Azure CentOS 虚拟机启用 ROOT 账户

If you tried to access your instance using SSH as root:

# ssh -i PrivateKey.pem  root@Floating-IP-Address Where Flaoting-IP-Address is the flaoting IP address associated with your instance. You might get this message: “Please login as the user “centos” rather than the user “root”.” Then the connection will close.

Steps To Allow Root Access Through SSH

  1. Login as the user “centos”:
# ssh -i PrivateKey.pem  centos@Floating-IP-Address
  1. Change to root:
# sudo -s
  1. Edit the file “/root/.ssh/authorized_keys” (# vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys) and keep it only contains the key (starts with “sh-rsa”) without the restrictions that exist at the begining of the file.
  2. Open the file “/etc/ssh/sshd_config” and uncomment the line “PermitRootLogin yes”
  3. Restart SSH daemon:
# systemctl restart sshd

Now you can SSH as root to your instance.
Note: You need to automate the above if your servers are created/ deleted on demand and SSH public keys are inserted in servers on boot by Openstack.


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