SAP Spartacus 3.0部署在development environment上
SAP Spartacus 3.0部署在development environment上


NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(AppServerModule)[ApplicationModule -> ApplicationRef -> ApplicationInitStatus -> InjectionToken Application Initializer -> [object Object] -> InjectionToken ConfigInitializer -> [object Object] -> spartacus_core_OccConfigLoaderService -> InjectionToken SERVER_REQUEST_URL -> InjectionToken SERVER_REQUEST_URL -> InjectionToken SERVER_REQUEST_URL -> InjectionToken REQUEST]:

NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken REQUEST!


In the mean time could you check in your storefront’s “package.json” file. You should see a dependency named “@nguniversal/express-engine” and a devDependency named “@nguniversal/builders”. They are most likely both on version “^9.1.0”. Can you try changing them both to “^10.1.0” and push those changes to your release branch. You will then need to create a new build and deployment.That should resolve the issue.


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