SQL scripts

  • Add a column with default current date time
    ALTER TABLE [TableName]
  • How to Quickly Create a Copy of a Table using Transact-SQL 
    The easiest way to create a copy of a table is to use a Transact-SQL command. Use SELECT INTO to extract all the rows from an existing table into the new table. The new table must not exist already. The following example will copy the Customers table under the Sales schema to a new table calledCurrCustomers under the BizDev schema:
    SELECT * INTO BizDev.CurrCustomers FROM Sales.Customers
    You can also create the new table from a specific subset of columns in the original table. In this case, you specify the names of the columns to copy after the SELECT keyword. Any columns not specified are excluded from the new table. The following example copies specific columns to a new table:
    SELECT CustName, Address, Telephone, Email INTO BizDev.CurrCustomers
    FROM Sales.Customers
  • Rename database
    ALTER DATABASE [CurrentDatabaseName]
    Modify Name = [NewDatabaseName]
上一篇:MongoDB 实现 create table tab2 as select

下一篇:create table test_create_table_CreateAs as select * from test_create_table; 表结构的破坏 复制字段结构 复制表结构 LIKE