# include <atdio. h>
typedef struct
int orientation ;
char rpt_name[25];
char rpt_path[40];
int destination;
char output_file[25];
int starting_page;
int ending_page;
char db_name[25];
char db_path[40];
int draft_quality;
void main (void);
int print_report (RPT_PARMS* );
void main (void)
RPT_PARMS rpt_parm; /*define the report parameter
structure variable * /
/* set up the report parameter structure variable to pass to the
print_report 0 function */
rpt_parm. orientation = ORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
rpt_parm.rpt_name = "QSALES.RPT";
rpt_parm. rpt_path = "Ci\REPORTS"
rpt_parm. destination == DEST_FILE;
rpt_parm. output_file = "QSALES. TXT" ;
rpt_parm. starting_page = 1;
rpt_pann. ending_page = RPT_END;
rpt_pann.db_name = "SALES. DB";
rpt_parm.db_path = "Ci\DATA";
rpt_pann. draft_quality = TRUE;
/*call the print_report 0 function; paaaing it a pointer to the
parameteM inatead of paMing it a long liat of 10 aeparate
parameteM. * /
ret_code = print_report(cu*pt_parm);
int print_report(RPT_PARMS*p)
int rc;
/*acccM the report parametcra paaaed to the print_report()
function */
Kt_printer_quality((p->draft_quality == TRUE) ? DRAFT ; NORMAL);
return rc;