Thinking in React Implemented by Reagent


 本文是学习Thinking in React这一章后的记录,并且用Reagent实现其中的示例。


  1. 构造恰当的数据结构
  2. 从静态非交互版本开始
  3. 追加交互代码


Since you’re often displaying a JSON data model to a user, you’ll find that if your model was built correctly, your UI (and therefore your component structure) will map nicely.







It’s best to decouple these processes because building a static version requires a lot of typing and no thinking, and adding interactivity requires a lot of thinking and not a lot of typing.


  1. 目标:得到符合React规范的View结构
  2. 目标:得到最低标准的可交互的React应用
  3. 目标:补充业务逻辑,细化交互
  4. 目标:连接远程数据源,细化交互
(ns demo.core
(:require [reagent.core :as re]) (def products [
{:category "Sporting Goods", :price "$49.99", :stocked true, :name "Football"}
{:category "Sporting Goods", :price "$9.99", :stocked true, :name "Baseball"}
{:category "Sporting Goods", :price "$29.99", :stocked false, :name "Basketball"}
{:category "Electronics", :price "$99.99", :stocked true, :name "iPod Touch"}
{:category "Electronics", :price "$399.99", :stocked false, :name "iPhone 5"}
{:category "Electronics", :price "$199.99", :stocked true, :name "Nexus 7"}
]) (declare <filterable-product-table>
<product-row>) (declare get-rows) (defn <filterable-product-table>
[<product-table> products]]) (defn <search-bar>
[:input {:placeholder "Search..."}]
[:input {:type "checkbox"}]
"Only show products in stock."]) (defn <product-table>
[:th "Name"]
[:th "Price"]]]
(get-rows products)]]) (defn assemble-rows
(fn [{:keys [cate] :as rows-info} product]
(let [curr-cate (:category product)
curr-rows (if (not= curr-cate cate)
(list ^{:key curr-cate}[<product-category-row> curr-cate])
rows (cons ^{:key (:name product)} [<product-row> product] curr-rows)]
(-> rows-info
(assoc :cate curr-cate) ;; 更新cate值
(fn [o rows]
(concat rows o))
rows)))) ;; 更新rows值
{:cate nil :rows '()}
products)) (defn get-rows
(-> (assemble-rows products)
reverse)) (defn <product-category-row>
[:td {:colSpan 2} cate]]) (defn <product-row>
[:td (when (:stocked product) {:style {:color "red"}})
(:name product)]
[:td (:price product)]])

Thinking in React Implemented by Reagent




(ns demo.core
(:require [reagent.core :as re]) (def products [
{:category "Sporting Goods", :price "$49.99", :stocked true, :name "Football"}
{:category "Sporting Goods", :price "$9.99", :stocked true, :name "Baseball"}
{:category "Sporting Goods", :price "$29.99", :stocked false, :name "Basketball"}
{:category "Electronics", :price "$99.99", :stocked true, :name "iPod Touch"}
{:category "Electronics", :price "$399.99", :stocked false, :name "iPhone 5"}
{:category "Electronics", :price "$199.99", :stocked true, :name "Nexus 7"}
]) (declare <filterable-product-table>
<product-row>) (declare get-rows
validate-product) (defn <filterable-product-table>
(let [search-text (re/atom "")
stocked? (re/atom false)
on-search-text-change #(reset! search-text (.. % -target -value))
on-stocked?-change #(reset! stocked? (.. % -target -checked))]
(fn []
[<search-bar> on-search-text-change on-stocked?-change]
[<product-table> (filter (partial validate-product @search-text @stocked?) products)]]))) (defn validate-product
[search-text stocked? product]
(and (if stocked? (:stocked product) true)
(as-> search-text %
(re-pattern (str "(?i)" %))
(re-find % (:name product))))) (defn <search-bar>
[on-search-text-change on-stocked?-change]
[:input {:placeholder "Search..."
:onChange on-search-text-change}]
[:input {:type "checkbox"
:onChange on-stocked?-change}]
"Only show products in stock."]) (defn <product-table>
[:th "Name"]
[:th "Price"]]]
(get-rows products)]]) (defn assemble-rows
(fn [{:keys [cate] :as rows-info} product]
(let [curr-cate (:category product)
curr-rows (if (not= curr-cate cate)
(list ^{:key curr-cate}[<product-category-row> curr-cate])
rows (cons ^{:key (:name product)} [<product-row> product] curr-rows)]
(-> rows-info
(assoc :cate curr-cate) ;; 更新cate值
(fn [o rows]
(concat rows o))
rows)))) ;; 更新rows值
{:cate nil :rows '()}
products)) (defn get-rows
(-> (assemble-rows products)
reverse)) (defn <product-category-row>
[:td {:colSpan 2} cate]]) (defn <product-row>
[:td (when (:stocked product) {:style {:color "red"}})
(:name product)]
[:td (:price product)]])


(defn <statefull-cmp> [data]
(let [local-state (re/atom nil)
on-change #(reset! local-state (.. % -target -value))]
(fn []
[:input {:onChange on-change}]
[:span @local-state]]))) (re/render [<statefull-cmp> 1]
(.querySelector js/document "#app"))


 尊重原创,转载请注明转自: _肥仔John


上一篇:Mac os x 系统的发展史

下一篇:返璞归真 mvc (1) - 添加、查询、更新和删除的 Demo