = l["Employee ID"]
            if d not in holiday:
                holiday[d] = {
                    "HR编码": l["Employee ID"],
                    "姓名": l["CF_Chinese Full Name_CN"],
                    "休假类型": l["Type"],
                    "休假日期": l["Time Off Date"],
                    "休假工作日总天数": 0
            if float(l["Approved"]) < 12:
                holiday[d]["休假工作日总天数"] = 0
                holiday[d]["休假工作日总天数"] = l["Approved"]

    for h in holiday:
        if h not in entry:
            entry[h] = {
                "HR编码": holiday[h]["HR编码"],
                "休假工作日总天数": float(holiday[h]["休假工作日总天数"])
            entry[h] = {
                "HR编码": holiday[h]["HR编码"],
                "休假工作日总天数": float(entry[h]["休假工作日总天数"]) + float(holiday[h]["休假工作日总天数"])

    # 汇总人员信息入离职
    dimission = {}
    for i in data["人岗关系"]:
        if i["入职日期"] in working_calendar or i["离职日期"] in working_calendar:
            r = i["员工编号"]
            if r not in dimission:
                dimission[r] = {
                    "HR编码": i["员工编号"],
                    "员工姓名": i["员工姓名"],
                    "入职日期": i["入职日期"],
                    "离职日期": i["离职日期"],
                    "入岗时间是否是工作日": "1",
                    "离岗时间是否是工作日": "1",
                    "入岗工作时间-正": 1,
                    "离岗工作时间-正": 1,
                    "休假工作日总天数": 0
            if i["入职日期"] in working_calendar and i["离职日期"] in working_calendar:
                dimission[r]["入岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[i["入职日期"]]["工作时间-正"]
                dimission[r]["离岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[i["离职日期"]]["工作时间-反"]
                dimission[r]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[i["入职日期"]]["是否工作日"]
                dimission[r]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[i["离职日期"]]["是否工作日"]
            if i["入职日期"] in working_calendar and i["离职日期"] not in working_calendar:
                dimission[r]["入岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[i["入职日期"]]["工作时间-正"]
                dimission[r]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[i["入职日期"]]["是否工作日"]
            if i["入职日期"] not in working_calendar and i["离职日期"] in working_calendar:
                dimission[r]["离岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[i["离职日期"]]["工作时间-反"]
                dimission[r]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[i["离职日期"]]["是否工作日"]

            if dimission[r]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1" and dimission[r]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1":
                dimission[r]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(dimission[r]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(dimission[r]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 2
            if dimission[r]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1" and dimission[r]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0":
                dimission[r]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(dimission[r]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(dimission[r]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 1
            if dimission[r]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0" and dimission[r]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1":
                dimission[r]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(dimission[r]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(dimission[r]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 1
            if dimission[r]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0" and dimission[r]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0":
                dimission[r]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(dimission[r]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(dimission[r]["离岗工作时间-正"])
            # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", dimission[r])
    for n in dimission:
        if n not in entry:
            entry[n] = {
                "HR编码": dimission[n]["HR编码"],
                "休假工作日总天数": float(dimission[n]["休假工作日总天数"])
            entry[n] = {
                "HR编码": dimission[n]["HR编码"],
                "休假工作日总天数": float(entry[n]["休假工作日总天数"]) + float(dimission[n]["休假工作日总天数"])
    # for n in dimission:
    #     if n not in entry:
    #         if dimission[n]["休假工作日总天数"] < 12:
    #             entry[n] = {
    #                 "HR编码": dimission[n]["HR编码"],
    #                 "休假工作日总天数": 0
    #             }
    #         else:
    #             # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", dimission[n])
    #             entry[n] = {
    #                 "HR编码": dimission[n]["HR编码"],
    #                 "休假工作日总天数": float(dimission[n]["休假工作日总天数"])
    #             }
    #     else:
    #         # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", entry[n])
    #         if dimission[n]["休假工作日总天数"] >= 12:
    #             entry[n] = {
    #                 "HR编码": dimission[n]["HR编码"],
    #                 "休假工作日总天数": float(entry[n]["休假工作日总天数"]) + float(dimission[n]["休假工作日总天数"])
    #             }
    #         else:
    #             entry[n] = {
    #                 "HR编码": dimission[n]["HR编码"],
    #                 "休假工作日总天数": 0
    #             }
    #         # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", entry[n])

