今天推荐 Mac OSX 下,方便高效的包管理工具 brew
brew 的全名叫做 Homebrew
它的功能类似于 ubuntu 下同下 apt-get ,或者 Cent OS 下的 yum 等包管理工具. 我们可以很方便的 安装,更新,卸载软件
brew 的官网
brew 安装
打开你的 mac 终端命令行工具,输入下面的脚本
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
因为我之前安装过.所以在此输入安装脚本后,提示 Homebrew 已经安装过
➜ /Users/zhangzhi >ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
It appears Homebrew is already installed. If your intent is to reinstall you
should do the following before running this installer again:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall)"
brew 安装软件
brew install 软件名称
我的电脑通过 brew 安装了 nvm 输入下面的脚本运行
➜ /Users/zhangzhi >brew install nvm
brew 查看已安装的软件
brew list 可以查看所有安装的软件
当你具体想查看某一款软件的时候,可以用 info
brew info 软件名称
比如你可以查看已经安装的 nvm 信息
➜ /Users/zhangzhi >brew info nvm
nvm: stable 0.26.1 (bottled), HEAD
Manage multiple Node.js versions
/usr/local/Cellar/nvm/0.26.1 (3173 files, 56M) *
Poured from bottle
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/nvm.rb
==> Caveats
Add NVM's working directory to your $HOME path (if it doesn't exist):
mkdir ~/.nvm
Copy nvm-exec to NVM's working directory
cp $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm-exec ~/.nvm/
Add the following to $HOME/.bashrc, $HOME/.zshrc, or your shell's
equivalent configuration file:
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm.sh
Type `nvm help` for further information.
Bash completion has been installed to:
brew 查询软件
brew search git
➜ /Users/zhangzhi >brew search git
bagit git-cal git-flow-avh git-multipush git-sh git-town gitup topgit
bash-git-prompt git-cola git-ftp git-now git-ssh git-tracker legit
easy-git git-crypt git-gerrit git-number git-stree git-url-sub libgit2
geogit git-encrypt git-hooks git-octopus git-subrepo gitbucket libgit2-glib
git git-extras git-imerge git-open git-test giter8 magit
git-annex git-fixup git-integration git-plus git-tf github-release modgit
git-archive-all git-flow git-lfs git-review git-tig gitslave stgit
homebrew/binary/subgit Caskroom/cask/digital-power-station Caskroom/cask/gity
homebrew/emacs/git-messenger Caskroom/cask/digital Caskroom/cask/laullon-gitx
homebrew/emacs/git-modes Caskroom/cask/git-annex Caskroom/cask/lego-digital-designer
homebrew/fuse/gitfs Caskroom/cask/git Caskroom/cask/logitech-control-center
homebrew/games/git-game Caskroom/cask/gitbook Caskroom/cask/logitech-gaming-software
homebrew/head-only/git-hg Caskroom/cask/gitbox Caskroom/cask/logitech-harmony
homebrew/head-only/git-svn-abandon Caskroom/cask/github-desktop Caskroom/cask/logitech-media-server
homebrew/head-only/git-utils Caskroom/cask/githubpulse Caskroom/cask/logitech-myharmony
homebrew/head-only/gitstats Caskroom/cask/gitifier Caskroom/cask/logitech-options
homebrew/head-only/willgit Caskroom/cask/gitify Caskroom/cask/logitech-unifying
homebrew/tex/git-latexdiff Caskroom/cask/gitter Caskroom/cask/rowanj-gitx
homebrew/versions/git-tf-2.0.2 Caskroom/cask/gitup Caskroom/cask/smartgit
Caskroom/cask/adobe-digital-editions Caskroom/cask/gitx Caskroom/cask/snagit
列出了 git 相关的各种软件
brew 卸载软件
brew uninstall 软件名称
brew 其他相关命令
brew update 更新 Homebrew brew home 在浏览器端打开 Homebrew 官网 brew deps 显示包的依赖信息