一天一只顽猴想去从山脚爬到山顶,途中经过一个有个N个台阶的阶梯,但是这猴子有一个习惯: 每一次只能跳1步或跳3步,试问猴子通过这个阶梯有多少种不同的跳跃方式?
解答要求时间限制:1000ms, 内存限制:100MB 输入输入只有一个整数N(0<N<=50)此阶梯有多少个阶梯
样例输入样例 1 复制
3 50
输出样例 1
2 122106097提示样例 1
提示 思路:动态规划,数组,递归 代码:
// we have defined the necessary header files here for this problem. // If additional header files are needed in your program, please import here. int main() { int A[55] = {0}; int N; A[1] = 1; A[2] = 1; A[3] = 2; for(int i = 4;i<51;i++) { A[i] = A[i-1]+A[i-3]; } while(scanf("%d",&N)!=EOF) { printf("%d\n",A[N]); } // please define the C input here. For example: int n; scanf("%d",&n); // please finish the function body here. // please define the C output here. For example: printf("%d\n",a); return 0; }