    # 汇总人员信息
    dimission1 = {}
    for i in data["人岗关系"]:
        r = i["员工编号"]
        if r not in dimission1:
            dimission1[r] = {
                "HR编码": i["员工编号"],
                "员工姓名": i["员工姓名"],
                "入职日期": i["入职日期"],
                "离职日期": i["离职日期"],
                "部门": i["部门"],
                "部门中文名称": i["部门中文名称"],
                "区域": i["区域"],
                "地区中文名称": i["地区中文名称"],
                "职务": i["职务"],
                "职务中文名称": i["职务中文名称"]

    # 汇总代岗信息
    generation = {}
    for ge in data["代岗信息"]:
        e = ge["岗位编码-代理岗位"]
        if e not in generation:
            generation[e] = {
                "岗位编码-代理岗位": ge["岗位编码-代理岗位"],
                "岗位编码-本岗位": ge["岗位编码-本岗位"],
                "HR姓名": ge["HR姓名"],
                "HR编码": ge["HR编码"],
                "入岗时间": ge["开始时间-代岗"],
                "离岗时间": ge["结束时间-代岗"],
                "入岗时间是否是工作日": "1",
                "离岗时间是否是工作日": "1",
                "入岗工作时间-正": 1,
                "离岗工作时间-正": 1,
                "休假工作日总天数": 0
        # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", generation[e])
        if ge["开始时间-代岗"] in working_calendar and ge["结束时间-代岗"] in working_calendar:
            generation[e]["入岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[ge["开始时间-代岗"]]["工作时间-正"]
            generation[e]["离岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[ge["结束时间-代岗"]]["工作时间-反"]
            generation[e]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[ge["开始时间-代岗"]]["是否工作日"]
            generation[e]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[ge["结束时间-代岗"]]["是否工作日"]
        if ge["开始时间-代岗"] in working_calendar and ge["结束时间-代岗"] not in working_calendar:
            generation[e]["入岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[ge["开始时间-代岗"]]["工作时间-正"]
            generation[e]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[ge["开始时间-代岗"]]["是否工作日"]
        if ge["开始时间-代岗"] not in working_calendar and ge["结束时间-代岗"] in working_calendar:
            generation[e]["离岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[ge["结束时间-代岗"]]["工作时间-反"]
            generation[e]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[ge["结束时间-代岗"]]["是否工作日"]

        if generation[e]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1" and generation[e]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1":
            generation[e]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(generation[e]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(generation[e]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 2
        if generation[e]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1" and generation[e]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0":
            generation[e]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(generation[e]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(generation[e]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 1
        if generation[e]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0" and generation[e]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1":
            generation[e]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(generation[e]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(generation[e]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 1
        if generation[e]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0" and generation[e]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0":
            generation[e]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(generation[e]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(generation[e]["离岗工作时间-正"])
        # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", generation[e])

    # 汇总代岗信息
    generation_main = {}
    for ge in data["代岗信息"]:
        e = ge["HR编码"]
        if e not in generation_main:
            generation_main[e] = {
                "岗位编码-代理岗位": ge["岗位编码-代理岗位"],
                "岗位编码-本岗位": ge["岗位编码-本岗位"],
                "HR姓名": ge["HR姓名"],
                "HR编码": ge["HR编码"],
                "入岗时间": ge["开始时间-代岗"],
                "离岗时间": ge["结束时间-代岗"]

