Unity周记: 2021.07.26-08.15

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Creator Spotlight: Minute of Islands by Studio Fizbin
    2. Creator Spotlight: Praey for the Gods | No Matter Studios
    3. Creator Spotlight: Harold Halibut | Slow Bros.
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. The EdTech Creator Challenge call for submissions is now open
    2. Try the new LookDev Studio prototype today
    3. Must-have Mega Bundles to become a prototyping powerhouse
    4. Five ways to speed up your workflows in the Editor
    5. Made with Unity: Soccer robots with ML-Agents
    6. Plastic SCM for Unity: Better workflows for stronger collaboration
    7. Unity-NYU 3D style transfer research kicks off
    8. Creating Sony Pictures’ Ghostbusters: Afterlife ECTO-1 interactive display using Unity
    9. Optimize your mobile game performance: Expert tips on graphics and assets
    10. Publisher Sale highlight: Set your game in motion with dynamic character animations
    11. Updated guide for using Neon intrinsics in Unity Burst
    12. 2D art creation in Dragon Crashers
    13. Feast your eyes on the best creations from our Unity Forma Challenge
    14. Marketing products in hyper-realistic ways with Unity ArtEngine
  3. 微信公众号 - Unity官方平台
    1. M_Studio《3D RPG Course | Core 核心功能》教程试听,持续更新中
    2. Unity 2021.2技术更迭版 | 关于Unity工作流的速度提升
    3. Unity驱动holoride Elastic SDK,让车载游戏进入沉浸式时代
    4. 新手能用Unity Forma创作出什么?看到作品后惊呆了
    5. 高性能远程流媒体技术公司Parsec加入Unity
    6. SIGGRAPH 2021即将开启,Unity技术分享精彩看点(内含免费购票码)
    7. Cocktail Media推出韩国首部使用Unity制作的动画连续剧
    8. Unity 分发平台新动向,提供更为个性化的游戏发布体验
    9. 观看量超7千万,Unity帮助这场VR音乐狂欢走进巴黎圣母院
    10. Unity 2021.2 beta | Package Manager全新功能集
    11. 官方教程 | 如何使用 HDRP 创作高质量材质效果
    12. Unity @ ChinaJoy 2021持续高能输出,多场技术分享赋能开发者
    13. Unity技术开放日-上海站有多硬核?进来看看就知道(内附资料下载)
    14. Unity携多款游戏大作亮相ChinaJoy 2021,重磅发布跨端移植服务
    15. 史上最难节奏游戏《永不言弃》如何“变身”抖音小游戏,收获百万新玩家?
    16. 今夏最硬核的游戏开发者盛会,Unity @ ChinaJoy 2021系列活动到底有多酷
    17. 引力奇点·Metaverse峰会即将开启,来看Unity如何助力Metaverse
    18. 在次世代主机上全新蜕变,《胡闹厨房》是怎么做到的?
    19. Unity Reflect Review新添注释等功能,让项目审查更高效
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. [Unity 活动] ChinaJoy C馆直播-探寻MWU 2021年7月30日14点场
    2. 神经网络风格化捏脸的方法综述
    3. [Unity教程] 利用Addressable和CCD实现动态关卡加载
    4. [Unity 活动]-Unity 技术开放日 上海站录播
