
day12 1. 练习题第八题,将数字的每一位都+2,转换成一个新数字(整数和小数) def number(s): “”“如果不是int或者float类型就提示输入数字,就剔除了字母的情况,包括多个.等异常情况”“” new_s = [] if isinstance(s,float): # 如果是float类型,用.分割两边的数,然后再根据长度相加2 ss = str(s).split('.') s1 = ss[0] s2 = ss[1] s1_len = len(s1)*'2' s2_len = len(s2)*'2' new_s1 = int(s1)+int(s1_len) new_s2 = int(s2)+int(s2_len) new_s = "{}.{}".format(new_s1,new_s2) print(new_s) elif isinstance(s, int): ss = len(str(s)) add_num = ss*'2' new_num = str(int(s) + int(add_num)) print(new_num) else: print("please input number!") 控制流 2.设定一个用户名和密码,用户输入正确的用户名和 密码,则显示登录成功,否则提示登录失败,用户最多失败 3 次,否则退出程序 user = {'name':'zhangsan','password':'123456'} def login(user) for i in range(3): name = str(input("please input name:")) password = str(input('please input password:')) if name == user['name'] and password == user['password']: print("login success") break else: print('login error')   3.自己实现一个函数,在一句话中查找某个单词的算 法,存在返回索引号,否则返回 False def find_index(s,index): if isinstance(s,str) and isinstance(index,str): if index in s: index_len = len(index) for i in range(len(s)): if s[i:i+index_len] == index: return [i,i+index_len] else: return False else: print('please input str')   4.随机生成一个整数,1-100 之间你最多猜 5 次,如 果猜大了,提示大了小了,提示小了,猜对了,提示猜中。 5 次都没猜中,就猜没猜中。 import random target = random.randint(1,100) print("当前随机数字:%s" % target) for i in range(5): num = int(input('请输入你猜的数字:')) if num > target: print('猜大了') elif num < target: print("你猜小了") elif num == target: print("你猜对了") print("你猜了%s次" %str(i+1)) break else: print("异常错误") if i == 4: print('你的机会用完了')   5.关于格式化输出%s 和 %d >>> i = 1 >>> print("%d" % i) 1 >>> print("%d" % i+1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str >>> print("%d" %i+1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str >>> print("%d" %(i+1)) 2 >>> print("%s" %str(i+1)) 2  