    transaction = {}
    for t in data["异动"]:
        if t["Movement Effective Date"] in working_calendar:
            ts = t["Employee ID"]
            if ts not in transaction:
                transaction[ts] = {
                    "员工编号": t["Employee ID"],
                    "员工姓名": t["CHN Name"],
                    "生效日期": t["Movement Effective Date"],
                    "入职日期": t["Hire Date"],
                    "异动情况": t["Change Content"],
                    "变动前": t["Previous"],
                    "变动后": t["New"],
                    "基础工作地点": t["Base Work Location"],
                    "地区": t["Region"],
                    "部门": t["Department"],
                    "经理姓名": t["Manager Full Name"],
                    "入岗时间是否是工作日": "1",
                    "离岗时间是否是工作日": "1",
                    "入岗工作时间-正": 1,
                    "离岗工作时间-正": 1,
                    "休假工作日总天数": 0
            # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", generation[e])
            if t["Hire Date"] in working_calendar and t["Movement Effective Date"] in working_calendar:
                transaction[ts]["入岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[t["Hire Date"]]["工作时间-正"]
                transaction[ts]["离岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[t["Movement Effective Date"]]["工作时间-反"]
                transaction[ts]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[t["Hire Date"]]["是否工作日"]
                transaction[ts]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[t["Movement Effective Date"]]["是否工作日"]
            if t["Hire Date"] in working_calendar and t["Movement Effective Date"] not in working_calendar:
                transaction[ts]["入岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[t["Hire Date"]]["工作时间-正"]
                transaction[ts]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[t["Hire Date"]]["是否工作日"]
            if t["Hire Date"] not in working_calendar and t["Movement Effective Date"] in working_calendar:
                transaction[ts]["离岗工作时间-正"] = working_calendar[t["Movement Effective Date"]]["工作时间-反"]
                transaction[ts]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] = working_calendar[t["Movement Effective Date"]]["是否工作日"]

            if transaction[ts]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1" and transaction[ts]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1":
                transaction[ts]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(transaction[ts]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(transaction[ts]["离岗工作时间-正"]) - 1
            if transaction[ts]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1" and transaction[ts]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0":
                transaction[ts]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(transaction[ts]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(transaction[ts]["离岗工作时间-正"])
            if transaction[ts]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0" and transaction[ts]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "1":
                transaction[ts]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(transaction[ts]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(transaction[ts]["离岗工作时间-正"])
            if transaction[ts]["入岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0" and transaction[ts]["离岗时间是否是工作日"] == "0":
                transaction[ts]["休假工作日总天数"] = int(transaction[ts]["入岗工作时间-正"]) + int(transaction[ts]["离岗工作时间-正"]) + 1
            # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", transaction[ts])

    business_architecture = {}
    for b in data["2020Q3全产品商业架构"]:
        jg = b["省区经理岗位编码"]
        if jg not in business_architecture:
            business_architecture[jg] = {
        if b["机构省份1"] not in business_architecture[jg]["省区经理负责省份"]:

    # 汇总双倍扣减数据
    deduction = {}
    for i in data["双倍扣减数据商业"]:
        group = i["省份"]
        if group not in deduction:
            deduction[group] = {
                "销售额": 0
        deduction[group]["销售额"] += float(i["销售额"])
        # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", deduction[group])
    # 汇总商业销售指标数据(指标汇总,划分省份和产品)
    business_sell = {}
    for bs in data["商业销售数据"]:
        if bs["记帐日期"] in ["2020-01", "2020-02", "2020-03", "2020-04", "2020-05", "2020-06"]:
        b = bs["省份"]
        if b not in business_sell:
            business_sell[b] = {
                "销售日期": bs["销售日期"],
                "省份": bs["省份"],
                "省份代码": bs["省份代码"],
                "产品": bs["产品"],
                "销售类型": bs["销售类型"],
                "销量归属城市经理商业ID": bs["销量归属城市经理商业ID"],
                "销量归属城市经理商业名称": bs["销量归属城市经理商业名称"],
                "城市": bs["城市"],
                "城市经理岗位": bs["城市经理岗位"],
                "城市经理": bs["城市经理"],
                "省区经理岗位": bs["省区经理岗位"],
                "省区经理": bs["省区经理"],
                "大区经理": bs["大区经理"],
                "季度商业销售金额": 0
        business_sell[b]["季度商业销售金额"] += float(bs["销售额"])
    # 加上双倍扣减数据
    for u in business_sell:
        if deduction.get(u, ""):
            business_sell[u]['季度商业销售金额'] += deduction[u]["销售额"]

