
import win32api

def getFileProperties(fname):
读取给定文件的所有属性, 返回一个字典.
propNames = ('Comments', 'InternalName', 'ProductName',
'CompanyName', 'LegalCopyright', 'ProductVersion',
'FileDescription', 'LegalTrademarks', 'PrivateBuild',
'FileVersion', 'OriginalFilename', 'SpecialBuild') props = {'FixedFileInfo': None, 'StringFileInfo': None, 'FileVersion': None} try:
fixedInfo = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\')
props['FixedFileInfo'] = fixedInfo
props['FileVersion'] = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] / 65536,
fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] % 65536, fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] / 65536,
fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] % 65536) # \VarFileInfo\Translation returns list of available (language, codepage)
# pairs that can be used to retreive string info. We are using only the first pair.
lang, codepage = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\VarFileInfo\\Translation')[0] # any other must be of the form \StringfileInfo\%04X%04X\parm_name, middle
# two are language/codepage pair returned from above strInfo = {}
for propName in propNames:
strInfoPath = u'\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\%s' % (lang, codepage, propName)
## print str_info
strInfo[propName] = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, strInfoPath) props['StringFileInfo'] = strInfo
pass return props if __name__ = "__main__":




>>> pprint(getFileProperties(path))
{'FileVersion': '3.6.2150.1013',
'FixedFileInfo': {'FileDate': None,
'FileFlags': 0,
'FileFlagsMask': 63,
'FileOS': 4,
'FileSubtype': 0,
'FileType': 1,
'FileVersionLS': 140903413,
'FileVersionMS': 196614,
'ProductVersionLS': 140903413,
'ProductVersionMS': 196614,
'Signature': -17890115,
'StrucVersion': 65536},
'StringFileInfo': {'Comments': None,
'CompanyName': 'Python Software Foundation',
'FileDescription': 'Python',
'FileVersion': '3.6.2',
'InternalName': 'Python Console',
'LegalCopyright': 'Copyright © 2001-2016 Python Software '
'Foundation. Copyright © 2000 '
'BeOpen.com. Copyright © 1995-2001 CNRI. ' 'Copyright © 1991-1995 SMC.',
'LegalTrademarks': None,
'OriginalFilename': 'python.exe',
'PrivateBuild': None,
'ProductName': 'Python',
'ProductVersion': '3.6.2',
'SpecialBuild': None}}


上一篇:【原创】python实现视频内的face swap(换脸)

下一篇:python 读取wav 音频文件的两种方式