Machine Learning
- 引言(Introduction)
- 单变量线性回归(Linear Regression with One Variable)
- 线性代数(Linear Algebra)
- 多变量线性回归(Linear Regression with Multiple Variables)
- Octave
- 逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)
- 正则化(Regularization)
Part 1 :Introduction
- Machine Learning:
- Idea:
- 给予机器自己学习解决问题的能力
- 先得自己搞明白了才有可能教会机器自己学习呐。。
- Machine learning algorithms:
- Supervised learning
- Unsupervised learning
- Others: Recommender systems(推荐系统) ; Reinforcement learning(强化学习)
- Supervised learning(监督学习)
Use to do :
- Make predictions
- Right answers set is GIVEN
- Regression problems(回归问题)
我们给出正确的数据集,期望算法能够预测出continuous values(连续值)。 - Classification problems(分类问题)
我们给出正确的数据集,期望算法能够预测出discrete valued(离散值) 。
(the features can be more than 2 , Even infinite.)
- Regression problems(回归问题)
- Unsupervised learning(无监督学习)
- We just give the data and hope it can automatically find structure in the data for us.
- Clustering algorithms(聚类算法)
- In fact I find the unsupervised learning looks like the classification problems . The only difference is whether or not
the data set is GIVENGive the correct data ahead of time .
- In fact I find the unsupervised learning looks like the classification problems . The only difference is whether or not
- We just give the Disorderly data sets , and hope the algorithm can automatically find out the structure of the data , and divide it into different clusters wisely.
- Octave
- 用octave建立算法的原型,如果算法成立,再迁移到其他的编程环境中来,如此才能使效率更高。
Part 2 :单变量线性回归(Linear Regression with One Variable)
- 算法实现过程:
- Method:
- Training set Learning algorithm hypothesis function(假设函数) Find the appropriate form to represent the hypothesis function
- Training set Learning algorithm hypothesis function(假设函数) Find the appropriate form to represent the hypothesis function
- 简单来说就是我们给出Training Set , 用它来训练我们的Learning Algorithm ,最终期望能够得到一个函数 h(theta), 这也就是预测的模型,通过这个模型,我们能够实现输入变量集,然后就能够返回对应的预测值。
- Cost function(代价函数)
- 对于房价问题,我们决定使用Linear function 来拟合曲线 ,设 h(x)= theta(0)+theta(1)* x
- 因为我们最后想要得到的就是 h(x),对于 x 来说,它是始终变化的,每一条数据对应着不同的变量集,无法固定;所以algorithm想要确定的就是不变的量 theta集 了。在以后的操作中,因为我们想要求得的是 theta集,所以更多的时候,我们会把 x 看作是常量,却把 theta 看作是变量,所以一定不要糊涂了。
建模误差(modeling error)
- 我们选择的参数决定了我们得到的直线相对于我们的训练集的准确程度,模型所预测的值与训练集中实际值之间的差距就是建模误差(modeling error)。
- Cost function sometimes is also called squared error function(平方误差函数)
- Cost function 用于描述建模误差的大小。
一般来说,误差越小,Cost function 就能够更好的与数据集相拟合,但这并不是绝对的,因为这有可能会产生过拟合问题。 -
把它进一步的拆开来看就应该是这样子的:J( theta(0),theta(1) ) = 1/2m * Sigma [1-m] {theta(0)+theta(1)* x(i) - y(i)}(可能就我一人能看懂。。) - 平方误差函数只是 Cost function 中的一种形式。在这里我们之所以选择squared error function , 是因为对于大多数问题,特别是回归问题,它是一个合理的选择。还有其他的代价函数也能很好地发挥作用,但是平方误差代价函数可能是解决回归问题最常用的手段了。
- Gradient descent(梯度下降) algorithm
- 我们已经知道了,**h(theta)**是用来拟合数据集的函数,如果拟合的好,那么预测的结果不会差。J(theta集)被称为代价函数,如果代价函数较小,则说明拟合的好。而此时的theta集就是我们就是问题的解了。
- 我们已经知道了我们的目标theta集,那么如何求得theta集呢?
- Gradient descent!
- Start with some para0,para1…
- Keep changing paras to reduce J (para0,para1) to find some local minimum
- Start with different parameters , we may get different result
- (所以,我们保证J(theta集)与各个theta构成的函数是一个凸函数,换句话说保证存在唯一的极小值=极小值)
- Until we hopefully end up at a minimum
<a> is learning rate which control how big a step we use to upgrade the paras.
So if the <a> is too small , the algorithm will run slowly ; but if <a> is too big , it can even make it away from the minimum point .
另外,每次theta下降的幅度都是不一样的,这是因为实际上theta每次下降多少是由 【<a>*Derivative Term】这个整体决定的,<a>是下降幅度的重要决定因子,但并不是全部。
在每次下降以后,Derivative Term都会变小,下一次下降的幅度也会变小,如此,控制梯度慢慢的下降,直到Derivative Term=0。 -
the rest of the formula is the Derivative Term(导数项) of theta
In this image,we can find that no matter the Derivative Term of theta is positive or negative , the Gradient descent algorithm works well
the Details of the formula:
With the changing of the paras,the derivative term is changing too.
Make sure updating the paras at the same time.(simultaneous update同步更新)
For what? Because the derivative should use the former para rather than the new.
- Gradient descent for linear regression
“Batch” Gradient descent :
- Each step of gradient descent uses all the training examples .
- 在梯度下降公式中存在某一项需要对所有m个训练样本求和。
- 将梯度下降与代价函数相结合
The result:
- This is the result after derivation. And we can find that comparing with the first formula , the second has a x term at the end . It does tell us something that the variable is para0 and para1 , not the x or y . Although they looks more like variables.