    business_index = {}
    for bi in data["2020Q3商务指标-分省"]:
        b = bi["省份"]
        if b not in business_index:
            business_index[b] = {
                "年": bi["年"],
                "季度": bi["季度"],
                "产品": bi["产品"],
                "省份": bi["省份"],
                "季度商业指标金额": 0,
                "季度商业销售金额": business_sell[b]["季度商业销售金额"] if business_sell.get(b, 0) else 0,
        business_index[b]["季度商业指标金额"] += float(bi["指标金额"])

    hospital_performance = {}
    for hp in data["全产品组Q3奖金测算"]:
        if hp["省区经理岗位编码"] == None:
        h = hp["省区经理岗位编码"]
        # h = (hp["省区经理岗位编码"],hp["省区经理工号"])
        if h not in hospital_performance:
            hospital_performance[h] = {
                "大区经理岗位编码": hp["大区经理岗位编码"],
                "大区经理岗位": hp["大区经理岗位"],
                "大区经理工号": hp["大区经理工号"],
                "大区经理姓名": hp["大区经理姓名"],
                "省区经理岗位": hp["省区经理岗位"],
                "省区经理工号": hp["省区经理工号"],
                "省区经理姓名": hp["省区经理姓名"],
                # "省区经理负责省份": business_architecture[hp["省区经理岗位编码"]]["省区经理负责省份"] if business_architecture.get(hp["省区经理岗位编码"], "") else "",
                # "sf_set":[],
                "医院指标": 0,
                "医院销售": 0,
                "商业指标": 0,
                "商业销售": 0,
                "行为合规奖金": 0,
                "异动/休假天数": entry[hp["省区经理工号"]]["休假工作日总天数"] if entry.get(hp["省区经理工号"], 0) else 0,
                "季度考核比例": 0,
                "入职/岗日期": dimission1[hp["省区经理工号"]]["入职日期"] if dimission1.get(hp["省区经理工号"], "") else "",
                "离职/岗日期": dimission1[hp["省区经理工号"]]["离职日期"] if dimission1.get(hp["省区经理工号"], "") else "",
                "2020 Q3 Sales Incentive-MAX":ceiling_bonuses_kpi[hp["省区经理工号"]]["奖金封顶值"] if ceiling_bonuses_kpi.get(hp["省区经理工号"], 0) else 0,
        # hospital_performance[h]["sq_set"].append(hp["sy_set"])
        hospital_performance[h]["医院指标"] += float(hp["季度医院指标金额"])
        hospital_performance[h]["医院销售"] += float(hp["季度医院销售金额"])
        hospital_performance[h]["下属岗位数"] += 1
        hospital_performance[h]["下属岗位医院业绩奖金"] += float(hp["岗位业绩达成奖-医院"])
        hospital_performance[h]["下属岗位商业业绩奖金"] += float(hp["岗位业绩达成奖-商业"])
        hospital_performance[h]["医院达成率"] = _achi(hospital_performance[h]["医院销售"],hospital_performance[h]["医院指标"])
        if hospital_performance[h]["医院达成率"] >= 0.85:
            hospital_performance[h]["医院岗位业绩奖金"] = hospital_performance[h]["下属岗位医院业绩奖金"] * 0.33
            hospital_performance[h]["医院岗位业绩奖金"] = 0
        # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", hospital_performance[h])
        # for s in hospital_performance[h]["城市经理负责省份"]:
        for s in hp["城市经理负责省份"]:
            if s in business_index and s not in hospital_performance[h]["省区经理负责省份"]:
            # if s in business_index and s not in hospital_performance[h]["省区经理负责省份"]:
                hospital_performance[h]["商业指标"] += business_index.get(s, "")["季度商业指标金额"]
                hospital_performance[h]["商业销售"] += business_index.get(s, "")["季度商业销售金额"]
        # for s in hospital_performance[h]["省区经理负责省份"]:
        #     if s in business_index and s not in hospital_performance[h]["sf_set"]:
        #         hospital_performance[h]["sf_set"].append(s)
        #         hospital_performance[h]["商业指标"] += business_index.get(s, "")["季度商业指标金额"]
        #         hospital_performance[h]["商业销售"] += business_index.get(s, "")["季度商业销售金额"]
        hospital_performance[h]["商业达成率"] = _achi(hospital_performance[h]["商业销售"], hospital_performance[h]["商业指标"])
        if hospital_performance[h]["商业达成率"] >= 0.85:
            hospital_performance[h]["商业岗位业绩奖金"] = hospital_performance[h]["下属岗位商业业绩奖金"] * 0.33
            hospital_performance[h]["商业岗位业绩奖金"] = 0
        hospital_performance[h]["岗位业绩奖金合计"] = hospital_performance[h]["商业岗位业绩奖金"] + hospital_performance[h]["医院岗位业绩奖金"]

