English interview - how to express your skills during the interview process?(probably used in resume,cover letter)


We can use the formula below to express our skills in English.

Formula: adv/adj + verb phrase + purpose/result (副词/形容词 动词短语 + 目的(to XXX))


If you want to show you are a team player, you can express it using the sentence below:

"actively collaborate to coworkers to meet the needs of clients and search for compromise."

Description of the example

"actively" is adv

"collaborate to coworkers" is verb phrase.

"to meet the needs of clients and search for compromise" is the results or purpose.

It‘s easy, right?

Some useful words


  • easily
  • proactively
  • effectively
  • innovatively
  • creatively
  • open minded
  • accountablely :有责任的XXX
  • willingly : 主动XXX


  • able to
  • assess
  • design
  • solve
  • communicate
  • employ


  • identify
  • fulfill
  • requirments
  • needs
  • outcome
  • products
  • control risk

specific skills you can taling about in the interview


  • 需求分析:assessing the needs and preferences of customers or clients
  • 产出分析:assessing the outcomes of a solution
  • 设计创新性的产品:designing innovative products
  • 解决困难的问题:solving complex problems


  • 技术写作:Technical writing
  • 达成一致:build consensus
  • 通过口语和写作轻松的和各方交流:easily communicates both orally and in wrinting with peers,supervisors,clients.
  • 展示积极的听能力来识别需求和达成一致:employ active listening to identify requirments and build consensus
  • 展示公众演讲的能力来提高技术水平:employ public speaking skills to improve the tecnical levels


  • 很强的工作道德感:strong work ethic
  • 尊重工作:show respect for my work
  • 勇于承担责任 : accountablely to take responsibilities on the work
  • 快速恢复:quickly recoving from setbacks


  • 清晰的知道在组内的角色:clearly understand my role of the group
  • 乐观的鼓励同事:positively encourage coworkes when facing stressful times
  • 欣然接受合作:willingly welcome the varying ideas and search for compromise
  • 投入工作:strong commitment to work

Technology skills

  • 快速学习新技术:quickly pick up the new technologies
  • 在专业领域指导他人的能力:ability to coach others in a field of expertise
  • 优秀的java技术:excellent programming skills in java
  • 有XX框架的经验:experience with XXX
  • 对干净代码和重构有热情:passion for clean code
  • 了解XXX原理并有实际应用经验:know-how in XXX

English interview - how to express your skills during the interview process?(probably used in resume,cover letter)

上一篇:带你彻底明白 Android Studio 打包混淆