- After derivation , for the first formula we have nothing left , for the second , we just has a constant term(常数项) x left .
- We have other ways to computing J(theta):
- 正规方程(normal equations),它可以在不需要多步梯度下降的情况下,也能解出代价函数的最小值。
- 实际上在数据量较大的情况下,梯度下降法比正规方程要更适用一些。
Part 3 :线性代数(Linear Algebra)
- Matrices and vectors (矩阵和向量)
- Rectangular array of numbers.
- 二维数组
The dimension(维度) of the matrix :
- number of row * number of columns
Matrix Elements :
- How to refer to the element
- How to refer to the element
- An n*1 matrix . ( n dimensional vector. n维向量)
- How to refer to the element in it
- We use 1-indexed vector
- We use upper case to refer to the matrix and lower case refer to the vector.
- Addition and scalar multiplication (加法和标量乘法)
- 行列数相等才能进行加法运算:
- 标量与矩阵的乘法:
- Matrix-vector multiplication(矩阵-向量乘法)
- A’s row number must be equal with B’s column number .
- Matrix-matrix multiplication(矩阵-矩阵乘法)
- Details:
- Just as matrix-vector , the most important thing is to make sure A’s columns number is equal with B’s rows number .
- C’s columns number is equal with B’s .
- n fact , before multiply between Matrixs , we can divide B into several vectors by columns, and then we can make the Matrix- Vector multiplication.
- A column of B corresponding a hypothesis , and a column of C corresponding a set of prediction .
- Matrix multiplication properties(矩阵乘法特征)
Properties :
- Do not enjoy commutative property(不遵循交换律)
- Enjoy the associative property(遵循结合律)
Identity Matrix(单位矩阵):
它是个方阵,从左上角到右下角的对角线(称为主对角线)上的元素均为1。除此以外全都为0。它的作用就像是乘法中的1。 -
is the identity matrix .
A(m , n) * I(n , n) = I(m , m) * A(m , n)
M1’s column number should be equal with M2’s row number .
- Matrix inverse operation(矩阵的逆运算)
- Attention:
- Only square matrix have inverse .
- Not all number have inverse , such as 0 .
- Matrix transpose operation(矩阵的转置运算)
- Definition:
- Official definition:
即将A与B的x , y坐标互换 - 矩阵转置的基本性质:
Part 4:多变量线性回归(Linear Regression with Multiple Variables)
- Multiple feature(多功能)
- So the final prediction result is a vector too .
- 可以发现,多变量线性回归和单变量线性回归基本是一样的,唯一的变化就是theta变成了theta集;变量x变成了x集。
- Gradient descent for multiple variables(多元梯度下降法)
- 与单变量线性回归类似,在多变量线性回归中,我们也构建一个代价函数,则这个代价函数是所有建模误差的平方和
- 代价函数:
- 梯度下降法应用到代价函数并求导之后得到:
Feature scaling(特征缩放):
- Purpose:
Make the gradient descent runs faster .
尤其是如果我们采用多项式回归模型,在运行梯度下降算法前,特征缩放非常有必要。 - Idea:
Make sure number are in similar scale . - Usage:
- The range limit :
Get every feature range from -3 to 3 or -1/3 to 1/3 . That’s fine .In fact there is no problems , because the feature is a real number ! That’s means it will never change .
x 是变量,并且它是已知的,我们可以从data set 中直接获得,我们可以对它进行特征缩放;theta是未知的,是我们要求的目标。
- Purpose:
- 特征缩放缩放的是 已知的 变量x ,而不是 未知的 常量theta 。
- 进行特征缩放是为了为了提高梯度下降的速度。
- Learning rate (学习率)
- Idea:
- If the gradient descent is working properly , then J should decrease after every iteration.
- 梯度下降算法收敛所需要的迭代次数根据模型的不同而不同,我们不能提前预知,我们可以绘制迭代次数和代价函数的图表来观测算法在何时趋于收敛。
- Convention:
- 通常可以考虑的学习率<a>的数值:
- 通常可以考虑的学习率<a>的数值:
- Summary:
- If <a> is too small slow move
- If <a> is too big J may not decrease on every iteration .
- Features and Polynomial regression(多变量和多项式回归)
- Linear regression 并不适应所有的数据模型,有时我们需要曲线来适应我们的数据,比如一个二次方模型:
- 通常我们需要先观察数据再确定最终的模型
- 如果我们采用多项式回归模型,在运行梯度下降算法前,特征缩放非常有必要。
- Normal equation(常规方程)
- 从数学上来看,想要求得J(theta) 的最小值,最简单的方法就是对它进行求导,令它的导数=0,得出此时的theta就是最终的结果
- 而正规方程方法的确就是这么干的
- 对于那些不可逆的矩阵(通常是因为特征之间不独立,如同时包含英尺为单位的尺寸和米为单位的尺寸两个特征,也有可能是特征数量大于训练集的数量),正规方程方法是不能用的。
- 这就是正规方程的局限性
- Example:
- The Comparison of Gradient descent and Normal equation
Gradient descent :
Normal equation :
- Need to compute [x’*x]^(-1) , So if n is large it will run slowly .
- Do not fit every situations (只适用于线性模型,不适合逻辑回归模型等其他模型).
- 只要特征变量的数目并不大,标准方程是一个很好的计算参数的替代方法。具体地说,只要特征变量数量小于一万,我通常使用标准方程法,而不使用梯度下降法。
- Normal equation 不可逆情况
- 第一要降低features之间的相关度
- 第二要适当的减少features 的数量