Ubuntu set up 8 - shortcut for enable/disable touchpad



I created this bash script from negusp's answer. It finds and toggles TouchPad device. You can configure a custom shortcut to it in system settings.


read TPdevice <<< $( xinput | sed -nre '/TouchPad|Touchpad/s/.*id=([0-9]*).*/\1/p' )
state=$( xinput list-props "$TPdevice" | grep "Device Enabled" | grep -o "[01]$" )

if [ "$state" -eq '1' ];then
    xinput --disable "$TPdevice" && notify-send -i emblem-nowrite "Touchpad" "Disabled"
    xinput --enable "$TPdevice" && notify-send -i input-touchpad "Touchpad" "Enabled"

I'm setting Ctrl+Shift+F9 for toggle touchpad enable and disable like this:

Ubuntu set up 8 - shortcut for enable/disable touchpad

Update: You may need to make your script to executable with command chmod +x filename or input /bin/bash /filepath to Command field of Custom shortcut window.

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