



class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var type = typeof(List<int>);
var ctor = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); //使用Activator
var list1 = Activator.CreateInstance(type); //使用ObjectActivator
var activator = GetActivator<List<int>>(ctor);
var list = activator.Invoke(); Console.ReadKey();
} public delegate T ObjectActivator<out T>(params object[] args); public static ObjectActivator<T> GetActivator<T>(ConstructorInfo ctor)
ParameterInfo[] paramsInfo = ctor.GetParameters(); //create a single param of type object[]
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "args");
Expression[] argsExp = new Expression[paramsInfo.Length]; //pick each arg from the params array
//and create a typed expression of them
for (int i = ; i < paramsInfo.Length; i++)
Expression index = Expression.Constant(i);
Type paramType = paramsInfo[i].ParameterType; Expression paramAccessorExp = Expression.ArrayIndex(param, index); Expression paramCastExp = Expression.Convert(paramAccessorExp, paramType); argsExp[i] = paramCastExp;
} //make a NewExpression that calls the
//ctor with the args we just created
NewExpression newExp = Expression.New(ctor, argsExp); //create a lambda with the New
//Expression as body and our param object[] as arg
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(typeof(ObjectActivator<T>), newExp, param); //compile it
ObjectActivator<T> compiled = (ObjectActivator<T>)lambda.Compile();
return compiled;
} }