    for u in hospital_performance:
        # 异动人员
        if hospital_performance[u]["省区经理工号"] in transaction and hospital_performance[u]["岗位状态"] != "代岗":
            hospital_performance[u]["岗位状态"] = "异动"
            hospital_performance[u]["入职/岗日期"] = transaction.get(hospital_performance[u]["省区经理工号"],"")["入职日期"]
            hospital_performance[u]["离职/岗日期"] = transaction.get(hospital_performance[u]["省区经理工号"],"")["生效日期"]
            hospital_performance[u]["异动/休假天数"] = transaction.get(hospital_performance[u]["省区经理工号"],"")["休假工作日总天数"]
        to = hospital_performance[u]["省区经理岗位编码"]
        if "TBA" in str(hospital_performance[u]["省区经理姓名"]) or hospital_performance[u]["省区经理姓名"] == "(空白)":
            hospital_performance[u]["岗位状态"] = "空岗"
        if to in generation:
            import copy
            dai_entry[to] = copy.deepcopy(hospital_performance[u])
    for d in dai_entry:
        if generation.get(dai_entry[d]["省区经理岗位编码"], ""):
            dai_entry[d]["省区经理姓名"] = generation.get(dai_entry[d]["省区经理岗位编码"], "")["省区经理姓名"]
            dai_entry[d]["省区经理工号"] = generation.get(dai_entry[d]["省区经理岗位编码"], "")["省区经理工号"]
            dai_entry[d]["入职/岗日期"] = generation.get(dai_entry[d]["省区经理岗位编码"], "")["入岗时间"]
            dai_entry[d]["离职/岗日期"] = generation.get(dai_entry[d]["省区经理岗位编码"], "")["离岗时间"]
            dai_entry[d]["异动/休假天数"] = generation.get(dai_entry[d]["省区经理岗位编码"], "")["休假工作日总天数"]
            dai_entry[d]["岗位状态"] = "代岗"
    for i in dai_entry:
        de = dai_entry[i]["省区经理岗位编码"]
        if de in hospital_performance and hospital_performance.get(de,"")["岗位状态"] != "在岗":
            hospital_performance[de] = dai_entry[i]

    # 代岗人的的主岗小于百分之80
    generation_main1 = {}
    for c in hospital_performance:
        if hospital_performance[c]["省区经理工号"] in kpi_unqualified and kpi_unqualified.get(hospital_performance[c]["省区经理工号"], "")["9大类别"] != "合规":
            # sdk.util.console_log(cntxt["task_id"], "info", Total_data[c])
            hospital_performance[c]["行为合规成绩是否合格"] = "不合格"
            hospital_performance[c]["行为合规成绩是否合格"] = "合格"
        if ceiling_bonuses_kpi.get(hospital_performance[c]["省区经理工号"], 0) and hospital_performance[c]["岗位状态"] == "在岗" or hospital_performance[c]["岗位状态"] == "异动":
            hospital_performance[c]["行为合规奖金基数"] = float(ceiling_bonuses_kpi[hospital_performance[c]["省区经理工号"]]["行为合规奖金基数"])
            hospital_performance[c]["行为合规奖金基数"] = 0

        if hospital_performance[c]["岗位状态"] == "空岗":
            hospital_performance[c]["季度考核比例"] = 0
            hospital_performance[c]['季度考核比例'] = (67 - hospital_performance[c]["异动/休假天数"]) / 67

    return [hospital_performance[t] for t in hospital_performance]


上一篇:Please clean your repository working tree before checkout

下一篇:Working with covering indexes