The end of other

The end of other

For language training our Robots want to learn about suffixes.

In this task, you are given a set of words in lower case. Check whether there is a pair of words, such that one word is the end of another (a suffix of another). For example: {"hi", "hello", "lo"} -- "lo" is the end of "hello", so the result is True.

Hints: For this task you should know how to iterate through set types and string data type functions. Read more about set type hereand string functions here.

Input: Words as a set of strings.

Output: True or False, as a boolean.


一开始认为set可以使用index,就像数组般使用,可惜了,set并不支持。想想也合理,c++中的set也是不支持[]索引的,于是乎想到了for xx in xx形式,加上提示:str.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]),恍然大悟,给出拙劣的Python代码

1 def checkio(words_set):
2 for words in words_set:
3 for other_words in words_set:
4 if other_words != words and other_words.endswith(words):
5 return True
7 return False


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